* ''([[Perception|Noticed]] mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen {{coords|-129|-174}}):'' "Something's dripping from above. I think the technical term is 'goo'."
* ''([[Perception|Noticed]] mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen {{coords|-129|-174}}):'' "Something's dripping from above. I think the technical term is 'goo'."
* ''(The avatar sat on Ketheric's stone throne after general has left the main floor)'' "A throne fit for a tyrant - but most certainly not for you."
* ''(Read a scroll near bone altar in Ketheric's room)'' "'Apostle's final form?' Either Ketheric's got a flair for poetry, or he's planning some ghastly ritual."
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “Ketheric's wife was clearly fond of him. How far he's fallen...”
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “Ketheric's wife was clearly fond of him. How far he's fallen...”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Ugh - that potion's near wrecked my innards.”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Ugh - that potion's near wrecked my innards.”
Revision as of 07:03, 30 November 2024
Spoiler warning: The following content contains unhidden spoilers. Read at your own risk.
(After the first fight with the Lesser Imps): “Done. Time to move.” (triggers only if Lae'zel or Losiir[3] are not in the party, otherwise their line will be played)
(Saw a dragon on the way to upper deck): “I better hurry, before those dragon's bring the ship down - and me with it.”
(Interacting with the Tentacle Aquarium for the first time): “Ugh - brains.”
(After the first time): “They're almost cute. Almost...”
(Interacting with Cerebral Aquarium for the first time): “Plants. Not what I expected.”
(After the first time): “I don't recognise these plants. Wonder what planes they were snatched from.”
(Upon entering the chamber, saw the control panel): “I wonder what these levers do.” (played only if Lae'zel hasn't entered the room with the avatar, otherwise her line will be played)
(Trying to read the central sigil, Arcana failed): “I can't figure out this symbol...”
(Trying to read the left sigil, Arcana failed): “No idea.”
(Trying to read the right sigil, Arcana failed): “I can't read this.”
(Used ‘Unleash’ button): “Dead already. Nothing to be done.”
(Used ‘Aggression’ button): “They've gone hostile. Did the machine do that?”
(Try to open the Elaborate Reliquary without a key): “Won't open without a key.”
(Found the Gold Key): “A key. But what's it unlock?”
(Found the key, already tried to open the chest): “I can guess what this opens.”
(Found a socket in Shadowheart’s pod): “Interesting. Looks like it needs something to activate it.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune): “Hm - a perfect fit for those pod controls.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune, hasn’t spoken to Shadowheart): “What's this? Looks like it should be plugged in somewhere.”
(Saw dozens of pods in the Transformation room): “Holy hells - will you look at that?” (played only if Lae'zel hasn't entered the room with the avatar, otherwise her line will be played)
(Trying to read the button in Transformation room, Arcana failed): “This could mean anything.”
(Saw the woman in the pod transformed): “By Balduran's bones! Is that our fate?”
(Sat in one of the chairs surrounding the pod in Transformation room): “What are those voices?”
(Responding remark 1): “I don't hear any voices...”
(Responding remark 2): “It's the chair. Honestly, I'd get up off of it if I were you.”
(Responding remark 3): “Come on. They'll know we've broken out by now.”
(Picked up either Slave Mind or Dark Mind): “A brain. Whose was it, I wonder?”
(Picked up the second one of these two): “How many brains do they need?”
(In Multiplayer regime, if another player has entered the Helm, while avatar hasn’t yet): “Hells - I need to get to the helm before this ship falls apart.”
(On the third turn of the fight in the Helm): “We're in for a crash if I don't get out of here.”
(On the fifth turn of the fight in the Helm): “Almost there...”
(Mind Flayer turns on the party after killing Commander Zhalk): “The mind flayer's on to us. Get to the transponder!”
(Mind Flayer died in the fight with cambions): “Dead, thank the gods. Could be me next, if I don't jump ship.”
(Mind Flayer and cambions dead, avatar reminds themselves of the transponder): “Better move. The transponder's waiting.”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 1): “Well isn't that something?”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 2): “Another one of... those.”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 3): “What's this thing do, anyway?”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 4): “How many of these are there?”
