- Abandoned Cistern
- Abandoned House Chest Key
- Abandoned Journal
- Abandoned Journal (Lower City)
- Abandoned Refuge
- Abandoned Windmill
- Abattoir Key
- Abazigal, the Fourth
- Abby
- Abdel's Trusted Shield
- Abdirak
- Aberrant Shape
- Aberrant Shape (Condition)
- Aberration
- Aberration Hunter
- Aberration Hunters' Amulet
- Abilities
- Ability Drain
- Ability Drain: Dexterity (Condition)
- Ability Drain: Strength (Condition)
- Abjuration
- Abjuration School
- Abjure Enemy
- Abjure Enemy: Frightened (Condition)
- Abjure Enemy: Slow (Condition)
- Ablaze
- About Creation of Orphic Hammer
- Abraxa
- Absolute
- Absolute's Aegis
- Absolute's Bane
- Absolute's Enemy (Condition)
- Absolute's Protector
- Absolute's Smite
- Absolute's Talisman
- Absolute's Talisman: Aid
- Absolute's Tempest
- Absolute's Warboard
- Absolute's Ward
- Absolute Confidence Amulet
- Absolute Consumption (Condition)
- Absolute Night
- Absolute Orders: Newborn
- Absolute Outfit
- Absolute Power
- Absolute Questioner
- Absolute set
- Absolutely Unnerving
- Absolutist Expedition Key
- Absolving the Wayward Heart
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements: Acid Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Cold Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Fire Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Lightning Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Thunder Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Intellect
- Absorbed Essence: Abazigal (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Amelyssan (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Illasera (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Sendai (Condition)
- Absorbed Intellect (Condition)
- Abyss Beckoners
- Accelerated Grand Design
- Account of the Establishment of Crèche Y'llek
- Accounting Book - I
- Accounting Book - II
- Accounting Book - III
- Accretion
- Accursed Coins
- Accursed Spectre (passive feature)
- Accursed Spectre (reaction)
- Achievements
- Acid
- Acid (Condition)
- Acid (disambiguation)
- Acid (surface)
- Acid Barrel
- Acid Breath
- Acid Infusion (Condition)
- Acid Reflux (Condition)
- Acid Resistance (Condition)
- Acid Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Acid Splash
- Acid Vial
- Acid set
- Acidic Regurgitation
- Acolyte
- Acolyte of Nature
- Acolyte of the Absolute
- Acorn Truffle
- Acquire the Gauntlets for Helsik
- Acquisitions
- Acquisitions Record
- Acrobat Shoes
- Acrobatics
- Act One
- Act One/Approval
- Act Three
- Act Three/Approval
- Act Two
- Act Two/Approval
- Action Surge
- Action Surge (Condition)
- Actions
- Activate Call Lightning
- Activate Witch Bolt
- Actor
- Adamantine
- Adamantine Backlash
- Adamantine Chest
- Adamantine Forge
- Adamantine Golem
- Adamantine Key
- Adamantine Longsword
- Adamantine Mace
- Adamantine Reverberation
- Adamantine Reverberation (Condition)
- Adamantine Scale Mail
- Adamantine Scimitar
- Adamantine Shield
- Adamantine Shield (passive feature)
- Adamantine Skin
- Adamantine Slag
- Adamantine Splint Armour
- Adaptable Skullduggery
- Add'ath
- Additional Spell Slot
- Addled Frog
- Address Book
- Adept of the Absolute
- Adhesive Whip
- Adjust Seeming
- Adjustable Steel Helm
- Adjusted Ranged Equipment Trader Table
- Admit Two - Oasis Theatre
- Adopters of Culture
- Adrenaline Rush
- Adrielle
- Adrip with Kereska's Acid (Condition)
- Adroit Caster
- Adroit Caster (Condition)
- Adroit Reflexes
- Advanced Unarmoured Movement
- Advantage
- Adventurer's Chest
- Adventurers, Our Best Hope for the City
- Adventurers Wanted
- Adventures on the Sea of Fallen Stars
- Alan Alyth
- Alarmed Debtor (Condition)
- Albert
- Alchemical Extracts
- Alchemist's Fire
- Alchemist's Fire (action)
- Alchemy
- Alchemy Books Table
- Alchemy Pouch
- Alcohol
- Alcohol (Condition)
- Alcohol (surface)
- Alembrosius
- Alert
- Alexander's Hand
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alfira
- Alia Durinbold
- Alioramus
- Allandra's Whelm
- Allandra Grey
- Aloe Oil
- Altar Key
- Alternate Form: Dire Wolf
- Alternate Form: Dire Wolf (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Minotaur
- Alternate Form: Minotaur (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Phase Spider
- Alternate Form: Phase Spider (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff
- Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff (Condition)
- Alturiak 1477
- Always Hungry
- Aly's Last Wishes
- Amadine Heartwood
- Amanita Szarr
- Amaps' Memoirs
- Ambushed (Condition)
- Ambusher
- Ambusher's Streak
- Ambusher (+1)
- Ambusher (+2)
- Ambushing (Condition)
- Ambushing Bite (Condition)
- Amek
- Amelyssan, the Sixth
- Amethyst
- Amethyst Ring
- Aminah
- Amira
- Amnian Dessert Wine
- Amnos
- Amorphous
- Amulet of Bhaal
- Amulet of Branding
- Amulet of Elemental Torment
- Amulet of Greater Health
- Amulet of Misty Step
- Amulet of Restoration
- Amulet of Selûne's Chosen
- Amulet of Silvanus
- Amulet of Windrider
- Amulet of the Devout
- Amulet of the Drunkard
- Amulet of the Harpers
- Amulet of the Unworthy
- Amulets
- An Alternative Perspective: The Weave
- An Apple a Day
- An Archduke's Leadership: Decorum
- An Archduke's Leadership: Discipline
- An Archduke's Leadership: Protection
- An Archduke's Leadership: Public Works
- An Archduke's Leadership: Surveillance
- An Archduke's Leadership: Verification
- An Assurance
- An End to Suffering
- An History of the Society of Brilliance as Told by Its Members
- An Offer
- An Open Heresy
- An Open Letter on Oppression and Peacocks
- An Opportunity from the Society of Brilliance
- An Overdue Reunion
- An Unexpected Talent
- Anarchic Blue Outfit
- Anarchic White Outfit
- Ancient Giant Eagle
- Ancient Grudges
- Ancient Grudges (Condition)
- Ancient Lair
- Ancient Mausoleum
- Ancient Mausoleum Key
- Ancient Mud Mephit
- Ancient Scroll
- Ancient Selûnite Journal
- Ancient Servant
- Ancient Sigil Circle
- Ancient Temple
- Anders
- Andorn
- Andrick
- Andrik
- Angelclocker Knuckles
- Angelic Plume Helmet
- Angelic Scion Outfit
- Angleiron's Cellar
- Animal Friendship
- Animal Handling
- Animalistic Vitality (Condition)
- Animate Dead
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul Flock
- Animate Dead: Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Ghoul Pack
- Animate Dead: Skeleton
- Animate Dead: Skeleton Squad
- Animate Dead: Zombie
- Animate Dead: Zombie Batallion
- Animate Dead (Balthazar)
- Animate Dead (Duergar)
- Animated Armour
- Animating Spores
- Animus Screech
- Anita Fischer
- Anna Lidwin
- Annotated Ship's Manifest
- Anointed in Splendour (Condition)
- Anomalous Coral
- Anonymous letter
- Anouk
- Ansur
- Ansur's Finest Recruitment Poster
- Ansur's Ire (Condition)
- Ansur/Combat
- Anti-Hag Support Group
- Anti-Hag Support Group Poster
- Antidote
- Antimagic Susceptibility
- Antinia
- Antinnia
- Antique Key
- Antony
- Antwun Dufay
- Anya
- Anything Spare?
