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Voice actors: Difference between revisions

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(11 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 78: Line 78:
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Arnold|}}: [[Quil Grootslang]] (throatsinging)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Arnold|}}: [[Quil Grootslang]] (throatsinging)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Crowe|}}: [[Dez Kanshaw]] / [[Doctor Fairwise]] / [[Golbraith]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Crowe|}}: [[Dez Kanshaw]] / [[Doctor Fairwise]] / [[Golbraith]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Deery|}}: [[Bigmouth' Thimsen]] / [[Buntter]] / [[Delwaer Jeth|Lord Delwaer Jeth]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Deery|}}: [['Bigmouth' Thimsen]] / [[Buntter]] / [[Delwaer Jeth|Lord Delwaer Jeth]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Onwukwe|}}: [[Akabi]] / [[Ancient Servant]] / [[Balgor]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Ben Onwukwe|}}: [[Akabi]] / [[Ancient Servant]] / [[Balgor]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Beth Park|}}: Child Combat Vocals / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Inwe]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Beth Park|}}: Child Combat Vocals / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Inwe]] / Various (voice)
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* {{VA/Insert|Bryan Larkin|}}: [[Bao'ek'nuk]] / Gith Combat Vocals / [[Lump the Enlightened]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Bryan Larkin|}}: [[Bao'ek'nuk]] / Gith Combat Vocals / [[Lump the Enlightened]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Bryony Corrigan|}}: [[Savora|Blaze Savora]] / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Estra Stir]] / [[Nine Fingers Keene]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Bryony Corrigan|}}: [[Savora|Blaze Savora]] / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Estra Stir]] / [[Nine Fingers Keene]] (voice)
=== C ===
=== C ===
* {{VA/Insert|Carla Mendonça|}}: [[Bust]] / [[Sleam|Captain Sleam]] / [[Faona|Cashguard Artillerist Faona]] / Various (voice) (as Carla Mendonca)
* {{VA/Insert|Carla Mendonça|}}: [[Bust]] / [[Sleam|Captain Sleam]] / [[Faona|Cashguard Artillerist Faona]] / Various (voice) (as Carla Mendonca)
Line 99: Line 100:
* {{VA/Insert|Claudia Cadette|}}: [[Hartlebury|Fist Wizard Hartlebury]] / [[Pammella Nortale|Hostel Mother Pammella Nortale]] / [[Solras]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Claudia Cadette|}}: [[Hartlebury|Fist Wizard Hartlebury]] / [[Pammella Nortale|Hostel Mother Pammella Nortale]] / [[Solras]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Colm Gleeson|}}: Human Combat Vocals / [[Kuo-toa Hunter]] / [[Redcap Blood Sage]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Colm Gleeson|}}: Human Combat Vocals / [[Kuo-toa Hunter]] / [[Redcap Blood Sage]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Corey Montague-Sholay|}}: [[Bert 'The Wiesel' Adams]] / [[Gurira|Cashguard Gurira]] / [[Errant Soul]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Corey Montague-Sholay|}}: [[Bert Adams|Bert 'The Wiesel' Adams]] / [[Gurira|Cashguard Gurira]] / [[Errant Soul]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Crispin Redman|}}: [[Elminster]] / [[M'i'hayk|Ember Gish'ra M'i'hayk]] / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Infernal Mason]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Crispin Redman|}}: [[Elminster]] / [[M'i'hayk|Ember Gish'ra M'i'hayk]] / [[Errant Soul]] / [[Infernal Mason]] / Various (voice)

