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Anna Lidwin

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Anna Lidwin, also known as Sister Lidwin, is an intelligent Zealous Assistant trader in Act Two at the House of Healing.

Don't call the doctor yet! I've got potions, sutures - I know I can do this...

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Anna is located in the Children's Ward of the House of Healing, where she can be found fretting over the 'care' of the dead tieflings Komira Komira and Locke Locke. If the tieflings were not saved in Act 1, she will instead be fretting over the body of a nameless goblin.

The party can assure her the 'patients' are alright by passing an ability check:

  • [SLEIGHT OF HAND] Give the corpse a subtle poke. (DC 14)
  • [DECEPTION] I see now - they're sleeping peacefully. I think your work here is already done. (DC 14)
  • [MONK] [DECEPTION] I know this stillness - his body is simply conserving energy as he heals. The patient is stable. (DC 14 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [CLERIC] [DECEPTION] I sense the patient's soul - he is merely resting while his body heals. (DC 14 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [DRUID] [DECEPTION] Ah, you've induced such a peaceful sleep. Your knowledge of herbs is impressive - the doctor would be proud. (DC 14 Advantage Icon.png)

Afterwards she will be available as a Trader. She sells a mix of potions, poisons, Alchemy ingredients and Camping Supplies (many of which are rotten and useless).

Notable items sold[edit | edit source]

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Mind Screech Mind Screech ()
4d6 (4~24) Damage TypesPsychic

Wrench at a foe's soul and inflict Confusion Confusion.

WIS Save
AoE: 5 m / 17 ft (Cone)
Recharge: Per turn
Obliging Assistant Obliging Assistant ()

Heal The Surgeon.

 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Recharge: Per turn

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Related literature[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]