- Ao
- Arabella
- Arabella's Shadow Entangle
- Arabellan Dry
- Arachnid Compulsion
- Arachnid Jump
- Aradin's Key
- Aradin Beno
- Araj Oblodra
- Aranea
- Aranea Aculeata
- Aranea Major
- Arcagh
- Arcana
- Arcane
- Arcane Absorption
- Arcane Absorption Dagger
- Arcane Acuity (Condition)
- Arcane Ammunition
- Arcane Ammunition (Condition)
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Ashes
- Arcane Battery
- Arcane Battery (Condition)
- Arcane Charge (Condition)
- Arcane Critical
- Arcane Critical (Condition)
- Arcane Cultivation
- Arcane Echomalefaction
- Arcane Enchantment (+1)
- Arcane Enchantment (+2)
- Arcane Gate
- Arcane Harpoon Arrow
- Arcane Hunger (Condition)
- Arcane Lock
- Arcane Lock (Condition)
- Arcane Radiance
- Arcane Recovery
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Bursting Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Piercing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
- Arcane Synergy (Condition)
- Arcane Tower
- Arcane Tower (Map)
- Arcane Trickster
- Arcane Turret
- Arcane Vampirism
- Arcane Vehemence
- Arcane Vivaciousness
- Arcane Ward
- Arcane Ward (Condition)
- Arcanely Honed (Condition)
- Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass
- Archer's Eye
- Archer Velicia
- Archery
- Archibald Ravenshade
- Archivist
- Arctic
- Arden
- Ardent
- Ardent Apostle (Condition)
- Arduous Flame Blade
- Area level
- Areas
- Arensen
- Arfur's Mansion
- Arfur's Private Musings
- Arfur Gregorio
- Argram
- Argument Solver
- Arka
- Arkhen's Hoard
- Arkleia Oloril
- Armbrust's Home
- Armbrust's Ledger
- Arming Enhancement
- Armour
- Armour Class
- Armour Trader Table
- Armour of Agathys
- Armour of Agathys (Condition)
- Armour of Agility
- Armour of Devotion
- Armour of Hexes
- Armour of Landfall
- Armour of Moonbasking
- Armour of Persistence
- Armour of Shadows
- Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Armour of the Sporekeeper
- Armoured Crab
- Armoured Owlbear
- Arms of Hadar
- Arms of Hadar (Condition)
- Army Arcana
- Arnell Hallowleaf
- Arnell Hallowleaf/Transcript
- Arrinye
- Arron
- Arrow
- Arrow of Aberration Slaying
- Arrow of Acid
- Arrow of Arcane Interference
- Arrow of Beast Slaying
- Arrow of Celestial Slaying
- Arrow of Construct Slaying
- Arrow of Darkness
- Arrow of Dragon Slaying
- Arrow of Elemental Slaying
- Arrow of Fey Slaying
- Arrow of Fiend Slaying
- Arrow of Fire
- Arrow of Giant Slaying
- Arrow of Humanoid Slaying
- Arrow of Ice
- Arrow of Ilmater
- Arrow of Ilmater (Condition)
- Arrow of Lightning
- Arrow of Many Targets
- Arrow of Monstrosity Slaying
- Arrow of Ooze Slaying
- Arrow of Piercing
- Arrow of Plant Slaying
- Arrow of Roaring Thunder
- Arrow of Salving
- Arrow of Sparrow Slaying
- Arrow of Transposition
- Arrow of Undead Slaying
- Arrows
- Arsonist's Oil
- Arsonist's Oil (Condition)
- Art Appraisal
- Art Cullagh
- Art Show Schedule
- Artefact Mission: Agent Roster
- Artefact Mission: Challenges
- Arthus
- Artificer's Lore
- Artificial Leech
- Artificial Leech (+1)
- Artificial Sight
- Artimezt
- Arves
- As Per My Last Letter
- Ascendant Bite
- Ascended Fiend (Condition)
- Ash
- Ashaba Dusk
- Asharak
- Ashes of Balsam
- Ashes of Daggerroot
- Ashes of Dragon Egg Mushroom
- Ashes of Dried Fey Flower
- Ashes of Fire Amber
- Ashes of Hyena Ear
- Ashes of Imp Patagium
- Ashes of Mephit Magma
- Ashes of Worg Fang
- Ashes of Wyvern Stinger
- Ask the Goblin Priestess for Help
- Aspect of Athkatla
- Aspect of the Beast: Bear
- Aspect of the Beast: Chimpanzee
- Aspect of the Beast: Crocodile
- Aspect of the Beast: Eagle
- Aspect of the Beast: Elk
- Aspect of the Beast: Honey Badger
- Aspect of the Beast: Stallion
- Aspect of the Beast: Tiger
- Aspect of the Beast: Wolf
- Aspect of the Beast: Wolverine
- Aspect of the Elk
- Aspect of the Elk (Condition)
- Aspect of the Elk Aura (Condition)
- Aspect of the Stallion (Condition)
- Aspect of the Wolf
- Aspect of the Wolf (Condition)
- Aspect of the Wolf Aura (Condition)
- Aspen Lamentation
- Assassin
- Assassin's Alacrity
- Assassin's Blood
- Assassin's Folly
- Assassin's Instructions
- Assassin's Shortsword
- Assassin's Touch
- Assassin of Bhaal Cowl
- Assassinate: Ambush
- Assassinate: Initiative
- Astarion
- Astarion's Eccentric Clothes
- Astarion's Underwear
- Astarion/Approval
- Astarion/Banter
- Astarion/Romance
- Astral-Touched Tadpole
- Astral Conduit (Condition)
- Astral Gravity (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge
- Astral Knowledge: Charisma
- Astral Knowledge: Charisma (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Dexterity
- Astral Knowledge: Dexterity (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Intelligence
- Astral Knowledge: Intelligence (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Strength
- Astral Knowledge: Strength (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Wisdom
- Astral Knowledge: Wisdom (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge (Condition)
- Astral Plane
- Astral Prism
- Astral Rift
- Astral Step
- Astyl
- Aubree
- Augmented Shield of Thralls
- Auntie's Trickery
- Auntie Ethel
- Auntie Ethel's Charm
- Auntie Ethel's Hair
- Auntie Ethel's Special Brew (Condition)
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Aura of Bloodthirst (Condition)
- Aura of Brutality (Condition)
- Aura of Conquest (Condition)
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Courage (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Courage (Condition)
- Aura of Devotion
- Aura of Devotion (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Devotion (Condition)
- Aura of Hate
- Aura of Hate (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Hate (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (class action)
- Aura of Murder (passive feature)
- Aura of Penance
- Aura of Possibility (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Possibility (Condition)
- Aura of Protection
- Aura of Protection (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Protection (Condition)
- Aura of Terror
- Aura of Terror (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Terror (Condition)
- Aura of Vile Oblivion (Condition)
- Aura of Warding
- Aura of Warding (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Warding (Condition)
- Aurelia
- Authority
- Automaton
- Automaton Component
- Autumncrocus
- Ba'akreth
- Baalfe
- Baalor Ale
- Baby Blue and Gold Dye
- Babyjowls
- Backbreaker
- Backgrounds
- Backgrounds (Legacy)
- Backless Extravaganza
- Backpack
- Bad Omen
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Baelen's Alchemical Notes
- Baelen's Pack
- Baelen Bonecloak
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bag of Moulding
- Bagdog
- Bagel
- Bagida's Diary
- Baguette
- Bail Report
- Bailey
- Bakshi
- Bal
- Bala Ofran
- Balance
- Baldur's Bones
- Baldur's Gate
- Baldur's Gate 3
- Baldur's Gate 3 - Original Soundtrack
- Baldur's Gate Books Table
- Baldur's Gate Protectors
- Baldur's Gate Stone
- Baldur's Gate Temple Of Bhaal
- Baldur's Gate and the Dialectics of Plunder
- Baldur's Grape
- Baldur's Mouth
- Baldur's Mouth 1492 DR Issue 83
- Baldur's Mouth Gazette
- Balduran
- Balduran's Favour
- Balduran's Giantslayer
- Balduran's Vitality
- Balduran Founds a City
- Balduran the Sailor
- Baldurian Mash
- Baldurian Seafood Stew
- Baleful Knowledge (Condition)
- Ball
- Ballista Arrow
- Ballroom Invitation
- Balm of the Moonmaiden
- Balsam
- Balthazar
- Balthazar's Experiment
- Balthazar's Notes
- Balthazar, the Fifth
- Balthazar Personal Notes: 2
- Balthazar Personal Notes: 3
- Banana
- Band of the Mystic Scoundrel
- Bandit's Armour
- Bandit's Key
- Bane
- Bane's Book of Admonitions
- Bane's Brutality (Condition)
- Bane's Wrath
- Bane (Condition)
- Bane (God)
- Bane (spell)
- Baneful Bond
- Baneful Strike
- Baneful Strike (Condition)
- Banished
- Banished (Condition)
- Banishing Smite
- Banishing Smite (Melee)
- Banishing Smite (Ranged)
- Banishment
- Banite Request Form
- Bank Pass
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Clothes
- Barbarian set
- Barbed Arrow
- Barbed Device
- Barbed Vine
- Barber Shears
- Barber kit
- Barcus' Log
- Barcus Wroot
- Bard
- Bardic Attack
- Bardic Defence
- Bardic Inspiration
- Bardic Inspiration (Condition)
- Bardic Inspiration (passive feature)
- Bardic Inspiration set
- Bardic Roll
- Bareki
- Barely-Legible Letter
- Baretha
- Barkskin
- Barkskin (Condition)
- Barkskin Armour
- Barkskin Recipe
- Barnabus' Collar
- Barnz
- Baron Bormul's Will
- Barracks
- Barracks Office Key
- Barrel-Aged Callidyrran
- Barren's Coop
- Barsik
- Barth
- Barton
- Basement Key (Forge of the Nine)
- Basic Poison
- Basics of Beginner's Dwarvish
- Basilisk Gate Barracks
- Basilisk Oil
- Bat
- Battered Lute
- Battered Note
- Battle-Ready Owlbear
- Battle-Worn Blade
- Battle Acuity
- Battle Master
- Battle Plans
- Battleaxe
- Battleaxe +1
- Battleaxes
- Battlemage's Power
- Baxta
- Baz Hopbank
- Be Wary of Foreigners!