Act One
Act 1 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
(Nettie locked the party up after they refused to take Wyvern Poison): “For someone who just heard we're all beasties-in-waiting, she reacted... well.”
(Responding remark): “Let's keep our condition on a need-to-know basis. As in, nobody needs to know.”
(Feeling sick after Nettie scratched them with a poisonous thorn): “Ngh - I'm not feeling so good. Is this Nettie's doing?”
(Sickness getting worse after LR without cure): “Ngh - I'm getting worse. There's got to be a way to treat this poison...”
(Almost dying after second LR without cure): “This... this is it. It's too much...”
(Cured from Nettie’s poison): “That was quick - I'm feeling better already.”
(Agreed to take Wyvern poison from Nettie): “You can toss that poison. We won't be needing it.”
(Responding remark 1): “Poison's not my style. Nor's becoming a mind flayer. We'll have to make sure to steer clear of both eventualities.”
(Responding remark 2): “We're a long way from a measure that drastic. A very long way.”
(Responding remark 3): “I'd go ahead and toss that bottle. We won't be needing it.”
(Saw Auntie Ethel disappeared after helping her against brothers): “'Helpless old biddy' - a classic routine. I'm kicking myself for not seeing through it.”
(Responding remark): “I reckon the sister's in trouble. We need to pay Ethel a visit.”
(Found the brothers dead, haven’t met them): “Not just dead... eviscerated.”
(Responding remark): “What a mess. Human or beast, the killer's a monster.”
(Have encountered them arguing with Ethel): “Poor souls. I suppose they never found their sister.”
(Responding remark): “Eviscerated, no less. A seasoned killer's work.”
(Read Kagha’s recruitment letter from Shadow Druids): “Kagha, a Shadow Druid. How did I not see it coming?”
(Responding remark): “The woman's a menace. I say it's time for a chat.”
(Read the letter before meeting Kagha): “Shadow Druids? A bad sign indeed. Watch out for this 'Kagha.'”
(Noticed the knife-damaged tree bark): “There's a cleft in that tree. Squirrels, I suppose.”
(Saw the damaged bark, knowing about Kagha’s letter): “That note mentioned a swamp-tree. This could be the one.”
Elsewhere in the Wetlands/Bog:
(Found a sword and a helmet in the middle of the bog X: -3 Y: 277): “Nice hat. Decent sword. Looks like someone's epic adventure took a turn for the worse.”
(Tried to pick a fruit from a Barbed Bulrush, pricked a finger): “Damn it - my finger!”
(Found a slaughtered campsite on the riverbank): "Blood everywhere. Something made a mess of this place."
(Nature check successful): “I've seen this sort of thing. Redcaps, sure as sunshine.”
(Failed): "Whatever did this, the Blade stands ready."
(After defeating Gandrel, stood by Astarion): "You stood by an ally - can't fault you for that. But a vampire among us? It doesn't sit right."
(Responding remark): “Let's hope he keeps his fangs to himself. I enjoy a good meal, unless I'm the main course.”
(Betrayed Astarion to Gandrel): “I - I can't blame you for giving him up. Vampires are monsters, by any account.”
(Responding remark): “I'll breathe easier knowing my neck is safe from his fangs.”
(Noticed a Scrying Eye): “A scrying eye. Best to keep out of that little snitch's view.”
(Talked to either Dror Ragzlin or Minthara, and they mentioned “the weapon”): “They're after a weapon. Surely, they don't mean that strange artefact of ours...”
(Responding remark): “Hells - as if the targets on our backs weren't already plain enough.”
(Found a blocked trapdoor in Ragzlin’s throne room): “Forget it - it's blocked.”
(Killed Minthara): “Good and dead. A monster like her deserves no better.”
(Killed Priestess Gut): “The goblin priestess, bled dry.”
(Successful): “'Flumph Mating Rituals'? Not likely - this book's masked by magic.”
(Failed): “My my - 'Flumph Mating Rituals'?[4] The drow had peculiar taste.”