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=== F ===
=== F ===
* {{VA/Insert|Faaiz Mbelizi|}}: [[Zanner|Gondian Zanner Toobin]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Faaiz Mbelizi|}}: [[Zanner Toobin|Gondian Zanner Toobin]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Felicity Duncan|}}: [[Bellora Truscott]] / [[Glynda Oltower]] / [[Halfling]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Felicity Duncan|}}: [[Bellora Truscott]] / [[Glynda Oltower]] / [[Halfling]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Fenella Fudge|}}: [[Benta|Booyahg Benta]] / [[Ch'kk'ch]] / Human Combat Vocals / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Fenella Fudge|}}: [[Benta|Booyahg Benta]] / [[Ch'kk'ch]] / Human Combat Vocals / Various (voice)
Line 134: Line 135:
* {{VA/Insert|Fiona Sheehan|}}: [[Deedle Ofran]] / [[Lilineth|Harper Lilineth]] / [[Kristeen Hazel]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Fiona Sheehan|}}: [[Deedle Ofran]] / [[Lilineth|Harper Lilineth]] / [[Kristeen Hazel]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Frazer Blaxland|}}: [[Anders]] / [[Arne Jacobson]] / [[Bunt Chugley]] / [[Dammon]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Frazer Blaxland|}}: [[Anders]] / [[Arne Jacobson]] / [[Bunt Chugley]] / [[Dammon]] / Various (voice)
=== G ===
=== G ===
* {{VA/Insert|Gabrielle Nellis-Pain|}}: [[Tamia Holzt|Black Gauntlet Tamia Holzt]] / [[Falael]] / [[Arrinye|Fist Arrinye]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Gabrielle Nellis-Pain|}}: [[Tamia Holzt|Black Gauntlet Tamia Holzt]] / [[Falael]] / [[Arrinye|Fist Arrinye]] / Various (voice)
Line 168: Line 170:
* {{VA/Insert|Jack Maddison|}}: [[Bering Gahorst]] / [[Cillian]] / [[Dead Zealot of the Absolute]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jack Maddison|}}: [[Bering Gahorst]] / [[Cillian]] / [[Dead Zealot of the Absolute]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jacqui Bardelang|}}: [[Galleass|Cashguard Galleass]] / [[Chattery Heapsider]] / [[Danna]] / [[Duergar]] / [[Goblin]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jacqui Bardelang|}}: [[Galleass|Cashguard Galleass]] / [[Chattery Heapsider]] / [[Danna]] / [[Duergar]] / [[Goblin]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Alexander|}}: [[Blades Bakstir]] / [[Blunder Bob]] / [[Chatty Bureaucrat]] / [[Gherkins]] / [[Fyrd Nuugh]] / [[Meadows|Fist Meadows]] / [['Deadeye' Mibbs]] / [[Night Blade Damasno]] / [[Tambourine]] / [[Waldo Walnut]] / [[Vinegaroon]] / [[Roger Gherkins]] / [[Flimsy]] / [[Grundlgornn]] / [[Garron Flintsplitter]] / [[Ferg Drogher]] / [[Bering Gahorst]] / [[Ulnar]] / [[Vinshent Fenteman]] / [[Messenger Rat]] / [[Uggo]] / [[Carrion Ghoul]] / [[Kobold Inventor]] / [[Watcher Guardian]] / [[Damned Soul]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Alexander|}}: [[Blades Bakstir]] / [[Blunder Bob]] / [[Chatty Bureaucrat]] / [[Gherkins]] / [[Fyrd Nuugh]] / [[Meadows|Fist Meadows]] / [[Mibbs|'Deadeye' Mibbs]] / [[Night Blade Damasno]] / [[Tambourine]] / [[Waldo Walnut]] / [[Vinegaroon]] / [[Roger Gherkins]] / [[Flimsy]] / [[Grundlgornn]] / [[Garron Flintsplitter]] / [[Ferg Drogher]] / [[Bering Gahorst]] / [[Ulnar]] / [[Vinshent Fenteman]] / [[Messenger Rat]] / [[Uggo]] / [[Carrion Ghoul]] / [[Kobold Inventor]] / [[Watcher Guardian]] / [[Damned Soul]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Bradwell|}}: [[Kimmeral|Acolyte Kimmeral]] / [[Vraalsith|Ardent Vraalsith]] / [[Bad Twin Bubbins]] / [[Nickels]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Bradwell|}}: [[Kimmeral|Acolyte Kimmeral]] / [[Vraalsith|Ardent Vraalsith]] / [[Bad Twin Bubbins]] / [[Barnz]] / [[Baz Hopbank]] / [[Blighted Actor]] / [[Wim|Brawler Wim]] / [[Buff Tanner]] / [[Mofty|Cashguard Basher Mofty]] / [[Phubbs|Doorman Phubbs]] / [[Falten]] / [[Brottor|Fist Brottor]] / [[Fred]] / [[Droo Falbo|Gondian Droo Falbo]] / [[Grout]] / [[Inocente Bramm|Guard Inocente Bramm]] / [[Gujj]] / [[Hans Feather]] / [[Bor|Harper Bor]] / [[Kobold Looter]] / [[Ludd]] / [[Bakshi|Manip Bakshi]] / [[Nickels]] / [[Otterdance Fenton]] / [[Reconstituted Marksman]] / [[Scarpers]] / [[Uttermask|Sharran Fidelian Uttermask]] / [[Wobb]] / [[Yul]]