- Beach House Hatch Key
- Beach at Dusk
- Beacon of Hope
- Beacon of Hope (Condition)
- Beak Attack
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven)
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven Companion)
- Beak Attack (Raven Familiar)
- Beak Attack (Shadow-Cursed Raven)
- Bear
- Bear's Endurance
- Bear's Endurance (Condition)
- Bear Claw
- Bear Companion
- Bear Heart
- Bearclaw
- Beast Cage Key
- Beast Master
- Beast Speech
- Beast Tamer
- Beastmaster's Chain
- Beating the House: Divination and Gambling
- Beatrice Provoss
- Beckoning Darkness
- Beckoning Darkness (Condition)
- Become Our Friend
- Become the Bulwark
- Bed Linen
- Bedi
- Bedroll
- Beehive General Goods
- Befuddled (Condition)
- Beggar's Portrait
- Beguiled (Condition)
- Beguiling Defences
- Beguiling Influence
- Beguiling Rebuke
- Beheading the Bitterroots
- Behir Scales
- Behold Protection's Future: The Steel Watch!
- Beholder
- Beholder Iris
- Beholder Ray
- Bel
- Beldron
- Belford Willoughby
- Bella
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Belladonna
- Bellar
- Bellows
- Belm
- Beloved Sons
- Belub
- Belynne Stelmane
- Ben Golewits
- Bend Luck
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus (Condition)
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty (Condition)
- Bend Luck (passive feature)
- Benign Transposition: Spent (Condition)
- Benign Transposition: Teleport
- Benji
- Bennel
- Benryn
- Benryr's Key
- Benta
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Beregost Blue Wedge
- Beregost Blue Wheel
- Bernard
- Berry Tart
- Berserk
- Berserk (Condition)
- Berserker
- Bert Adams
- Bestial Fury
- Bestow Curse
- Bestow Curse: Additional Damage
- Bestow Curse: Attack Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Constitution Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dexterity Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dread
- Bestow Curse: Intelligence Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Strength Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Wisdom Disadvantage
- Bewildering Adventurer's Pack
- Bex
- Bex's Handmade Cookies
- Bez
- Bhaal
- Bhaal's Edict
- Bhaal's Edict (Condition)
- Bhaal's Murderous Mark (Condition)
- Bhaal's Power Word Kill Ritual
- Bhaal Butler's Checklist – Morning
- Bhaal Cult Resurgence
- Bhaal Temple
- Bhaalist Armour
- Bhaalist Gloves
- Bhaalist Ritual Target (Condition)
- Bhaalist set
- Bhaalspawn
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Abazigal (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Amelyssan (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Illasera (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Sendai (Condition)
- Bibberbang
- Bibberbang Spores
- Bicorne of the Sea Beast
- Bided Time
- Big Delivery
- Big Pig (Condition)
- Bigboy's Chew Toy
- Bill
- Bill's Chest Key
- Billy
- Billyum
- Bind Hexed Weapon
- Bind Pact Weapon
- Bird
- Birka
- Birthright
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Bite
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Badger)
- Bite (Bat)
- Bite (Bulette)
- Bite (Cloaker)
- Bite (Dilophosaurus)
- Bite (Dire Wolf)
- Bite (Ghost Dogs)
- Bite (Gnoll)
- Bite (Gremishka)
- Bite (Hyena)
- Bite (Mapped Terror: Spiders)
- Bite (Mapped Terror: Wolves)
- Bite (Mimic)
- Bite (Mother's Loathing)
- Bite (Panther)
- Bite (Phase Spiderling)
- Bite (Rat)
- Bite (Rat Combatant)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Bite (Scratch)
- Bite (Spectator)
- Bite (Spider)
- Bite (Squire)
- Bite (Sword Spider)
- Bite (Tiny Spider)
- Bite (Vampire Spawn)
- Bite (Wolf)
- Bite (Worg)
- Bite (dog)
- Bitey Buddy
- Bitter Divorce
- Black Diamond
- Black Fist Enforcers
- Black Flare Leather Outfit
- Black Gauntlet of Bane
- Black Hole
- Black Hole (Condition)
- Black Mass Scroll
- Black Oleander
- Black Pudding Platter
- Black Tentacles
- Black Tentacles (Condition)
- Black and Azure Dye
- Black and Furnace Red Dye
- Black and Jade Green Dye
- Black and Summer Green Dye
- Blacked Out (Condition)
- Blackguard's Gauntlets
- Blackguard's Greaves
- Blackguard's Plate
- Blackguard's Sword
- Blackguard set
- Blackmail Letter
- Blackplume Helm
- Blacksmith's Chest Key
- Blacksmith's Note
- Blacksmith's Tongs
- Blackstaff
- Blade Barrier
- Blade Barrier (Condition)
- Blade Barrier (area)
- Blade Flourish
- Blade Ward
- Blade Ward (Condition)
- Blade of Oppressed Souls
- Blade of Rime
- Blades Bakstir
- Bladesinging
- Bladesinging (Condition)
- Bladesong
- Bladesong Climax
- Blaird
- Blaise Hhune
- Blank Canvas
- Blarson Throaks
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Blast Mine
- Blaze Portyr's Ceremonial Flaming Fist Helm
- Blazer of Benevolence
- Blazing Hide
- Blazing Retaliation
- Blazing Retaliation (Condition)
- Bleeding (Condition)
- Bless
- Bless (Condition)
- Blessed Healer
- Blessed Mercy
- Blessing of Authority (Condition)
- Blessing of Selûne (Condition)
- Blessing of the Trickster
- Blessing of the Trickster (Condition)
- Blessings for the Refugees
- Blessings of Knowledge
- Blevindall
- Blight
- Blight (race)
- Blightbringer
- Blightbringer (passive feature)
- Blighted Actor
- Blighted Barman
- Blighted Patron
- Blighted Troubador
- Blighted Village
- Blind Immunity
- Blind Terror
- Blind the Absolute
- Blinded (Condition)
- Blinded (status group)
- Blinded Elf
- Blinding Ambush
- Blinding Shot
- Blinding Smite
- Blindness
- Blindsight
- Blingdenstone Blush
- Blink
- Blink-of-an-eye Bolt
- Blink: Teleport
- Blink (Condition)
- Blink (class action)
- Blink Dog
- Blinked to the Ethereal Plane (Condition)
- Bliss Spores (Condition)
- Bloated (Condition)
- Bloated Hyena
- Blocked Warrens (Condition)
- Blocked by Bhaalist Mischief (Condition)
- Blood-Bound Blade
- Blood-Curdling Emission
- Blood-Envy for the Unworthy
- Blood-Filled Bowl
- Blood-Sapped (Condition)
- Blood-Smeared Logbook
- Blood-Stained Warning
- Blood-draw Sickness (Condition)
- Blood-scent Frenzy (Condition)
- Blood-stained Note
- Blood (disambiguation)
- Blood (surface)
- Blood Bank Log
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Money
- Blood Sacrifice
- Blood Skeleton Slam
- Blood Thirst
- Bloodbank Bottle
- Blooded Greataxe
- Bloodfang
- Bloodfest
- Bloodguzzler Garb
- Bloodied Journal
- Bloodied Note
- Bloodied Note (Lower City)
- Bloodied Shrine
- Bloodless (Condition)
- Bloodless Pig Meat
- Bloodletting
- Bloodlust (Condition)
- Bloodlust (Redcap)
- Bloodmarrow Skeleton
- Bloodmopper
- Bloodrender
- Bloodrender (Condition)
- Bloodstained Note
- Bloodstained Parchment
- Bloodstone
- Bloodthirst
- Bloodthirst (Condition)
- Bloody Amulet
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Bloody Favour (Condition)
- Bloody Journal
- Bloody Message
- Bloody Plum Dye
- Bloody Signet Ring
- Blooming Dead (Condition)
- Blooming Drow Head
- Bloomridge Park
- Bloris Meadhoney
- Bludgeon the Weak
- Bludgeon the Weak (Condition)
- Bludgeoning
- Blue-stained Research
- Blue Apex
- Blue Dye
- Blue Flare Leather Outfit
- Blue Jay
- Bluecap
- Bluejay corpse
- Bluenail
- Blunder Bob
- Blunt Skuncher
- Blur
- Blurg
- Blurred (Condition)
- Blushcap Mushroom
- Blythe
- Boar
- Boar Charge
- Boar Companion
- Bobby
- Body Aid
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Boiled Beholder Eyestalks
- Boiled Potato
- Bolstering Brew (Condition)
- Bolstering Critical
- Bolstering Magic: Boon
- Bolstering Magic: Boon (Condition)
- Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Overflow
- Bolstering Smite
- Bolt
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Bolts of Doom
- Bombasto
- Bombasto's Journal
- Bonded By Love - Husband's Diary
- Bonded By Love - Wife's Diary
- Bone
- Bone-shaking Thunder
- Bone (Uncommon)
- Bone Chill
