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Created page with "Main Page > Character Creation > Playable Classes > Wizard ---- <blockquote style="font-size:160%; font-family:Garamond;">"Wizards master the arcane by specialising in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research."</blockquote> frameless|left '''Wizard''' is one of the Playable Classes of Baldur Gate's 3. Wizards channe..."
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[[Main Page]] > [[Character Creation]] > [[Character Creation#Playable Classes|Playable Classes]] > [[Wizard]]
| description = Wizard is a class in Baldur's Gate 3.
<blockquote style="font-size:160%; font-family:Garamond;">"Wizards master the arcane by specialising in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research."</blockquote>
|keywords = class
| image = Class Wizard Badge Icon.png
'''Wizard''' is a character [[Class]] in [[Baldur's Gate 3]].
{{Quote class|{{PAGENAME}}}}
== Overview ==
Wizards channel magic through their extensive knowledge of the arcane to fight enemies and aid allies in combat. Wizards use [[Intelligence]] as their primary ability score.
== Subclasses ==
The Wizard subclasses, also known as '''Schools''', are:
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Abjuration Badge Icon.png|Abjuration School|Abjuration}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Evocation Badge Icon.png|Evocation School|Evocation}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Necromancy Badge Icon.png|Necromancy School|Necromancy}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Conjuration Badge Icon.png|Conjuration School|Conjuration}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Enchantment Badge Icon.png|Enchantment School|Enchantment}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Divination Badge Icon.png|Divination School|Divination}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Illusion Badge Icon.png|Illusion School|Illusion}}
* {{IconLink|Class Wizard Transmutation Badge Icon.png|Transmutation School|Transmutation}}
== Class Progression ==
{| class="wikitable nomobile" style="text-align: center; max-width: 60em;"
! colspan="6" | Wizard Class Progression
! colspan="6" | [[Spells#Spell Slots|Spell Slots]] per [[Spells#Spell Level|Spell Level]]
! style="width: 6%;" | Level
! style="width: 6%;" | Proficiency Bonus
! Features
! style="width: 11%;" | {{Resource|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}
! style="width: 6%;" | Cantrips Known
! style="width: 8%;" | Spells Learned
! style="width: 3%;" | 1st
! style="width: 3%;" | 2nd
! style="width: 3%;" | 3rd
! style="width: 3%;" | 4th
! style="width: 3%;" | 5th
! style="width: 3%;" | 6th
! [[#Level 1|1st]]
| rowspan="4" | +2
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Class Wizard Hotbar Icon.png|24|link=#Level 1}} [[Wizard#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]], {{SAI|Arcane Recovery}}
| rowspan="2" | 1
| rowspan="3" | 3
| 6
| 2
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 2|2nd]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Class Wizard Hotbar Icon.png|24|link=#Level 2}} [[Wizard#Level 2|Choose a subclass]]
| 8
| 3
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 3|3rd]]
| style="text-align: left;" | -
| rowspan="2" | 2
| 10
| 4
| 2
| -
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 4|4th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| rowspan="6" | 4
| 12
| 4
| 3
| -
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 5|5th]]
| rowspan="4" | +3
| style="text-align: left;" | -
| rowspan="2" | 3
| 14
| 4
| 3
| 2
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 6|6th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Class Wizard Hotbar Icon.png|24|link=#Level 6}} [[Wizard#Level 6|Subclass feature]]
| 16
| 4
| 3
| 3
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 7|7th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | -
| rowspan="2" | 4
| 18
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 1
| -
| -
! [[#Level 8|8th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| 20
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 2
| -
| -
! [[#Level 9|9th]]
| rowspan="4" | +4
| style="text-align: left;" | -
| rowspan="2" | 5
| 22
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 1
| -
! [[#Level 10|10th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Class Wizard Hotbar Icon.png|24|link=#Level 10}} [[Wizard#Level 10|Subclass feature]]
| rowspan="3" | 5
| 24
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 2
| -
! [[#Level 11|11th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | -
| rowspan="2" | 6
| 26
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 1
! [[#Level 12|12th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| 28
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 1

[[File:Wizard Class Icon.png|frameless|left]] '''Wizard''' is one of the [[Character Creation#Playable Classes|Playable Classes]] of Baldur Gate's 3. Wizards channel magic through their extensive knowledge of the arcane to fight enemies and aid allies in combat. Wizards use [[Intelligence]] as their primary ability score.
<p class="nomobile">'''Note:''' [[Proficiency bonus]] is based on [[character level]], not class level. It is included in the table for convenience.</p>