(If already interrogated Xargrim's corpse): “Must be the book the dead drow groaned about. Concealing spell's still holding strong.”
(The book transformed, the party knew it was disguised): “Just as I suspected - the book about flumphs has changed. Time for some light reading...”
(The party didn’t know): “I'll be - 'Flumph Mating Rituals' was more than it appeared. Time for some light reading.”
(Looted Filro’s records, not knowing about the forge): “'Protector'? 'Magma'? Doesn't make a lick of sense.”
(Deciphered the record scroll): “'Only in magma destroyed'. Whatever's protecting that forge, it'll take some fierce heat to crack it.”
(If learned about the forge first from Filro): “An adamantine forge, hidden deep in the Underdark - the stuff of legends.”
(Responding remark, successfully deciphered drow’s records): “'Only in magma destroyed'. Whatever's protecting it, it'll take some fierce heat to crack it.”
(Failed to decipher the record scroll): “But what's this about a 'hot hammer'? Doesn't make a lick of sense.”
(Second mention of the forge): “More forge talk? I figured it for a tall tale. Now I'm not so sure.”
(The party knows about it from Filro’s corpse): “The drow with the hook horrors - he was searching for this Adamantine Forge too.”
(The party knows about it from Filro’s notes): “Seems there's more than one searching for this forge. No word of its guardian this time, though.”
(The party knows about it from Dhourn/Dhourn’s corpse): “The Adamantine Forge. Our statuesque friend Dhourn was keen to find it.”
(The party knows about it from Dhourn’s Memory Shard): “So much talk of this Adamantine Forge - and the memory shard already showed us where to find it.”
(The party knows about it from Xargrim’s corpse): “The Adamantine Forge - our dead drow friend was searching for it.”
(The party knows about it from Xargrim’s disguised book): “This Adamantine Forge - the same that disguised journal mentioned, surely?”
(The party knows about it from Skarjall): “An Adamantine Forge - seems that duergar was on to something after all.”
(Third mention of the forge): “More mention of the Adamantine Forge - now to find out if it lives up to the legends.”
(Found dead drow at the foot of the crag, Medicine check):
(Successful): “Ouch - this drow must've taken quite a fall.”
(Failed): “A dead drow? I wonder what happened.”
(Found illusory mushroom “ladder” leading toward crag top at X: 67 Y: -256): “Can't something just be what it appears to be? Just once?”
(Found illusory wall on the top of the crag): “Nice illusion. Time to see what it was hiding.”
(Approaching a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “These ones aren't glowing like the others. I wonder why.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “Hm - those mushrooms are arranged in a circle. Is that normal?”
(Entered a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “Nothing? Well that was anticlimactic.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “Nothing. Not sure what I was expecting.”
(Activated the mushroom ring): “They changed colour. That's got to mean something.”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown Tunnel, Ethel is dead): “The hag's lair. Glad I don't have to deal with her again.”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown Tunnel, Ethel survived): “The hag's lair. It's a bit brighter than the Underdark, anyway.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown Tunnel to the Putrid Bog): “Phew - from murk to muck. Not sure it's an improvement.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown tunnel into the Underdark, hasn’t been to Underdark earlier): “Suffocating shadows, dank musty air. This is the Underdark...”
(Teleported from the Overgrown tunnel into the Underdark, has been to Underdark): “Aaand I'm back in the Underdark. A shortcut worth remembering.”
(Teleported from the Putrid Bog into Overgrown Tunnel): “This place again? Can't wait to leave it behind for good.” (this line is the same regardless of Ethel was killed or survived)
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Putrid Bog): “Swamplands. Why couldn't it have been an inn, or a winery?”
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Sunlit Wetlands (Ethel’s illusion is still intact)): “To the wetlands, is it? Why couldn't it have been an inn, or a winery?”
Elsewhere in the Underdark:
(Entering Zhentarim storehouse from the Underdark): "That mark - the Zhentarim are here. Thieves and murderers, the whole lot."