- Bone Chilled (Condition)
- Bone Key
- Bonecap
- Bonecloak
- Bonecloak's Apothecary
- Bonecloak Apothecary's Chest Key
- Bonesaw
- Bonesaw (+1)
- Bonespike Boots
- Bonespike Garb
- Bonespike Gloves
- Bonespike Helmet
- Bonespike set
- Boney
- Bonna
- Boo
- Book Draft - Volume I
- Book Draft - Volume II
- Book Draft - Volume III
- Book Draft - Volume IV
- Book of Ancient Secrets
- Book of Dead Gods
- Book of Final Breath
- Book of Poetry
- Books
- Books by Author
- Books by Subject
- Bookshop Chest Key
- Boom, Bang, Blast: The joy of fireworks
- Booming Blade
- Booming Blade (Condition)
- Booming Blows
- Boon of Bhaal
- Boon of Servitude
- Boon of Servitude (Condition)
- Boon of the Hag
- Boon of the Raven Queen
- Boon of the Unstoppable
- Boot of the Giants
- Boots Variation Table
- Boots of Aid and Comfort
- Boots of Apparent Death
- Boots of Arcane Bolstering
- Boots of Brilliance
- Boots of Elemental Momentum
- Boots of Genial Striding
- Boots of Persistence
- Boots of Psionic Movement
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Stormy Clamour
- Boots of Striding
- Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Boots of Very Fast Blinking
- Booze Remedy
- Bor
- Boreal Blue Dye
- Bored Ox
- Borgus Elamin
- Boris
- Borislav Slavov
- Born into Darkness
- Born to be Wild
- Borri Paver
- Bosk
- Bosses
- Bosun Gannet
- Bottle
- Bottle Rack
- Bottled Blooms
- Bottled Breath
- Bottled Breath (Condition)
- Bottled Eye
- Bottled Solvent
- Bottled Tentacles
- Boudoir Invitation
- Bound (Condition)
- Bound Weapon (Condition)
- Bounty Hunter
- Bounty List - Current Tenday
- Bout of Storms
- Bow
- Bow of Awareness
- Bow of the Banshee
- Bowl
- Bowl (Clutter)
- Bowl (Valuable)
- Box of Oddfire Fireworks
- Brace (Melee)
- Brace (Ranged)
- Braced (Condition)
- Bracers of Defence
- Bracing Band
- Bradi'ith
- Brain
- Brain-Starved (Condition)
- Brain Jar
- Brain Mapping Puzzle
- Brainchant
- Braindrain Cape
- Braindrain Gloves
- Brakkal
- Bramble
- Brammels
- Brand of the Absolute
- Brand of the Silverlight (Condition)
- Brand the Weak
- Branding Smite
- Branding Smite (Condition)
- Branding Smite (Melee)
- Branding Smite (Ranged)
- Branthos
- Brass City Scrangle
- Brass Locket
- Brathwen
- Brave
- Brave (Liara Portyr)
- Brave (Note)
- Breaching Pikestaff
- Break Illusion
- Break Yurgir's Contract
- Break of Dawn
- Break the Unbroken
- Break the Unbroken (1d10)
- Breaker of War
- Breastplate
- Breastplate +1
- Breastplate +2
- Breathless Lungs (Condition)
- Breezeswift Speed
- Breezy Sandals
- Breg
- Brek
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Breva Brightmoon
- Brew Sickness (Condition)
- Brewed-Up Bellyglummer (Condition)
- Brewing Ladle
- Brian
- Bright Flare Leather Outfit
- Brilgor
- Brilliant Retort
- Brimmed Hat
- Brine Barrel
- Brine Bulb
- Brinn
- Brinna Brightsong
- Briskwind Boots
- Brithvar
- Brittle (Condition)
- Broadhorn
- Broken Cane
- Broken Club
- Broken Cogwheel
- Broken Lute
- Broken Machinery
- Broken Moonlantern
- Broken Padded Armour
- Broken Parasite Jar
- Broken Pike
- Broken Promises
- Broken Promises (Condition)
- Broken Shield
- Broken Wand of Fireballs
- Broken spear
- Broko
- Bronte
- Bronze Chalice
- Bronze Goblet
- Bronze Ingot
- Bronze Keg
- Bronze Necklace
- Bronze Pendant
- Bronze Ring
- Broodmother's Revenge
- Broom
- Broom and Bucket
- Brottor
- Browbeaten
- Browbeaten (Condition)
- Browbeaten Circlet
- Brown Alabaster Dye
- Bruc and Pishe's Emporium
- Brutal Critical
- Brutal Leap
- Brutal Servitude
- Brute
- Bryanne
- Brynna
- Bubbling Cauldron
- Bucket
- Bucket of Fish
- Bucket of Water
- Buff Tanner
- Bufotoxin
- Bufotoxin (Condition)
- Bug Bludgeon
- Bugbear
- Bugbear Assassin
- Bugthimble
- Builds
- Bulbous Fungus
- Bulette
- Bull's Strength
- Bull's Strength (Condition)
- Bull's Strength (passive feature)
- Bull Rush
- Bullywug Trumpet
- Bulwark Rebuke
- Bumpnagel
- Bunch of Horseradish
- Bundle of Incense
- Bundle of Letters
- Burden of Time (Condition)
- Burden of Time Aura (Condition)
- Burlap Sack
- Burned Alive
- Burned Out Optics (Condition)
- Burning (Condition)
- Burning Acid (Condition)
- Burning Age
- Burning Avarice
- Burning Claws
- Burning Fiercely (Condition)
- Burning Fury
- Burning Hands
- Burning Overflow
- Burning Reflux (Condition)
- Burnished Necklace
- Burnished Ring
- Burnt Journal
- Burrow
- Burrow (Badger)
- Burrow (Bulette)
- Burrow (Earth Myrmidon)
- Burrow (Shadow Creeper)
- Burrow Hole
- Burst of Accuracy (Condition)
- Burst of Speed
- Bursting Brood
- Bursting Sinew
- Business Proposal
- Butchered Mind
- Buthir
- Buthir's Wrath
- Buthir's Wrath (Condition)
- Butter Bun
- Butterflies in the Stomach
- Butterfly on Skull
- Cabbage
- Cabin in Motion
- Cabinet Key
- Cacophony
- Caerdwyn
- Cage Key
- Cage Key (Gribbo)
- Caitiff's Restoration
- Caitiff Staff
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Cal
- Calishem Awaits
- Call Consort
- Call Lightning
- Call Lightning (Condition)
- Call for Help
- Call of the Blood
- Call of the Crustacean
- Call of the Damned
- Call of the Dark Lady (Condition)
- Callaway
- Callem Bormul
- Callie
- Calling Reinforcements (Condition)
- Calling for Help
- Calliope Blingsdorf
- Callira
- Callous Glow
- Callous Glow Ring
- Calm Emotions
- Calmed (Condition)
- Cambion
- Cambion (Planar Ally)
- Camp Chest Key
- Camp Clothing
- Camp Events
- Camp Supplies
- Camp Supply Sack
- Camp followers
- Campaign Report
- Campsite
- Candle
- Candulhallow's Tombstones
- Canteen
- Canticles of the Dark Mistress
- Cantrip set
- Cap and Bells
- Cap of Curing
- Cap of Wrath
- Cape of the Red Prince
- Captives of Shar
- Capture Isobel the Selûnite Cleric
- Capture Orders
- Carafe of Water
- Carafe of Wine
- Caralee Grollo
- Caravan Strongbox
- Care for Creatures of the Astral Plane
- Careful Veil
- Caretaker's Care
- Cargo Shipment
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Carm's Garm
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carnelian Ring
- Carnival Squash
- Carpal
- Carrion's Explosive Cloudkill
- Carrion Crawler Tentacle
- Carrot
- Carrying capacity
- Cartilaginous Chest
- Carys
- Case File 846
- Cassivora Dophir
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigated By Divinity (Condition)
- Casual Sandals
- Cat
- Cat's Grace
- Cat's Grace (Condition)
- Cat's Grace (passive feature)
- Catatonic (Condition)
- Cattle Prattle (Condition)
- Cauldron
- Caustic
- Caustic Band
- Caustic Brew (Condition)
- Caustic Brine
- Caustic Brine (Condition)
- Caustic Bulb
- Caustic Overflow
- Caustic Reprisal
- Caustic Retort (Condition)
- Caustic Strikes
- Cauteriser
- Caution Before the Seelie
- Cautionary Note
- Cautious Healer
- Cazador's Dungeon
- Cazador Szarr
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Caïros
- Cefrey
- Celebrate the Brave Heroes Who Slew General Ketheric
- Celestial
- Celestial Haste
- Celestial Haste (Condition)
- Celestial Sandals
- Cell
- Cemetery-Blue Torch
- Central Watch Tower
- Cerebral Aquarium
- Cerebral Citadel Armour
- Cerebral Citadel Gloves
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonial Battleaxe
- Ceremonial Longsword
- Ceremonial Mace
- Ceremonial Practices for Initiate Umberlants
- Ceremonial Warhammer
- Ceremorphosis
- Ceres Olsin
- Cerys
- Ch'guth
- Ch'kk'ch
- Chadd
- Chain Lightning
- Chain Mail
- Chain Mail +1
- Chain Mail +2
- Chain Shirt
- Chain Shirt +1
- Chain Shirt +2
- Chain of Liberation
- Chain of Tyranny (Condition)
- Chains of Karsus (Condition)
- Chalara
- Chalice Healing
- Challenge to Duel
- Chamberlain's Private Room Key
- Champion
- Champion's Chain
- Champion Challenge
- Champion of Mahkloompah
- Chancer's Carcanet
- Chandelier-Style Embroidered Ensemble
- Channel Divinity