== Class Information ==
== Class information ==
[[File:Wizard Class Default Armor 1.png|thumb|right|Wizard's default armor]]
[[File:Default Wizard Armor.png|240px|right|Wizard's default armour]]

=== Hit Points ===
; Hit points
* Level 1 Maximum Hit Points: <code>6 + [[Constitution]] Modifiers</code>
: At level 1&colon; {{InfoBlob|6 + {{Ability|Constitution}} modifier}}
** Hit points at higher levels: <code>4 + [[Constitution]] Modifiers</code>
: On level up&colon; {{InfoBlob|4 + {{Ability|Constitution}} modifier}}
; Key Ability Scores
: {{Ability|Intelligence}} for Spells
: {{Ability|Constitution}} for Hit Points and {{Concentration}} checks
: {{Ability|Dexterity}} for [[Armour Class]]
; Spellcasting Ability
: {{Ability|Intelligence}}
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] [[Prepared spells]]
{{Hatnote|For a list of spells available to the Wizard, see: [[List of Wizard spells]].}}
: You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
; [[File:Spell Scribing Icon.webp|24px]] Spell Scribing
: [[File:Scribe Spells Example.webp|thumb|Spellscribing button on the Spellbook page]]A Wizard who finds a [[Scrolls|Scroll]] for a Spell they do not know may permanently copy that Spell to their Spellbook at the cost of the scroll and 50gp per level of the Spell ([[:File:Scribe_Spells_Example.webp|Picture example]]). The Spell must be one for which the Wizard has a spell slot, even if they got it by multiclassing (so a L4 Cleric / L1 Wizard can transcribe Level 3 spells); note that this will not work for [[Warlock]] spell slots as they are a unique incompatible type. For information about how this interacts with [[Classes#Multiclassing|multiclassing]], class changes, and unobtainable scrolls, see [[Spell Scribing|the dedicated page for the feature]].

=== Class Features ===
===Starting [[Proficiency|Proficiencies]]===
* Saving Throws Proficiency: <code>[[Intelligence]], [[Wisdom]]</code>
; Saving Throw proficiencies
* Armors Proficiency: <code>None</code>
: {{Ability|Intelligence}}, {{Ability|Wisdom}}
* Weapons Proficiency: <code>[[Simple Weapons#Daggers|Daggers]], [[Simple Weapons#Quarterstaffs|Quarterstaffs]], [[Simple Weapons#Light Crossbows|Light Crossbows]]</code>
; Equipment proficiencies
: {{WeaponType|Daggers}}, {{WeaponType|Quarterstaves}}, {{WeaponType|Light Crossbows}}
; Skills with proficiency (Choose 2)
: {{Skill|Arcana}}, {{Skill|History}}, {{Skill|Investigation}}, {{Skill|Insight}}, {{Skill|Medicine}}, {{Skill|Religion}}
: You receive a bonus to every [[Character Creation#Skills|Skill]] that you are [[Proficiency|Proficient]] in. At character level 1 the [[Proficiency Bonus]] is +2.
; Starting Equipment : {{RarityItem|Quarterstaff}}, {{RarityItem|Simple Robe}} (green variant), {{RarityItem|Simple Boots}}

== Skills ==
<div style="font-size:150%; font-family:Garamond;">"You receive a bonus to every '''[[Character Creation#Skills|Skill]]''' that you are '''[[Proficiency|Proficient]]''' in. This bonus increases as you gain levels in your [[Character Creation#PLayable Classes|Class]] and applies to all Checks for that Skills"</div>

<span style="font-size:120%;">Level 1 [[Proficiency#Proficiency Bonus Chart|Proficiency Bonus]]: +2</span>
===[[Classes#Multiclassing|Multiclass]] [[Proficiency|Proficiencies]]===
* Inherited Skills: Granted by [[Character Creation#Playable Races|Races]] and [[Character Creation#Backgrounds|Backgrounds]]
; Equipment proficiencies
* Skills with Proficiency (Choose 2):
: {{WeaponType|Daggers}}, {{WeaponType|Quarterstaves}}, {{WeaponType|Light Crossbows}}
** [[Arcana]]
** [[Deception]]
** [[History]]
** [[Intimidation]]
** [[Investigation]]
** [[Nature]]
** [[Insight]]
** [[Religion]]

* Skills without Proficiency:
== Level progression ==
** [[Animal Handling]]
** [[Athletics]]
** [[Survival]]
** [[Perception]]
** [[Performance]]
** [[Acrobatics]]
** [[Sleight Of Hand|Sleight of Hand]]
** [[Stealth]]
** [[Persuasion]]
** [[Medicine]]

== Subclass ==
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.
''Available to [[Wizard#Level 2|Level 2]] Wizards.''