(Entering Zhentarim storehouse, descending from Zhentarim Hideout): "Quite a collection. Smugglers' stash, I wager. But so far down..."
(Found a drow resupply stash at X: 71 Y: -220): “Must've been a drow supply cache. Nothing left but some empty boxes.”
(Heard Baelen’s cries for help): “Cries for help. And I'm not about to ignore them.”
(Killed all Kuo-toa in Festering Cove, thus dissipating BOOOAL’s magic): “So much for the 'Lord of Murder'. Pretty fishy, if you ask me.”
(Successful): “A crescent and harp emblem - the drow was a Harper. Why was she here, of all places?”
(Failed): “This pin resembles a harp. I'm sure I've seen this symbol before...”
(After talking to Stonemason Kith): “Ancient history is overhead and underfoot. You just need to know where to look.”
(Responding remark): “Incredible, when I think of it. So many legendary tales, lost to deep time.”
(Found Dark Justiciars’ skeletons): “Sharran corpses, remnants of battle. This is the stronghold Halsin mentioned.”
(Saw crates with old Sharran gear at X: -668 Y: 400): “Abandoned to the elements. What a shame - this was quality gear.”
(Found a crossbow in an old crate, History check):
(Successful): “Remarkable crossbow. Sharran-made, if I'm not mistaken.”
(Failed): “Magnificent bow. Not of duergar make, I wager.”
(Looted a piece of adamantine, knows about the forge): “Hmm... something shiny in this stuff. Bits of adamantine, most like - hardest stuff in the world.”
(Doesn’t know about it): “Hunk of metal with shiny flecks. Hardly a collector's item.”
(Found defaced statue of Shar near Nere's cave-in, recognized the symbol of the Absolute): “This is the Absolute's symbol. Someone's been marking their territory.”
(Did not recognize the symbol): “Someone's defaced this Shar statue. Not sure what this is though.”
(If Nere died in the cave-in): “Everyone's gone - which means Nere's rotting back there. Might as well grab his head.”
(Looking at the Shar temple down from the ruined bridge): “A dead end by the looks of it - but what a view!”
(Successful): “That smells rank. The remnants of a Shar ritual, I'm guessing. To eat and drink your fill before killing another...”
(Successful 2): “That smells rank. The remnants of a Nightfall feast, I'm guessing.”
(Responding remark): “To just eat and drink, then finish it all by murdering someone for Shar? These people were monsters.”
(Failed): “Not an ideal banquet location. I suppose the feast hall was already booked.”
(Found a loose stone at X: -600 Y: 422 through Perception check): “That stone looks mighty odd. Someone's been messing with it.”
(Found a place where Philomeen climbed up the ledge, knows about her escape): “Climbing gear? This must be how the gnome escapee climbed up.”
(Does not know about her): “Rope? Someone climbed up here. I'll wager a gnome got creative.”
(Found a Devilfoil Mask): “What a strange mask. Is it bronze? Gold, even?”
(Arcana check successful): “A merregon's mask, I wager. Hell's soldiers.”
(Failed): “Who would make a metal mask like this? Or wear it?”
(Arcana check successful, knows about merregons’ habits): “Wait. It's a merregon's - an infernal soldier's. And they don't fight without a commander...”
(Doubts whether the merregons’ commander is dead): “Whatever commanded the merregons, I hope it's long gone.”
(Tried to put on the mask): “It's surprisingly heavy. How would you secure it?”
(Found a second mask): “And another mask. How many are there?”
(Found the third mask (?)): “Creepy. I swear the eyes follow me around.”
(Found the Idol of Shar, the party knows that Shadowheart is a Sharran): “An icon of Shar? Shadowheart will want to see it.”
(The party does not know): “An icon of Shar? This might fetch a few coins.”
(Found a bunch of rusty weapons): “How old are these weapons? They're as rusty as wet nails.” (triggers only for the first time interacting with those)
(Interacted with the Orb of Darkvision): “Hells. I can feel only... shadows. They're clouding my thoughts, my memories.”