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows (Condition)
- Channel Divinity: Guided Strike
- Channel Divinity: Touch of Death
- Channel Divinity: War God's Blessing
- Channel From Hell
- Channel Oath
- Channeler's Trunks
- Channelling Karsus' Compulsion (Condition)
- Chaos
- Chaos Flail
- Chapel Entrance
- Chapel Records
- Character creation
- Character level
- Charcoal
- Charge
- Charge-Bound Warhammer
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Charged Lightning: Tempest Steps (Condition)
- Charger
- Charger: Shove
- Charger: Weapon Attack
- Charisma
- Charismatic Sentinel
- Charlatan
- Charm
- Charm Animals and Plants
- Charm Person
- Charmed (Condition)
- Charmed (status group)
- Charming Latham
- Charming Little Egg
- Charred Key
- Charred Prayer Book
- Charter of Tabernacle Donations
- Chasm Creeper
- Chatterbox's Tabard
- Chatterteeth
- Cheater's Folly (Condition)
- Cheeky Nora
- Cheeky Tipple
- Cheese
- Cheese Record
- Chelo Khoresh
- Chelvin
- Chenti
- Chervis
- Chessa
- Chessa's Practice Sword
- Chest Trauma (Condition)
- Chest of Grateful Words
- Chest of the Mundane
- Chevon
- Chicken Chaser (Condition)
- Chicken Egg
- Child's Diary
- Child's Drawing
- Child of the Moonmaiden
- Chill of the Mountain
- Chilled (Condition)
- Chilling Counter
- Chilling Grace
- Chilling Grace (Condition)
- Chilling Overflow
- Chilling Strike
- Chilling Strikes
- Chock
- Chocolatier Style Doublet
- Choking Wail
- Chop
- Chopped-Up Pig
- Chorizo
- Chost
- Chromatic Orb
- Chromatic Orb: Acid
- Chromatic Orb: Cold
- Chromatic Orb: Fire
- Chromatic Orb: Lightning
- Chromatic Orb: Poison
- Chromatic Orb: Thunder
- Chromatic Scale
- Chronicles of the Gur People
- Chult Alioramus
- Chult Alioramus Colossa
- Chultan Fireswill
- Churg Elvek
- Chy'raagh
- Cilarea
- Cinder Shoes
- Cindermoth Cloak
- Cinderous Swipe
- Cinders
- Cindersnap Gloves
- Cindersnap Reflexes (Condition)
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon Roll
- Cinta Golewits
- Circle of Bones
- Circle of Death
- Circle of the Emerald Grove
- Circle of the Land
- Circle of the Moon
- Circle of the Spores
- Circle of the Stars
- Circlet
- Circlet of Blasting
- Circlet of Fire
- Circlet of Hunting
- Circlet of Mental Anguish
- Circlet of Psionic Revenge
- Circuitry Interface
- Circus Ensemble
- Circus of the Last Days
- Circus of the Last Days: Employees
- Cirian
- Cirrus
- City of Brass Outfit
- Civil Militia
- Clack
- Clamshell
- Clan Flameshade
- Clan Ironhand
- Clasped Book
- Clasped Book (Moonrise Towers)
- Clasped Book (The Glitter Gala)
- Classes
- Claws
- Claws (Badger)
- Claws (Bear)
- Claws (Bear Companion)
- Claws (Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Cat)
- Claws (Cave Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Crawling Claw)
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Hag)
- Claws (Harpy)
- Claws (Imp)
- Claws (Intellect Devourer)
- Claws (Malus Thorm)
- Claws (Meazel)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Claws (Owlbear)
- Claws (Quasit)
- Claws (Raphael)
- Claws (Vampire)
- Claws (action)
- Cleaning Staff Note
- Cleansing Touch
- Clear Area (Condition)
- Cleave
- Cleaver
- Clements
- Clench of the North Wind
- Clerebold Rillyn
- Cleric
- Cleric set
- Clerk's Letter
- Cleverly Cobbled Boots
- Click Heels
- Click Heels (Condition)
- Client List
- Clinging Shadows (Condition)
- Clipping: Baldur's Mouth
- Clive
- Cloak
- Cloak of Avarice
- Cloak of Cunning Brume
- Cloak of Displacement
- Cloak of Elemental Absorption
- Cloak of Protection
- Cloak of Shadows
- Cloak of Shadows (Condition)
- Cloak of the Weave
- Cloaker
- Cloaks
- Cloister Budget
- Cloister of Sombre Embrace
- Clore Falson
- Closed Library Section
- Closed Mind
- Cloth Armour
- Cloth of Authority
- Clothes
- Clothing
- Clothing Chest
- Clotilde
- Cloud Giant Finger
- Cloud giant
- Cloud of Daggers
- Cloud of Daggers (Condition)
- Cloud of Daggers (area)
- Cloud of Jellyfish
- Cloudkill
- Cloudkill (Condition)
- Cloudkill (cloud)
- Clouds
- Clover
- Clovia Throaks
- Clown
- Clown's Severed Arm
- Clown's Severed Foot
- Clown's Severed Hand
- Clown's Severed Head
- Clown's Severed Leg
- Clown's Severed Pelvis
- Clown's Severed Torso
- Clown Face-Paint (Condition)
- Clown Hammer
- Club
- Club +1
- Club of Hill Giant Strength
- Clubs
- Coal Bucket
- Coast
- Coated in Arsonist's Oil (Condition)
- Coated in Basic Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Brewed-up Bellyglummer (Condition)
- Coated in Crawler Mucus (Condition)
- Coated in Diluted Oil of Sharpness (Condition)
- Coated in Drow Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Malice (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Bane (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Combustion (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Diminution (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Freezing (Condition)
- Coated in Purple Worm Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Serpent Venom Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Wizardsbane Oil (Condition)
- Coated in Wyvern Toxin (Condition)
- Coating Table
- Coatings
- Cobalt Dye
- Cobbler's Ledger
- Cocoon
- Cocooned (Condition)
- Codicilliary Rules of Engagements for the Flaming Fist
- Coerced (Condition)
- Coffee
- Cogwheel
- Coin Armour
- Coin Cuirass (Condition)
- Coin Cuisse (L) (Condition)
- Coin Cuisse (R) (Condition)
- Coin Halberd
- Coin Helmet (Condition)
- Coin Vambrace (L) (Condition)
- Coin Vambrace (R) (Condition)
- Coin of Mammon
- Cold
- Cold Brew (Condition)
- Cold Damage
- Cold Embrace
- Cold Infusion (Condition)
- Cold Reflux (Condition)
- Cold Resistance (Condition)
- Cold Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Cold Room Chest Key
- Cold Snap
- Cold set
- Coldbrim Chill
- Coldbrim Hat
- Colfax's Compendium of Consecrated Creatures
- Collection Records
- College of Glamour
- College of Lore
- College of Swords
- College of Valour
- Colossal Onslaught
- Colossus Slayer
- Colour Spray
- Colour Spray (Condition)
- Combat Inspiration
- Combat Inspiration (Condition)
- Combat Regeneration
- Combat Wild Shape
- Combination Axe
- Combustible Coins
- Combustion Belly Spiderling
- Comeback Handaxe
- Comfortable Ashmeadow Outfit
- Comfortable Autumnal Outfit
- Comfortable Blue-Red Outfit
- Comfortable Red Shirt
- Comina
- Command
- Command: Approach
- Command: Approach (Condition)
- Command: Approach (Undead)
- Command: Drop
- Command: Drop (Undead)
- Command: Flee
- Command: Flee (Condition)
- Command: Flee (Undead)
- Command: Grovel
- Command: Grovel (Condition)
- Command: Grovel (Undead)
- Command: Halt
- Command: Halt (Condition)
- Command: Halt (Undead)
- Commander's Strike
- Commander's Strike (Attack)
- Commander Lightfeather
- Commission for Formalwear
- Common Alchemy Supply Table
- Common Mushroom Supply Table
- Common Mushroom Table
- Common Music Instrument Subtable
- Common Races Books Table
- Common Special Arrow Subtable
- Common Table-Wine
- Community Creator Corner
- Community Updates
- Companion's Bond
- Companions
- Compelled Duel
- Compelled Duel (Condition)
- Compelled to Duel (Condition)
- Conall
- Concentrated Blast
- Concentration
- Concerning My Debt
- Concerning Orin the Red
- Concerning the Future of Baldur's Gate
- Conch Shell
- Concussion Grenade
- Concussive Burst
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Condemnation
- Conditions
- Conductive Strikes
- Conduit of Kereska's Ice (Condition)
- Cone of Cold
- Confessions, Vol. 1, Father Lorgan
- Confidant of a Duke
- Confiscated Book
- Confront the Elder Brain
- Confronting the False Heart
- Confused (Condition)
- Confused Stupor (Condition)
- Confusion
- Confusion Ray
- Congratulations, Son!