=== Abjuration School ===
{{Level header|1}}

[[File:Abjuration School Subclass Icon.png|frameless|left]] <span style="font-family:Garamond; font-size:170%;">"Abjuration spells summon wards, banish enemies, and nullify magic, suitable for those who wish to defend themselves and others."</span>
; {{SAI|Arcane Recovery|w=40}}
<code>[[Abjuration School|Subclass Information]]</code>
: Once per day out of combat, you can recover expended Spell Slots.
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 1
: The combined number and level of [[Spell Slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.

=== Evocation School ===

[[File:Evocation School Subclass Icon.png|frameless|left]] <span style="font-family:Garamond; font-size:170%;">"Evocation spells focus elemental energy into powerful attacks and enchantments. Those who specialise in this school are known as evokers."</span>
; Spellcasting
<code>[[Evocation School|Subclass Information]]</code>
:; {{SpellSlot|1|2|w=30}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
:: You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.
:; {{SpellSlot|cantrip}} Cantrips Known&colon; 3
:: Choose 3 Cantrips from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard spell list]].
; Spells Learned&colon; 6
: Choose 6 Spells from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard spell list]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|1 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''

== Level Progression ==
<div style="text-align: left; font-family:Garamond; font-size: 150%;">"Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following trait:"</div>

=== <b>Level 1</b> ===
; New Cantrips available
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Acid Splash}}
* {{SAI|Blade Ward}}
* {{SAI|Bone Chill}}
* {{SAI|Dancing Lights|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Fire Bolt}}
* {{SAI|Friends|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Light}}
* {{SAI|Mage Hand}}
* {{SAI|Minor Illusion|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Poison Spray}}
* {{SAI|Ray of Frost}}
* {{SAI|Shocking Grasp}}
* {{SAI|True Strike|c=16}}
{{div col end}}