* {{VA/Insert|James Howard|}}: [[Ancient Servant]] / [[W'wargaz|Ch'r'ai W'wargaz]] / [[Cordrane the Recent]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Howard|}}: [[Ancient Servant]] / [[W'wargaz|Ch'r'ai W'wargaz]] / [[Cordrane the Recent]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Macnaughton|}}: [[Bastian d'Zinn]] / [[Bustlebury]] / [[Falmor Duguir]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|James Macnaughton|}}: [[Bastian d'Zinn]] / [[Bustlebury]] / [[Falmor Duguir]] / Various (voice)
Line 176: Line 178:
* {{VA/Insert|Jason Nwoga|}}: [[Augur Harxkellan]] / [[Bliggerillo]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jason Nwoga|}}: [[Augur Harxkellan]] / [[Bliggerillo]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jay Taylor|}}: [[Borgus Elamin]] / [[Burrock]] / [[Ivarus|Fist Ivarus]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jay Taylor|}}: [[Borgus Elamin]] / [[Burrock]] / [[Ivarus|Fist Ivarus]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jennie Delaney|}}: [[Darlie|Cook Darlie]] / [[Cyrella]] / [[Bella|Fist Bella]] / Various (voice) / [[Lia]]
* {{VA/Insert|Jennie Delaney|}}: [[Darlie|Cook Darlie]] / [[Cyrella]] / [[Bella (Bloomridge Park)|Fist Bella (Bloomridge Park)]] / Various (voice) / [[Lia]]
* {{VA/Insert|Jenny Funnell|}}: [[Stone Door]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jenny Funnell|}}: [[Stone Door]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jessica Carroll|}}: [[Laridda|Apprentice Laridda]] / [[Aischa|Black Gauntlet Aischa]] / Gith Combat Vocals / [[Z'rell|Disciple Z'rell]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jessica Carroll|}}: [[Laridda|Apprentice Laridda]] / [[Aischa|Black Gauntlet Aischa]] / Gith Combat Vocals / [[Z'rell|Disciple Z'rell]] / Various (voice)
Line 185: Line 187:
* {{VA/Insert|John O'Mahony|}}: [[Arfur Gregorio]] / [[Dead Myconid]] / [[Gekh Coal]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|John O'Mahony|}}: [[Arfur Gregorio]] / [[Dead Myconid]] / [[Gekh Coal]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jonathan Livingstone|}}: [[Lester Farrower]] / [[Ploughman Zakk]] / [[Tiernan Wont]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Jonathan Livingstone|}}: [[Lester Farrower]] / [[Ploughman Zakk]] / [[Tiernan Wont]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Joseph Capp|}}: [[Nere]] / [[Chorizo|Sauceman Chorizo]] / [[Chock]] / [[Rusk|Fist Rusk]] / [[Lightspark|Harper Lightspark]] / [[Snirr|Reaper of Bhaal Snirr]] / [[Tribunal Ghost]] / [[Dugg|Cashguard Dugg]] / [[Gnat|Booyagh Gnat]] / [[Raagg|Sharp-Eye Raagg]] / [[Goblin Tracker]] / [[Gloomy Fentonson]] / [['Zinfandel' Gorse]] / [[Gheris Hhune]] / [[Grent Grintly]] / [[Podd]] / [[Felgi Diggums]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Joseph Capp|}}: [[Nere]] / [[Chorizo|Sauceman Chorizo]] / [[Chock]] / [[Thauniel Rusk|Fist Rusk]] / [[Lightspark|Harper Lightspark]] / [[Snirr|Reaper of Bhaal Snirr]] / [[Tribunal Ghost]] / [[Dugg|Cashguard Dugg]] / [[Gnat|Booyagh Gnat]] / [[Raagg|Sharp-Eye Raagg]] / [[Goblin Tracker]] / [[Gloomy Fentonson]] / [['Zinfandel' Gorse]] / [[Gheris Hhune]] / [[Grent Grintly]] / [[Podd]] / [[Felgi Diggums]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Joshua B. Sklar|}}: [[Blaise Hhune]] / [[Don't-Call-Me-Runt]] / [[Kar'niss]] / [[Lorroakan]] / Various (voice) (as Joshua Sklar)
* {{VA/Insert|Joshua B. Sklar|}}: [[Blaise Hhune]] / [[Don't-Call-Me-Runt]] / [[Kar'niss]] / [[Lorroakan]] / Various (voice) (as Joshua Sklar)
* {{VA/Insert|Josie Taylor|}}: [[Uva|Black Gauntlet Uva]] / [[Amphol|Dockworker Amphol]] / [[Glourik]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Josie Taylor|}}: [[Uva|Black Gauntlet Uva]] / [[Amphol|Dockworker Amphol]] / [[Glourik]] / Various (voice)
Line 193: Line 195:
* {{VA/Insert|Karl Queensborough|}}: [[Hyena]] / [[Kuo-toa]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Karl Queensborough|}}: [[Hyena]] / [[Kuo-toa]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kate O'Rourke|}}: [[Derryth Bonecloak]] / [[Gipkins Jared]] / [[Ramona Flintsplitter]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kate O'Rourke|}}: [[Derryth Bonecloak]] / [[Gipkins Jared]] / [[Ramona Flintsplitter]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Katy Brittain|}}: [[Avourel]] / [[Corliss]] / [[Elwyn]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Katy Brittain|}}: [[Avourel]] / [[Korliss]] / [[Elwyn]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kerri McLean|}}: [[Cappa Delourese]] / [[Oriona|Fist Oriona]] / [[G'r'ath|Raider G'r'ath]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kerri McLean|}}: [[Cappa Delourese]] / [[Oriona|Fist Oriona]] / [[G'r'ath|Raider G'r'ath]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kit Esuruoso|}}: [[Blabbing Vagrant Caitriono]] / [[Marjoram|Chef Marjoram]] / [[Elliot]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kit Esuruoso|}}: [[Caitriono]] / [[Marjoram|Chef Marjoram]] / [[Elliot]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Krissi Bohn|}}: [[Fytz|Fytz the Firecracker]] / [[Nisvan]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Krissi Bohn|}}: [[Fytz|Fytz the Firecracker]] / [[Nisvan]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kristian Phillips|}}: [[Peil Hullhollyn|Admiral Peil Hullhollyn]] / [[Bosk]] / [[Cleet]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Kristian Phillips|}}: [[Peil Hullhollyn|Admiral Peil Hullhollyn]] / [[Bosk]] / [[Cleet]] / Various (voice)
Line 269: Line 271:
* {{VA/Insert|Simon Pothecary|}}: [[Salazon]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Simon Pothecary|}}: [[Salazon]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Simon Thorp|}}: [[Godey]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Simon Thorp|}}: [[Godey]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Siobhan Hewlett|}}: [[Carys]] / [[Guard Vlomina]] / [[Merony]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Siobhan Hewlett|}}: [[Carys]] / [[Vlomina|Guard Vlomina]] / [[Merony]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Sofia Zervudachi|}}: [[Dalyria]] / [[Ironfinger]] / [[Quinara]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Sofia Zervudachi|}}: [[Dalyria]] / [[Ironfinger]] / [[Quinara]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Sophia Nomvete|}}: [[Captain Grisly]] / [[Edwynna|Gauntlet Edwynna]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Sophia Nomvete|}}: [[Captain Grisly]] / [[Edwynna|Gauntlet Edwynna]] (voice)
Line 293: Line 295:
* {{VA/Insert|Tariyé Peterside|}}: [[Brigid]] / [[Carmen Pennygood]] / [[Smathers|Cashguard Artillerist Smathers]] / Various (voice) (as Tariye Peterside)
* {{VA/Insert|Tariyé Peterside|}}: [[Brigid]] / [[Carmen Pennygood]] / [[Smathers|Cashguard Artillerist Smathers]] / Various (voice) (as Tariye Peterside)
* {{VA/Insert|Tarrick Benham|}}: [[Bel|Adept Bel]] / [[Justiciar Soulhunter]] / [[Nadi|Zealot Nadi]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Tarrick Benham|}}: [[Bel|Adept Bel]] / [[Justiciar Soulhunter]] / [[Nadi|Zealot Nadi]] (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Tilly Steele|}}: [[Astute Talis Player]] / [[Bunny]] / [[Bella|Fist Bella]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Tilly Steele|}}: [[Astute Talis Player]] / [[Bunny]] / [[Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)|Fist Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Thomas Mitchells|}}: [[Klaus]] (voice) (as Tom Mitchells)
* {{VA/Insert|Thomas Mitchells|}}: [[Klaus]] (voice) (as Tom Mitchells)
* {{VA/Insert|Tommy Sim'aan|}}: [[Orpheus]] / [[Branthos|Harper Branthos]] / [[Lin'a'an|Ardent Lin'a'an]] / [[Clements|Brother Clements]] / [[Flaming Fist]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Tommy Sim'aan|}}: [[Orpheus]] / [[Branthos|Harper Branthos]] / [[Lin'a'an|Ardent Lin'a'an]] / [[Clements|Brother Clements]] / [[Flaming Fist]] / Various (voice)
=== U ===
=== U ===
=== V ===
=== V ===
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=== Y ===
=== Y ===
* {{VA/Insert|Yasmin Mwanza|}}: [[Molly the Orphan]] / [[Eugenie Kenridge]] / [[Lochan|Fist Lochan]] / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Yasmin Mwanza|}}: [[Molly|Molly the Orphan]] / [[Eugenie Kenridge]] / [[Lochan|Fist Lochan]] / Various (voice)
=== Z ===
=== Z ===
* {{VA/Insert|Zoe Mills|}}: [[Anxious Burgher]] / [[Tamara|Clerk Tamara]] / Gith Combat Vocals / Various (voice)
* {{VA/Insert|Zoe Mills|}}: [[Anxious Burgher]] / [[Tamara|Clerk Tamara]] / Gith Combat Vocals / Various (voice)