- Congratulations (And a Surprise!)
- Conical Flask
- Conjuration
- Conjuration School
- Conjure Barrage
- Conjure Barrage: Melee Weapon
- Conjure Barrage: Ranged Weapon
- Conjure Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon
- Conjure Minor Elemental
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Azer
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Ice Mephits
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Mud Mephits
- Conjure Murder of Crows
- Conjure Shadow Lantern Wraith
- Conjure Us
- Conjure Woodland Being
- Conjured Cat
- Conjured Crab
- Conjured Frog
- Conjured Imp
- Conjured Quasit
- Conjured Rat
- Conjured Spider
- Conjured Spider (Find Familiar)
- Connor Vinderblad
- Conquered (Condition)
- Conquering Presence
- Consider Gortash's Bargain
- Consolation of the Dark
- Constitution
- Constitution Saving Throws
- Constrict
- Constricted (Condition)
- Constricting (Condition)
- Construct
- Consumables
- Consume Life Essence
- Consume Souls
- Consume the Faithful
- Consumed Shadow Weave
- Contagion
- Contagion: Blinding Sickness
- Contagion: Filth Fever
- Contagion: Flesh Rot
- Contagion: Mindfire
- Contagion: Seizure
- Contagion: Slimy Doom
- Contagion Poisoned (Condition)
- Containers
- Continual Flame (Condition)
- Contract: Mol
- Contractor's Record
- Control Centre Guards
- Control Undead
- Control the Elder Brain
- Controlled (Condition)
- Controlled Chaos
- Controlling Undead (Condition)
- Cook Trader Table
- Cooked Food Supply Table 10
- Cooked Food Supply Table 15
- Cooked Food Supply Table 20
- Cooked Food Supply Table 5
- Cooked Food Supply Table 8
- Cooking Pot
- Copper Band
- Copper Brazier
- Copper Coin Pile
- Copper Jewelry Subtable
- Copper Necklace Jewelry Subtable
- Copper Plate
- Copper Ring
- Copper Ring Jewelry Subtable
- Cora Highberry
- Cordrane
- Cordula Eltan
- Corellon's Grace
- Corellon's Guiding Hand
- Corellon Larethian
- Corinna
- Corinye
- Corliss Undertump
- Corlos
- Cormyrian Seafood Soup
- Corniche
- Coronation Behavourial Missive
- Corpse Rose
- Corpsegrinder
- Corpulent Rage
- Correspondence
- Correspondence Report
- Correspondence from Lady Esther
- Correspondence from Theodore Thistlewhistle
- Corrosive Age
- Corrosive Flail
- Corrosive Phlegm
- Corrosive Spit
- Corrosive Spit (Condition)
- Corrosive Strike
- Corsairs of Luskan
- Coruscation Ring
- Corvid Token
- Corvus
- Corvus Celer
- Corvus Major
- Cosmic Omen
- Cosmic Omen: Ability Check
- Cosmic Omen: Ability Check (Condition)
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Saving Throw
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Saving Throw
- Cosy Blue Shirt
- Counsellor Florrick's Sentence
- Countercharm
- Countercharm (Condition)
- Countermeasure
- Countershock
- Counterspell
- Counting House Accounts - Number 47
- Counting House Artillerist
- Counting House Enforcer
- Counting House Family Vault List
- Counting House Safe n°1 Key
- Counting House Safe n°2 Key
- Counting House Safe n°3 Key
- Counting House Safe n°4 Key
- Counting House Safe n°5 Key
- Counting House Safe n°6 Key
- Counting House Safe n°7 Key
- Counting House Safe n°8 Key
- Counting House Vault Rules
- Counting House Vault n°1 Key
- Counting House Vault n°2 Key
- Counting House Vault n°3 Key
- Counting House Vault n°4 Key
- Counting House Vault n°5 Key
- Counting House Vault n°6 Key
- Counting the Conchs
- Courgette
- Court Register
- Covert Cowl
- Covert Critical
- Covert Critical (Condition)
- Crab
- Cracked Helm of Shar
- Cracked wall
- Crackling Resonance
- Crackling with Kereska's Lightning (Condition)
- Crag Spider
- Cragbender
- Cranium Rat
- Crate
- Craterflesh Gloves
- Craterous Wounds
- Craven Heart (Condition)
- Crawler Mucus
- Crawler Mucus (cloud)
- Crawler Mucus Poison Recipe
- Crawling Claw
- Crawling Gnaw (Condition)
- Creased Letter
- Creased Missing Poster
- Creased Page
- Create Lava
- Create Sorcery Points
- Create Spell Slot
- Create Undead
- Create Water
- Create Water (variant)
- Create or Destroy Water
- Creation's Echo
- Creature size
- Creatures
- Credo of the Rack-Stricken Lord
- Creekrider
- Crescent Moon Earring
- Crime
- Crimes of the Moonmaiden
- Criminal
- Crimson
- Crimson Draughts
- Crimson Draughts' Hatch Key
- Crimson Mischief
- Crimson Weapon
- Critical Hit! (Condition)
- Critical Swiftness
- Critical Virtuoso
- Critical hit
- Crooked Wand of Fireballs
- Cross-Crest Sandals
- Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank
- Crossbow Expert: Wounding
- Crossbow Shot
- Crossbow of Arcane Force
- Crosse
- Crowbar
- Crown of Karsus
- Crown of Madness
- Crown of Madness (Condition)
- Crowning Glory
- Crowning Strike
- Crub
- Crude Chest
- Crude Frenzy
- Crude Mace
- Cruel Shove
- Cruel Sting
- Crumbling File
- Crumbling Journal
- Crumpled Letter
- Crumpled Note
- Crumpled Note Scrawled in Blood
- Cruor
- Crusader's Mantle
- Crusader's Mantle (Condition)
- Crusader's Mantle Aura (Condition)
- Crusher
- Crusher's Ring
- Crushing Blows
- Crushing Flight
- Cry
- Crypt Lord Ring
- Crystal
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Skin (Condition)
- Crystalline Lens
- Crèche K'liir
- Crèche Y'llek
- Cuddleface
- Culk
- Cull the Weak
- Cull the Weak (Drider)
- Culling Strikes
- Cultist Brand
- Cultural references
- Cunning Action: Dash
- Cunning Action: Disengage
- Cunning Action: Hide
- Cunning Brume
- Cunning Combo
- Cup
- Cup of Oil
- Cup of Water
- Curative Antidote (Condition)
- Curdled Liver (Condition)
- Cure Wounds
- Cure the Poisoned Gnome
- Curfew (Confidential Orders)
- Curious Book
- Curled Missing Poster
- Curled Paper
- Current Orders
- Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War
- Curse-breakers or Curse-makers?