<div style="text-align:center; font-size:140%;"><code>Class Features</code></div>
; New 1st Level Spells available
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Burning Hands}}
* {{SAI|Charm Person|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Chromatic Orb}}
* {{SAI|Colour Spray}}
* {{SAI|Disguise Self|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Enhance Leap|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Expeditious Retreat|c=16}}
* {{SAI|False Life}}
* {{SAI|Feather Fall|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Find Familiar|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Fog Cloud|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Grease}}
* {{SAI|Ice Knife}}
* {{SAI|Longstrider|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Mage Armour}}
* {{SAI|Magic Missile}}
* {{SAI|Protection from Evil and Good|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Ray of Sickness}}
* {{SAI|Shield (spell)|Shield}}
* {{SAI|Sleep}}
* {{SAI|Tasha's Hideous Laughter|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Thunderwave}}
* {{SAI|Witch Bolt|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|2}}
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|1|3|w=30}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
:: You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 8
: Learn 2 additional '''1st Level Spells''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|2 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
==== Select a Subclass (School) ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Abjuration Badge Icon.png|Abjuration School|w=150|h=150}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Evocation Badge Icon.png|Evocation School|w=140|h=140}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Necromancy Badge Icon.png|Necromancy School|w=140|h=140}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Conjuration Badge Icon.png|Conjuration School|w=150|h=150}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Abjuration Savant]]
* {{Pass|Arcane Ward|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Evocation Savant]]
* {{Pass|Sculpt Spells|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Necromancy Savant]]
* {{Pass|Grim Harvest|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Conjuration Savant]]
* {{SAI|Minor Conjuration: Create Water|w=40}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Enchantment Badge Icon.png|Enchantment School|w=150|h=150}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Divination Badge Icon.png|Divination School|w=150|h=150}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Illusion Badge Icon.png|Illusion School|w=140|h=140}}
! style="width: 250px;" | {{ImageLink|Class Wizard Transmutation Badge Icon.png|Transmutation School|w=140|h=140}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Enchantment Savant]]
* {{SAI|Hypnotic Gaze|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Divination Savant]]
* {{Pass|Portent|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Illusion Savant]]
* {{SAI|Improved Minor Illusion|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[Transmutation Savant]]
* {{Pass|Experimental Alchemy|w=40}}
{{Level header|3}}
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}} strength&colon; 2
: The combined number and level of [[Spell slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|1|4|w=30}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 4
:: You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slots.
:; {{SpellSlot|2|2|w=30}} Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
:: You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.
; Spells Learned&colon; 10
: Learn 2 additional '''1st or 2nd Level Spells''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|3 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
; New 2nd Level Spells available
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Arcane Lock}}
* {{SAI|Blindness}}
* {{SAI|Blur|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Cloud of Daggers|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Crown of Madness|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Darkness|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Darkvision (spell)|Darkvision}}
* {{SAI|Detect Thoughts|c=16|r=16}}
* {{SAI|Enlarge/Reduce|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Flaming Sphere|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Gust of Wind}}
* {{SAI|Hold Person|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Knock}}
* {{SAI|Magic Weapon|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Melf's Acid Arrow}}
* {{SAI|Mirror Image}}
* {{SAI|Misty Step}}
* {{SAI|Phantasmal Force|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Ray of Enfeeblement|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Scorching Ray}}
* {{SAI|See Invisibility (spell)|See Invisibility}}
* {{SAI|Shatter}}
* {{SAI|Web|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|4}}
* Choose a [[Feat]].
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|2|3|w=30}} Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
:: You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.
:; {{SpellSlot|cantrip}} Cantrips Known&colon; 4
:: Choose 1 additional Cantrip from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard spell list]].
; Spells Learned&colon; 12
: Learn 2 additional '''1st or 2nd Level Spells''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|4 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.
{{Level header|5}}
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 3
: The combined number and level of [[Spell slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|3|2|w=30}} Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
:: You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.
; Spells Learned&colon; 14
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''3rd Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|5 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
; New 3rd Level Spells available
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Animate Dead}}
* {{SAI|Bestow Curse|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Blink}}
* {{SAI|Counterspell}}
* {{SAI|Fear|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Feign Death}}
* {{SAI|Fireball}}
* {{SAI|Gaseous Form|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Glyph of Warding}}
* {{SAI|Grant Flight|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Haste|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Hypnotic Pattern|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Lightning Bolt}}
* {{SAI|Protection from Energy|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Remove Curse}}
* {{SAI|Sleet Storm|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Slow|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Stinking Cloud|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Vampiric Touch|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|6}}
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|3|3|w=30}} Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
:: You gain one Level 3 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 16
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''3rd Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|6 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
==== Subclass Features ====
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Abjuration School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Evocation School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Necromancy School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Conjuration School]]