Latest revision as of 18:51, 23 January 2025

Baldur's Gate 3 features over 240 voice actors. This is a list of the cast in the order listed in the Credits. Titles have been added to help section and navigate this list.

Cast (in credits order)[edit | edit source]

A[edit | edit source]

B[edit | edit source]

C[edit | edit source]

D[edit | edit source]

E[edit | edit source]

F[edit | edit source]

G[edit | edit source]

H[edit | edit source]

J[edit | edit source]

K[edit | edit source]

L[edit | edit source]

M[edit | edit source]

N[edit | edit source]

O[edit | edit source]

P[edit | edit source]

R[edit | edit source]

S[edit | edit source]

T[edit | edit source]

U[edit | edit source]

V[edit | edit source]

W[edit | edit source]

Y[edit | edit source]

Z[edit | edit source]

Rest of cast listed alphabetically:[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Harriet Kershaw's website: Credits — HARRIET KERSHAW - Voice Over Artist. Retrieved 2024-01-24.
  2. Richard Booth (2023-09-03). Richard Booth - Dribbles the Clown - BG3. Retrieved 2024-01-30.
  3. Beth Park (2023-09-23). TikiTok: "WHO VOICES WITHERS". Retrieved 2023-12-22.
  4. John Cocoran (2023-11-08). John Cocoran's Twitter account. Archived from the original.