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Old Level 6 Table[edit source]

old table for level 6 that had more content but we didn't summarize anything else so I unsummarized it.

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War
Blessed Healer:
  • Regain 2 + Spell Slot Level Hit Points when casting a healing spell on another creature.
Improved Warding Flare:

No feature.

No feature.

No feature.

Thunderbolt Strike:
  • When you deal Damage TypesThunder or Damage TypesLightning damage to a creature that is Large or smaller, you can also push it up to 3 m / 10 ft.

War God's Blessing (Channel Divinity Action):

09:02, 1 September 2023 (CEST)

Old Cleric Spell list[edit source]

Revamped to match the much shorter class-only spell list excluding subclasses

* Spells marked with a domain indicates that the spell is considered a domain spell for that domain. These spells are always prepared for Clerics belonging to that domain.

Cantrips[edit source]

Level 1 Spells[edit source]

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War


Level 2 Spells[edit source]

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War



Level 3 Spells[edit source]

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War


Level 4 Spells[edit source]

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War


Level 5 Spells[edit source]

Life Light iddle Trickery Knowledge Nature Tempest War


Level 6 Spells[edit source]