- Curse of Regret
- Curse of Regret (Condition)
- Curse of Terror
- Curse of the Dire Raven (Condition)
- Curse of the Sired (Condition)
- Cursed: Additional Damage (Condition)
- Cursed: Attack Disadvantage (Condition)
- Cursed: Charisma (Condition)
- Cursed: Constitution (Condition)
- Cursed: Dexterity (Condition)
- Cursed: Dread (Condition)
- Cursed: Intelligence (Condition)
- Cursed: Strength (Condition)
- Cursed: Wisdom (Condition)
- Cursed (disambiguation)
- Cursed (status group)
- Cursed Imp
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (melee)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (ranged)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Cursed Skull
- Cursed Skull (Condition)
- Cursed Thorns
- Cursed Vengeance
- Cursed Vengeance (Condition)
- Curving Shot
- Custard and Pink Rose Dye
- Cut and unimplemented content
- Cutest Cat You've Ever Seen
- Cutter Violet
- Cutting Board
- Cutting Words
- Cutting Words (passive feature)
- Dad's Axe
- Daddy
- Daddy's Lecture
- Dadger
- Dagger
- Dagger +1
- Dagger +2
- Dagger Specialist
- Dagger Thrower
- Dagger of Shar
- Daggerroot
- Daggerroot Bundle
- Daggers
- Dain
- Daine
- Dairow Vin
- Dal Lightspark
- Dalthar
- Dalyria
- Dalyria's Journal
- Damage
- Damage mechanics
- Damaged Dark Justiciar Armour
- Damaged Journal
- Damaged Scale Mail
- Damaged Vase
- Damays
- Dame Guisarme
- Dammon
- Dammon's Journal
- Dammon's Special Brew (Condition)
- Damp Aegis
- Damp Missing Poster
- Dampen Elements
- Damsel in Distress
- Dancing Lights
- Dancing Lights (Condition)
- Dancing Lights (area)
- Dandi Thistlepetal
- Danger Sense
- Dangerous Tunes
- Danis
- Danna
- Danse Macabre
- Danthelon's Dancing Axe
- Danton
- Danzo Arkwright
- Daralyne Nikley
- Darbonna
- Daredevil Gloves
- Daredevil Proximity
- Daredevil Proximity (Condition)
- Dark Amethyst
- Dark Amethyst Dye
- Dark Breaker
- Dark Currents
- Dark Deliverance
- Dark Devotion
- Dark Displacement Gloves
- Dark Journal
- Dark Justiciar
- Dark Justiciar's Journal
- Dark Justiciar's Plea
- Dark Justiciar Boots
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Uncommon)
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Very Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Helm
- Dark Justiciar Helmet
- Dark Justiciar Mail
- Dark Justiciar Mask
- Dark Justiciar Set
- Dark Lady's Awareness (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Erudition (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Fool (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Grace (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Ire (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Reckoning (Condition)
- Dark Mind
- Dark One's Blessing
- Dark One's Blessing (Condition)
- Dark One's Own Luck
- Dark Ring
- Dark Vengeance
- Darkfire Shortbow
- Darkmaw the Wicked
- Darkness
- Darkness (cloud)
- Darkness Cloak
- Darkveil Precision
- Darkveil Precision (Condition)
- Darkvision
- Darkvision (Condition)
- Darkvision (Third Eye) (Condition)
- Darkvision (spell)
- Darlie
- Darra
- Darragh
- Dart
- Dart +1
- Dart +2
- Dart Dirtwood
- Darts
- Dash
- Dash (Condition)
- Dash (bonus action)
- Dashkent's Key
- Dashkent Moliver
- Daughter of Darkness
- Dauntless
- Dauntless Amulet
- Dawnbreaker
- Dawnburst Strike
- Dawnmaster's Crest
- Dawnmaster Stockhold, Master of his Craft
- Dawsen Kiltmaker's Confession
- Daylight
- Daylight: Enchant Item
- Daylight: Sphere
- Daylight (Condition)
- Dazed (Condition)
- Dazing Echo
- Dazing Smite
- Dazzling Blows
- Dazzling Breath
- Dazzling Ray
- Dazzling Ray (Condition)
- De Hurst's Diary
- Dead (Condition)
- Dead Drow
- Dead Druid's Journal
- Dead Eyes
- Dead Mind Flayer (Goblin Camp)
- Dead Myconid Sprout
- Dead Pixie
- Dead Three
- Dead Tiefling
- Dead Toll Collector
- Dead or Alive
- Deadlier than Arsenic
- Deadly Channeller Gloves
- Deadly Derivation
- Deadly Leap
- Deadly Orders
- Deadly Orders (Condition)
- Deal with the Devil
- Deal with the Gnomes
- Dear Ansur
- Dear Mam
- Dear Missus Priest
- Dear Quil
- Dear Sis...
- Dearest Elminster
- Dearest Fireliia
- Dearest Gyldro
- Death's Head of Bhaal
- Death's Promise
- Death & Divinity: A Godly Guide
- Death Burst
- Death Burst: Cold
- Death Burst: Fire
- Death Burst: Force
- Death Burst (Cold)
- Death Burst (Fire)
- Death Burst (Mud)
- Death Domain
- Death Drinker
- Death Knight
- Death Saving Throw
- Death Shepherd
- Death Shriek
- Death Ward
- Death Ward (Condition)
- Death Wish (Condition)
- Deathbringer's Legacy
- Deathbringer's Legacy (Condition)
- Deathbringer's Sight
- Deathbringer Assault
- Deathbringer Assault (Orin)
- Deathly Slumber
- Debilitating Shot
- Debin
- Debt Consolidation
- Debtor's Attire
- Decanter of Nearly Endless Water
- Deception
- Decide Minthara's Fate
- Decoded Field Report
- Decrepit Sanctuary
- Decrepit Village
- Dedications to the Pantheon
- Deed of Ownership
- Deedle Ofran
- Deep Delver
- Deep Lilac Dye
- Deep Rothé
- Deepen the Wound
- Deepened Pact
- Deepflesh Slice
- Deera
- Defeat Ketheric Thorm
- Defeat the Duergar Intruders
- Defeat the Goblins
- Defence
- Defender Flail
- Defender Greataxe
- Defensive Attack
- Defensive Attack (passive feature)
- Defensive Duellist
- Defensive Flourish (Condition)
- Defensive Flourish (Melee)
- Defensive Flourish (Ranged)
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark (Condition)
- Defensive Stance (Condition)
- Defier's Rejuvenation
- Defiled Temple
- Definitely a Broom of Flying
- Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles (Return)
- Deflect Missiles (passive feature)
- Defy Villainy
- Deities
- Delcan
- Delicate Shoes
- Delicately Constructed Outfit
- Deliver Nere's Head
- Dellinjah Dax
- Dellys
- Delverdenn
- Delwaer Jeth
- Demir
- Demonic Bite
- Demonspirit (Condition)
- Demonspirit Aura
- Demonspirit Aura (Condition)
- Demonspirit Madness (Condition)
- Denying the Prying Heart
- Deranged Force Curtain
- Derivation Cloak
- Derryth's Journal
- Derryth Bonecloak
- Derysia
- Desert
- Despair: Apathy (Condition)
- Despair: Dread (Condition)
- Despair: Madness (Condition)
- Despair (Condition)
- Despair of Athkatla
- Destitute Clothes
- Destroy Undead
- Destroy Water
- Destroy the Ancient Tome
- Destroy the Elder Brain
- Destructive Wave
- Destructive Wave: Necrotic
- Destructive Wave: Radiant
- Destructive Wrath
- Detailed Ledger
- Detailed Report
- Detainee Census
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Evil and Good (Condition)
- Detect Thoughts
- Detect Thoughts (Condition)
- Detecting Presence (Condition)
- Dethrone
- Detonate
- Detonation Impending! (Condition)
- Deva
- Deva Mace
- Devella Fountainhead
- Devil's Den
- Devil's Fee
- Devil's Fee Observer's Report
- Devil's Sight
- Devil Don't Rhyme - A Verse Epic
- Devilfoil Mask
- Devilishly Strong (Condition)
- Devotee's Mace
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Devour
- Devour (Animate Dead Ghoul)
- Devour (Ghoul)
- Devour (Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound)
- Devour (Shambling Mound)
- Devour Intellect
- Devour Soul
- Devoured Eternal Debtor
- Devoured Intellect (Condition)
- Devouring Brain (Condition)
- Dexterity
- Dextor
- Dextrous Evasion
- Dez Kanshaw
- Diabolic Chains
- Diadem of Arcane Synergy
- Diallo
- Dialogue
- Diamond
- Diamond-Stitch Sandals
- Diamond Blue Doublet
- Diamond Pattern Garb
- Diamond Scales (Condition)
- Diamondsbane
- Diary, 1492DR, Ffion Goldgrind
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 1
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 2
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 3
- Diary of a Mage
- Dice rolls
- Die designs
- Difficult Terrain
- Difficult Terrain: Vines (Condition)
- Difficult Terrain (Condition)
- Difficulty
- Dig
- Dig Deep
- Digestive Juices (Condition)
- Digestive Sap
- Digital Deluxe Upgrade
- Dillard Portyr
- Diluted Oil of Sharpness
- Dimension Door
- Dimples Backster
- Dinner Planning
- Dinner at Candlekeep?