(Read Abandoned Journal): “A grim fate. When devils give chase, you're living on borrowed time.” (triggers after finding at least one Devilfoil Mask)
(Stepped on a platform held by chains, leading to the Adamantine Forge): “This thing's falling apart. It can't be safe - can it?”
(Saw dead gnolls on the bridge to the Tollhouse): “Dead gnolls. And is that... sulphur I smell?”
(Saw rockfall and wreckage near the Tollhouse): “What… a cave-in? No - that wouldn't explain the bodies.”
(Agreed to help Anders, but found out that his crew are actually Zariel’s servants): “We slay Karlach, and we save these souls from eternal damnation. Justice will be served.” (also serves as a Responding remark here)
(Entering Tollhouse basement): "I'll never get used to the stench of death."
(Stepped on a pressure plate in the tollhouse vault): “That did something, all right. Just not sure what.”
(Found the skeletal couple under the broken bridge): “Soldiers at rest. I bet those bones have some stories to tell.”
(Successful History check): "That's Harper and druid gear. Old comrades, it seems."
(Failed): “Their gear might still be good. It'd be a shame to let it rot here.”
(Failed 2): "Soldiers at rest. Although maybe their armour's still good?"
(Successful): “Ugh - that took some doing. Mechanism must be corroded.”
(Failed): “Ugh - it's stuck. It can never be easy, can it?”
(Found Ketheric’s orders on capturing Ulder Ravengard, the party doesn’t know the latter is Wyll’s father): “Grand Duke Ravengard - abducted to Moonrise Towers? Hells - we need to talk.”
(The party knows of Wyll's lineage): “Hells - the Absolute's forces have taken father to Moonrise Towers.”
(Continuing remark): “It's settled, then. I must make my way to Moonrise.”
(Came up to a broken bridge at X: -106 Y: -184): “No getting through that way, is there?”
Exploring the ruined monastery:
(Came up to the body of a cultist killed by the gith guard): “The enemy of my enemy is my friend, they say. But I'm not so sure they're right.”
(Approaching the statue of Lathander at X: 73 Y: 4): “The undead, smashed to bone. Lathander's sun does not rise on the soulless.”
(Heard the warning from speaking bust, Arcana check):
(Successful): “A Magic Mouth[5] spell? Whoever spoke those words is long dead, I wager.”
(Failed): “A talking statue. Now was that a warning - or a command?”
(Found the corpse with a longsword in the chest, History check):
(Successful): “That's one outlandish blade. Githyanki, I reckon.”
(Failed): “That's one sharp blade. Made for a quick kill, at least.”
(Found active Guardian of Faith spell): “Guardian of Faith? That's one powerful spell.”
(In the Ceremonial room, removed the weapon from the altar): “The glowing's stopped, whatever that means.”
(Placed a non-Ceremonial weapon on altar): “Oh - a perfect fit. That's unexpected.”
(Heard Gremishka meowlings): “I hear weeping. And not the happy kind.”
(Recognized Gremishkas, ? check successful): “Gremishkas? Magic's out of the question, then - no telling how they'll react.”
(Used magic close to a Gremishka): “Those things are trouble. The less magic, the better.”
(Entered a combat with drunk Kobolds): “That kobold smells like it's been swimming in wine. One spark, and things could get... heated.”
(Pass by an inactive Lathander's Lance on the roof, knows the where crèche is): “This weapon is massive. Is this what obliterated those gith?”
(Doesn’t know the crèche location): “This thing's massive. Would hate to have it pointed at me.”
(Found a githyanki skeleton at X: 45 Y: 19, has been to the crèche): “All that's left of this githyanki are bones and armour. One of the temple's raiders from long ago?”
(Hasn’t found the crèche yet): “Githyanki armour. Githyanki bones too, I'd wager.”
(The Giant Eagle calling for help in combat): “Hells - the damn bird's screeching for its chums!”
(Found empty altar for the fake Blood of Lathander X: 74 Y: 67): “If the 'Blood of Lathander' was so important, maybe an altar display wasn't the best storage solution.”
(Read the note in the Dawnmaster’s secret stash): “The Blood of Lathander. Sounds precious - it can't be far from here.”
