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Brakkal is a goblin in the Shattered Sanctum. He is being held in a wooden cage for maintaining his faith in Maglubiyet during the rise of the Absolute. The cage hanged from the ceiling above the chasm is made from wood, which is trapped and locked.

Praise his ever-bleedin' axe, praise his throne of flamin' iron. Praise Maglubiyet!

Inspiration[edit | edit source]

  • Passing a DC 7 Religion check during dialogue and subsequently freeing him grants Saving the Heretic for acolytes.
    • Disarming and unlocking the cage and then speaking to him appears to break the inspiration and escape trigger, granting no inspiration and causing him to stand in his cage with the door open.

Companion approval[edit | edit source]

  • Gods are fickle. Maglubiyet doesn't give a damn about you. Shadowheart disapproves -1 Laezel approves +1
    • Githyanki player characters have a unique line instead, with the same approval consequences.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Shooting the platform under him does not grant experience when he falls to the chasm.
  • His cage is trapped and will kill him if it is opened without disarming it.
  • If the spiders from the pit below were released and survived the fight with the goblins, they kill Brakkal if he is freed.

External links[edit | edit source]