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Disguise Kit

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Disguise Kit image

Disguise Kit is a common Consumable item that can be used to change the appearance of a character, as if using Disguise Self Disguise Self.

A case containing makeup, prosthetics, and wigs - tools for concealing one's identity, or adopting someone else's.


  • Consumables
  • Single Use
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.2 kg / 0.4 lb
  • Price: 25 gp
  • UID TOOL_GEN_DisguiseKit_A_Open
    UUID 8ec2a70b-32cc-4223-9c4e-fb845deb262d


Action A disguise kit allows the user to select between two body types for each race to change their appearance to. The item is consumed and the disguise active until a long rest or dispelled by the user.

Where to find

Sold by various traders:

Found in the following locations:

Gallery[edit | edit source]