(Picked up the fake Blood of Lathander): “So this is what passes as a holy relic? I expected a little more drama, honestly.”
(Noticed the statues in Inquisitor’s Chamber, Perception check successful): “Grooves on the floor. I should give these statues a good push.”
(If the party read Old Maintenance Records at X: 102 Y: 26): “These statues should move, if that book's to be believed.”
(Failed to rotate the statue in Inquisitor’s Chamber): “Hells - it won't give.”
(Hit the stuck statue weakly): “A good hit - but not good enough.”
(Solved the statue puzzle in Inquisitor’s Chamber): “A hidden door? Time to poke around a bit.”
(Upon entering the Dawnbreak Gate): “Incredible. Do the githyanki know of this place?”
(Took the Blood of Lathander, using Dawnmaster's Crest): “Well. That was quite the security system.”
(Responding remark 1): “High risk, high reward. This relic must be something special.”
(Responding remark 2): “I'm hardly surprised. That thing looks powerful.”
(Managed to stop the armed Lance): “Well - tragedy averted, I suppose.”
(Responding remark 1): “I'll say. Being smothered by rubble is not how I'd like to spend my final moments.”
(Responding remark 2): “Let's think twice before getting grabby in the future, yeah?”
(Managed to stop the armed Lance, answering to Lae'zel): “And we stopped it. For now, that's all that matters.”
(Near the armed Lance on the roof): “Hells - that thing'll blow this place sky high!”
(Took the Blood of Lathander and got trapped): “I'm not one to ask favours, but - get me out of here!”
(Responding remark, avatar is trapped (not him)): “Traps within traps. There's got to be a way out.”
(Responding remark, a party member is trapped (not him)): “Traps within traps. There's got to be a way out.”
(Took the mace after destroying the barrier’s source): “Gods, the building's on the verge of collapse!”
(Responding remark): “We need to move. Now.”
(Got through the portal on the roof): “Holy hells, that was a close one. And I'm not about to stick around.”
(Ran to the right roof): “If I don't get off the roof, I'm as good as ash!”
(Ran to the left balcony): “Almost in the clear!”
(Jumped to the left roof 1): “Better move it - that thing's going to blow!”
(Jumped to the left roof 2): “Damn it all. Time to get off this roof.”
(Destroyed the crèche with the Lance): “What in the Nine Hells have we done?”
(Responding remark): “So much death and destruction - and for what? A mace? A dusty artefact?”
(Feeling the effect of Shadow Curse, 1): “Dark. Cold. As if all the life is being sucked out of me.”
(Feeling the effect of Shadow Curse, 2): “I'm fading. Bloody curse - I won't let it take me.”
(Feeling the effect of Shadow Curse, 3): “Ngh. This bloody darkness is sapping the life right out of me.”
(Responding remark 1): “Same here. I feel... cold.”
(Responding remark 2): “I - I can't go on much longer.”
(Responding remark 3 - looking for a solution): “The darkness will take our very life force, as long as we're in it.”
(Feeling the effect of Shadow Curse, looking for light source): “Please - out of the dark, before it claims me...”
(Responding remark): “The air reeks of death. Not sure how long I can hold out. We need light...”
(Responding remark): “Yes - light. Something to cast off the cursed shadows.”
(Responding remark): “Please - the dark has nearly drained me. We need light.”
(Feeling the effect of Shadow Curse, answers to Shadowheart who doesn’t, 1): “Well - I've got to dispel these shadows, before I fall to this damned curse.”
(Answer to Shadowheart, 2): “I can't say the same. My self, my spirit, is being leeched out of me.”
(Negated the Curse with a light source): “I'll be. The light wards off the shadows.”
(A torch snuffed out in deeper curse, 1): “Hells. Torchflame has no chance against these cursed shadows.”
(Remark 2): “The torch is no help, damn it - the shadows here are too strong.”
(Remark 3): “No use. Flames can't hold up to this curse.”
(Remark 4): “There went the torch. The curse is mighty strong here.”