- Dinu
- Diomira Trellis
- Dion
- Dip
- Dipped in Fire (Condition)
- Dipped in Poison (Condition)
- Dire Raven Companion
- Direct Complaint to Fist Koltz
- Dirge of the Unholy Assassin
- Dirty Advantage (Condition)
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery
- Disable the Steel Watch
- Disappearances in the City
- Disarmed (Condition)
- Disarming
- Disarming Attack (Melee)
- Disarming Attack (Ranged)
- Disarming Strike
- Discarded Journal
- Discarded Wine Bottle
- Disciple of Life
- Disconcerting Visage
- Disconcerting Visage (Tactician)
- Discoria
- Discover the Artefact's Secrets
- Discover the History of Prince Orpheus
- Diseased (status group)
- Diseases of the Blood
- Disengage
- Disengage: Bonus Action
- Disengage (Condition)
- Disguise Kit
- Disguise Self
- Disguise Self: Femme Dragonborn
- Disguise Self: Femme Drow
- Disguise Self: Femme Dwarf
- Disguise Self: Femme Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Githyanki
- Disguise Self: Femme Gnome
- Disguise Self: Femme Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Half-Orc
- Disguise Self: Femme Halfling
- Disguise Self: Femme Human
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Drow
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Human
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Femme Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Masc Dragonborn
- Disguise Self: Masc Drow
- Disguise Self: Masc Dwarf
- Disguise Self: Masc Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Githyanki
- Disguise Self: Masc Gnome
- Disguise Self: Masc Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Half-Orc
- Disguise Self: Masc Halfling
- Disguise Self: Masc Human
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Drow
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Human
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Masc Tiefling
- Disguise Self (Condition)
- Dishevelled Chicken
- Disintegrate
- Disintegrating Corpse (Condition)
- Disintegrating Journal
- Disintegrating Night Walkers
- Dislocated Shoulder (Condition)
- Dismiss: Slayer
- Dismiss Arcane Lock
- Dismiss Blink
- Dismiss Construct Mode
- Dismiss Pact Weapon
- Dismiss Shapechanger
- Dismiss Wild Shape
- Dismissal of Staff
- Disorders of the Nerves and Mind: A Treatise
- Dispatches Ledger
- Dispel Disguise
- Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment
- Dispel Evil and Good
- Dispel Evil and Good (Condition)
- Dispel Identity
- Dispel Magic
- Displace
- Displace (Condition)
- Displace (Displacer Beast)
- Displaced (Condition)
- Displacement
- Displacer Beast Form (Condition)
- Displacer Beast Shape
- Displacer beast
- Displacer beast (illusion)
- Dissonant Whispers
- Distracted (Condition)
- Distracting Strike (Melee)
- Distracting Strike (Ranged)
- Distressed (Condition)
- Distressed Patient
- Divination
- Divination School
- Divine Allegiance
- Divine Bone Shard
- Divine Favour
- Divine Favour (Condition)
- Divine Guardian
- Divine Guardian (Condition)
- Divine Health
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention: Arm Thy Servant
- Divine Intervention: Golden Generosity
- Divine Intervention: Miracle of Refuge (Condition)
- Divine Intervention: Opulent Revival
- Divine Intervention: Sunder the Heretical
- Divine Intervention: Sunder the Heretical (Viconia DeVir)
- Divine Rapture of Ilmater
- Divine Retaliation
- Divine Revelry
- Divine Sense
- Divine Sense (Condition)
- Divine Smite
- Divine Smite (reaction)
- Divine Strike
- Divine Strike: Cold (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Cold (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Elemental Fury
- Divine Strike: Fire (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Fire (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Lightning (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Lightning (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Necrotic
- Divine Strike: Poison
- Divine Strike: Poison (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Poison (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Radiant
- Divine Strike: Radiant (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Radiant (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Thunder
- Divine Strike: Thunder (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Thunder (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Weapon
- Divine Strike: Weapon (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Weapon (Ranged)
- Diving Strike
- Do Not Fail
- Docktower Key
- Dog
- Dog Collar
- Dogaletto
- Doggy
- Dohna
- Dokksill
- Dollay
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dolor
- Dolor Amarus
- Dolor Amarus (passive feature)
- Domain Spells
- Dominate Beast
- Dominate Person
- Dominated (Condition)
- Dominated (Dominate Beast) (Condition)
- Dominated Red Dragon
- Dominated Will (Condition)
- Dominica Arsetz
- Domovoi Invocation
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Don't Mess With Djinnies
- Don't Prod the Specimen
- Don't Sniff the Specimen
- Don't Swallow the Specimen
- Donation Record
- Doni
- Donner
- Donnick
- Donnick's Chest Key
- Doom Axe
- Doom Hammer
- Doom Lobber
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Doozy the Dunce
- Doppelganger
- Doppelganger (class action)
- Dor'il
- Dorikel
- Dormitory Roster
- Dorrich Manne
- Dostrealt's Piccolo
- Downed (Condition)
- Downfall of the Iron Throne
- Dowry Ring
- DraconicAncestryTable
- Draconic Ancestry
- Draconic Ancestry: Black (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry: Copper (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Green (Poison)
- Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Silver (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry (Poison)
- Draconic Bloodline
- Draconic Elemental Weapon
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Acid
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Cold
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Fire
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Lightning
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Thunder
- Draconic Prowess: Acid (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Fire (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Frost (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Lightning (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Poison (Condition)
- Draconic Resilience
- Draft Letter to Lord Whitburn
- Dragon's Grasp
- Dragon Egg Mushroom
- Dragonborn
- Dragonfire Fists
- Drained (Condition)
- Draining Kiss
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Drake General Dye
- Drakethroat Glaive
- Drar
- Dravo Flymm
- Dread Ambusher
- Dread Ambusher: Hide
- Dread Ambusher (Condition)
- Dread Ambusher (Melee)
- Dread Ambusher (Ranged)
- Dread Embrace
- Dread Hollow
- Dread Iron Ambush
- Dread Iron Dagger
- Dreadful Aspect
- Dreadful Glare
- Dreadful Hewer
- Dreadful Word
- Dream Guardian
- Dream Guardian/Combat
- Dream Mist
- Dream Mist Apparitions (Condition)
- Dreamsome Boots
- Dreamwalker Plate
- Drenched (Condition)
- Drenn
- Dresten
- Dribbles
- Drider
- Dried Beef Sausage
- Dried Pork Sausage
- Dried Rope Sausage
- Dried Sausage Links
- Drim
- Drim's Key
- Dringo
- Drink Supply Table
- Drinking Horn
- Droo Falbo
- Dror Ragzlin
- Dror Ragzlin's Key
- Droralias' Teddy Bear
- Droralias Dryselis
- Drow
- Drow's Letter
- Drow Leather Boots
- Drow Leather Gloves
- Drow Magic
- Drow Outfit
- Drow Poison
- Drow Poison Cloud
- Drow Studded Leather Armour
- Drow Weapon Training
- Druid
- Druid Books Table
- Druid Klarrvox
- Druid Leather Armour
- Druid Note
- Druid Notebook
- Druid Quarterstaff
- Druid set
- Druidic Armour
- Druidic Bracers
- Druidic Trance (Condition)
- Druids' Chambers
- Druids' Ledger
- Druk
- Drunk-Purple Torch
- Drunk (Condition)
- Drunkard's Luck
- Drunken Cloth
- Drunken Inhale
- Drunken Performance
- Drunken Technique
- Dryad
- Dryad (Conjure Woodland Being)
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