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Commander Lightfeather

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Commander Lightfeather works as a carrier pigeon at Sword Coast Couriers in Rivington during Act Three.

Name and rank? Quickly now - there's a war on.
Commander Lightfeather, addressing the player character

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act Three[edit | edit source]

Commander Lightfeather can be found on the upper floor of Sword Coast Couriers. Upon interaction with Speak with Animals Speak with Animals, Lightfeather informs the party that several carrier pigeons went missing while flying over the rooftop west of the Post House. Lightfeather also warns the party of the 'sign of the featherless wings', possibly referring to the symbol of Ilmater on the Open Hand Temple. Speaking with Lightfeather respectfully awards Enlisted Avian for outlanders and Reporting for Duty for soldiers.

The party can find the remains of the missing pigeons on the roof of the temple, evidently killed and devoured by Tara Tara.

Related quests[edit | edit source]