(Successful): “These notes offer good advice - I should keep it in mind.”
(Failed): “Notes on the cursed shadows. If ever they were to spread...”
(Read graverobber’s note): “Ellie May - the name on the tombstone...”
(Read graverobber’s note, saw the grave/got the ring): “Well I'll be - he wanted Ellie May's ring.”
(Found Ellie May’s grave): “Looks like the mutts got here before I did.”
(Found animal tracks near Ellie May’s grave): “Paw prints? Something's skittered through here. Pretty recently, too.”
(Found animal’s burrow down the ledge): “A bit of bone poking out, there. Do I even want to know?”
(Saw a boar killed by the Shadow Curse at X: 92 Y: 159): “Poor thing. The place must have teemed with wildlife, once.”
(Saw the dead grove tieflings, Investigation check):
(Successful): “Whatever killed them, look like they put up a fight.”
(Failed): “Gods. How many lives have these shadows taken?”
(Saw the dead cursed ox, Investigation check):
(Successful): “An ox this big wouldn't go down without a fight.”
(Failed): “Choked to death by cursed shadows. A terrible fate.”
(Saw the dead cursed ox’s master, Medicine check):
(Successful): “The ox rampaged - and the tiefling got the business end of it.”
(Failed): “Gore everywhere. This tiefling met a vicious end.”
(Found a dead raven nearby the Last Light Inn, ? check):
(Successful): “That dead bird must be laden with cursed shadow. I wouldn't touch it.”
(Failed): “Dead bird. The curse must've gotten to it.”
Encounters with the drider and the pixie:
(Took the Moonlantern from the drider's corpse): “Victory - of course. Better grab the lantern from the corpse.”
(Set Dolly Thrice free): “Hm - that pixie's a peculiar little thing.”
(Responding remark): “She's cute as a bug - and not much bigger.”
(Set Dolly free but angered her): “One small pixie. One big mouth.”
(Responding remark to an angered pixie): “For such a small thing, she's got one big mouth.”
(Found drider’s route starting point): “Reckon here's where that drider convoy came from.”
(Responding remark, defeated the drider): “Empty for good.”
(Responding remark, haven’t defeated the drider): “Cages, shackles - the place was a prison in and of itself.”
Leaving Shadow-Cursed lands:
(At the road to Baldur’s Gate): “An army has marched through here, travelling west to... to Baldur's Gate!”
(If has seen the Absolute’s army from the cemetery cliff): “The army of the Absolute marches west to the Gate. The city is strong - but it will not hold forever.”
(Successful 1): “Meenlocks - damnable things. A bit of light or fire should scorch those tender eyes.”
(Successful 2): “Meenlocks? Damnable things.”
(Responding remark to successful): “Their eyes are accustomed to darkness. A bit of light or fire will sort them right out.”
(Arcana check failed): “Gone gods - what hole did this thing crawl out of?”
(Responding remark to failed): “Keep your neck out of those claws. One snip and you're done for.”
(Found a Selûnite shrine in the cellar, answer to Shadowheart (Sharran)): “A haven within a haven. The prayerful seek solitude - even Selûne's faithful.”
(Answer to Shadowheart (non-Sharran)): “In a land of darkness, Selûne's faithful learn make their own light.”
(Saw Rolan’s projection after he left the inn): “He won't last long in the shadows. What in the Nine Hells was he thinking?”
(Noticed the Strange Ox): “The ox from the grove. How in the Hells did it make it all the way here?”
(Defeated the Strange Ox): “They say not to go poking bears. Perhaps we should apply that to oxen.”
(Responding remark 1): “Perhaps. But you can't tell me you didn't have fun.”
(Noticed a note in Art Cullagh’s pocket): “Something poking from his pocket. Might be worth a gander.”
(Picked up Art Cullagh’s writ): “The poor fellow was poking around the House of Healing. He must have found something.”