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Projected Ward|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Potent Cantrip|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Undead Thralls: Animate Dead|w=40}}
* {{Pass|Undead Thralls: Additional Undead|w=40}}
* {{Pass|Undead Thralls: Better Summons|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Benign Transposition|w=40}}
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Enchantment School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Divination School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Illusion School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Transmutation School]]
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Instinctive Charm|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Expert Divination|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|See Invisibility (class action)|See Invisibility|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Transmuter's Stone|w=40}}
{{Level header|7}}
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 4
: The combined number and level of [[Spell Slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|4|1|w=30}} Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 1
:: You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 18
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''4th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|7 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
; New 4th Level Spells available:
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Banishment|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Blight}}
* {{SAI|Confusion|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Conjure Minor Elemental}}
* {{SAI|Dimension Door}}
* {{SAI|Evard's Black Tentacles|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Fire Shield}}
* {{SAI|Greater Invisibility|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Ice Storm}}
* {{SAI|Otiluke's Resilient Sphere|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Phantasmal Killer|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Polymorph|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Stoneskin|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Wall of Fire|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|8}}
* Choose a [[Feat]].
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|4|2|w=30}} Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
:: You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 20
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''4th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|8 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
{{Level header|9}}
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 5
: The combined number and level of [[Spell Slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|4|3|w=30}} Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
:: You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
:; {{SpellSlot|5|1|w=30}} Level 5 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 1
:: You gain one Level 5 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 22
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''5th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|9 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
; New 5th Level Spells available:
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Cloudkill|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Cone of Cold}}
* {{SAI|Conjure Elemental}}
* {{SAI|Dominate Person|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Hold Monster|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Planar Binding|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Seeming|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Telekinesis|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Wall of Stone|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|10}}
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|5|2|w=30}} Level 5 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
:: You gain one Level 5 Spell Slot.
:; {{SpellSlot|cantrip}} Cantrips Known&colon; 5
:: Choose 1 additional Cantrip from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard spell list]].
; Spells Learned&colon; 24
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''5th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|10 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
==== Subclass Features ====
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Abjuration School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Evocation School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Necromancy School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Conjuration School]]
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Improved Abjuration|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Empowered Evocation|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Inured to Undeath|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Focused Conjuration|w=40}}
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Enchantment School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Divination School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Illusion School]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Transmutation School]]
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{Pass|Split Enchantment|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Third Eye: Darkvision|w=40}}
* {{SAI|Third Eye: See Invisibility|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Illusory Self|w=40}}
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* {{SAI|Shapechanger|w=40}}
{{Level header|11}}
; {{R|arcrec|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 6
: The combined number and level of [[Spell Slots]] the Arcane Recovery action can restore.''
; Spellcasting
:; {{SpellSlot|6|1|w=30}} Level 6 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 1
:: You gain one Level 6 Spell Slot.
; Spells Learned&colon; 26
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''6th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|11 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
* New '''6th Level Spells''' available:
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Arcane Gate|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Chain Lightning}}
* {{SAI|Circle of Death}}
* {{SAI|Create Undead}}
* {{SAI|Disintegrate}}
* {{SAI|Eyebite|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Flesh to Stone|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Globe of Invulnerability|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Otiluke's Freezing Sphere}}
* {{SAI|Otto's Irresistible Dance|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Sunbeam|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Wall of Ice|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
{{Level header|12}}
* Choose a [[Feat]].
; Spells Learned&colon; 28
: Learn 2 additional Spells up to '''6th Level''' from the [[List of Wizard spells|Wizard Spell List]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells to prepare = {{InfoBlob|12 (Wizard Level) + {{Ability|Intelligence}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell)''
== Notable wizards ==
* {{MdCharLink|Balthazar}}
* {{MdCharLink|Elminster}}
* {{MdCharLink|Florrick}}
* {{MdCharLink|Gale}}
* {{MdCharLink|Lorroakan}}
* {{MdCharLink|Rolan}}
== See also ==
*[[:Category:Wizards|List of all Wizards]]
== External links ==
* {{FRWiki|Wizard|long}}
{{Character creation|state=collapsed}}

Latest revision as of 02:12, 29 January 2025

Wizard is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Wizards channel magic through their extensive knowledge of the arcane to fight enemies and aid allies in combat. Wizards use Intelligence as their primary ability score.

Subclasses[edit | edit source]

The Wizard subclasses, also known as Schools, are:

Class Progression[edit | edit source]

Wizard Class Progression Spell Slots per Spell Level
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Arcane Recovery Charges Cantrips Known Spells Learned 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +2 #Level 1 Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery Arcane Recovery 1 3 6 2 - - - - -
2nd #Level 2 Choose a subclass 8 3 - - - - -
3rd - 2 10 4 2 - - - -
4th Feat Feat 4 12 4 3 - - - -
5th +3 - 3 14 4 3 2 - - -
6th #Level 6 Subclass feature 16 4 3 3 - - -
7th - 4 18 4 3 3 1 - -
8th Feat Feat 20 4 3 3 2 - -
9th +4 - 5 22 4 3 3 3 1 -
10th #Level 10 Subclass feature 5 24 4 3 3 3 2 -
11th - 6 26 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th Feat Feat 28 4 3 3 3 2 1

Note: Proficiency bonus is based on character level, not class level. It is included in the table for convenience.

Class information[edit | edit source]

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Wizard's default armour
Wizard's default armour
Hit points
At level 1: 6 + Constitution Constitution modifier
On level up: 4 + Constitution Constitution modifier
Key Ability Scores
Intelligence Intelligence for Spells
Constitution Constitution for Hit Points and Concentration Concentration checks
Dexterity Dexterity for Armour Class
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence Intelligence
Prepared spells
For a list of spells available to the Wizard, see: List of Wizard spells.
You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
Spell Scribing
Spellscribing button on the Spellbook page
A Wizard who finds a Scroll for a Spell they do not know may permanently copy that Spell to their Spellbook at the cost of the scroll and 50gp per level of the Spell (Picture example). The Spell must be one for which the Wizard has a spell slot, even if they got it by multiclassing (so a L4 Cleric / L1 Wizard can transcribe Level 3 spells); note that this will not work for Warlock spell slots as they are a unique incompatible type. For information about how this interacts with multiclassing, class changes, and unobtainable scrolls, see the dedicated page for the feature.

Starting Proficiencies[edit | edit source]

Saving Throw proficiencies
Intelligence Intelligence, Wisdom Wisdom
Equipment proficiencies
Daggers Daggers, Quarterstaves Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows Light Crossbows
Skills with proficiency (Choose 2)
Arcana Arcana, History History, Investigation Investigation, Insight Insight, Medicine Medicine, Religion Religion
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. At character level 1 the Proficiency Bonus is +2.
Starting Equipment
Quarterstaff, Simple Robe (green variant), Simple Boots

Multiclass Proficiencies[edit | edit source]

Equipment proficiencies
Daggers Daggers, Quarterstaves Quarterstaves, Light Crossbows Light Crossbows

Level progression[edit | edit source]

Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.

Level 1

Arcane Recovery Arcane Recovery
Once per day out of combat, you can recover expended Spell Slots.
Arcane Recovery Charges: 1
The combined number and level of Spell Slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
2 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.
Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips Known: 3
Choose 3 Cantrips from the Wizard spell list.
Spells Learned: 6
Choose 6 Spells from the Wizard spell list.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 1 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
New Cantrips available
New 1st Level Spells available

Level 2

3 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 8
Learn 2 additional 1st Level Spells from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 2 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Select a Subclass (School)[edit | edit source]

Level 3

Arcane Recovery Charges strength: 2
The combined number and level of Spell slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
4 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slots.
2 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.
Spells Learned: 10
Learn 2 additional 1st or 2nd Level Spells from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 3 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
New 2nd Level Spells available

Level 4

3 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.
Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips Known: 4
Choose 1 additional Cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
Spells Learned: 12
Learn 2 additional 1st or 2nd Level Spells from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 4 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.

Level 5

Arcane Recovery Charges: 3
The combined number and level of Spell slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
2 Level 3 Spell Slots.png Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.
Spells Learned: 14
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 3rd Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 5 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
New 3rd Level Spells available

Level 6

3 Level 3 Spell Slots.png Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain one Level 3 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 16
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 3rd Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 6 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)

Subclass Features[edit | edit source]

Abjuration School Evocation School Necromancy School Conjuration School
Enchantment School Divination School Illusion School Transmutation School

Level 7

Arcane Recovery Charges: 4
The combined number and level of Spell Slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
1 Level 4 Spell Slots.png Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked: 1
You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 18
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 4th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 7 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
New 4th Level Spells available

Level 8

2 Level 4 Spell Slots.png Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 20
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 4th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 8 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)

Level 9

Arcane Recovery Charges: 5
The combined number and level of Spell Slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
3 Level 4 Spell Slots.png Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot.
1 Level 5 Spell Slots.png Level 5 Spell Slots Unlocked: 1
You gain one Level 5 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 22
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 5th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 9 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
New 5th Level Spells available

Level 10

2 Level 5 Spell Slots.png Level 5 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain one Level 5 Spell Slot.
Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips Known: 5
Choose 1 additional Cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
Spells Learned: 24
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 5th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 10 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)

Subclass Features[edit | edit source]

Abjuration School Evocation School Necromancy School Conjuration School
Enchantment School Divination School Illusion School Transmutation School

Level 11

Arcane Recovery Charges: 6
The combined number and level of Spell Slots the Arcane Recovery action can restore.
1 Level 6 Spell Slots.png Level 6 Spell Slots Unlocked: 1
You gain one Level 6 Spell Slot.
Spells Learned: 26
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 6th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 11 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
  • New 6th Level Spells available:

Level 12

Spells Learned: 28
Learn 2 additional Spells up to 6th Level from the Wizard Spell List.
Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells to prepare = 12 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)

Notable wizards[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]