(Halsin entered Shadowfell): “I'll be damned - the portal worked. Here's hoping he makes it back in one piece.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, initial wave): “The shadows' forces have come. Guard that portal!”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 2nd wave): “What's worse than cultists? Cursed cultists, of course.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 3rd wave): “They just keep coming. Halsin, would you hurry it up in there?”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 4th wave): “Githyanki warriors. Well, ex-githyanki, to be accurate.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, final wave): “Godsdamn it, Halsin. We can't hold out forever!”
(Halsin died during the ritual): “Damn it all - Halsin's gone.”
(Starting a fight against shadows that siege the inn): “Shadow beings. Strike them down!”
(Responding remark): “No holding back. They're lost to the curse!”
(Saw a giant tentacle while defending the inn from shadows): “Hells - what is that thing?”
(Upon entering The Waning Moon): “Must be the town distillery - I'm getting a distinct whiff of alcohol.”
(Responding remark): “We should drop in for a quick sip. For research, of course.”
(Read the poster in front of the brewery): “'Missing: Rascal - brown puppy. Jagoda - black and white cat. Zola...' - and on it goes. Not a great place to be a house pet. ”
(Already noticed the collars ner Tollhouse): “Missing - 'Zola'. 'Rascal'. And on the list goes. Why do those names - oh, hells. Those bloody collars...”
(Starting a fight with Thisobald Thorm): “Ugh - no telling what this bloated bastard's capable of.”
(Killed Thisobald Thorm): “A shame, what the shadows did to him. His death gives me no pleasure.”
(Found remains in the Waning Moon backroom): “Oh my. Someone went drowning their troubles - quite literally.”
(Found remains, having read Thisobald’s diary): “The blackmailer's remains. Must've made for a... flavourful toast.”
(Looking at orthon’s corpse installations in the temple, knowing about his presence): “Well - seems the orthon kills with substance and style. How charming.”
(Not knowing about him): “Horrible slaughter made into a crude gallery.”
(Entering orthon’s lair): “Even a dragon's corpse doesn't spill this much blood. What happened here?”
(Felt orthon’s ambush, Perception check successful): “Hells - I feel like a mouse caught in a trap. All that's missing is the cheese.”
(Looking at orthon’s bed): “I've made beds out of moss, twigs, even mud and bark - but even I have my limits.”
(Killed orthon, knows Raphael’s demand): “The devil's fallen. Raphael will be pleased.”
(Not knowing Raphael’s demand): “I've rid the Coast of a fair few devils. But orthons are rare outside the Hells.”
(An infernal circle near the rat altar): “An infernal circle, used for the casting of the Hells' most diabolical magic.” Wyll passes Arcana check here automatically
(Found a scroll near the altar): “With this spell, one can become legion. So the book claims, at least.”
(Fighting rats, between waves): “These rats just keep coming... I can't give up. Overwhelming odds are my bread and butter.”
(Starting Soft-Step Trial and read the hint book in the Silent Library): “The book said to pass the maze without triggering a trap or getting caught. Sounds easy enough.”
(Spotted by a Shadow during the trial): “Damn shade. Looks like I need to give this another go.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “Well. I should do something, I wager. Just not sure what.”
(Starting Self-Same Trial, read the hint book): “The book said I'll need to fight myself. And I don't think it meant metaphorically.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “Hm. Now what?”
(Starting Faith-Leap Trial, read the hint book): “So - memorise the platform locations and bound across. It was in a book, so it must be true.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “Hm. I could really use an instruction book.”
(Trying to activate the altar, not having a single Umbral Gem in inventory): “An empty notch. Time to find what fits it.”
(Spotted the first Umbral Gem, not knowing its purpose): “Pretty. Wonder what it's for.”
(Knowing its purpose): “Nice gem. Should fit into that altar perfectly.”
(Found another Gem, not knowing its purpose): “Another one? These gems must have some special purpose.”
(Knowing its purpose): “One more gem for the collection.”
(In the Silent Library, pressed the correct button): “And that's that.”
(Picked up the Spear of Night, not knowing its purpose): “Nice. A spear of this calibre's got plenty of gutting potential.”
(Knowing its purpose): “Quite an unusual spear.”
(Using the second transporting disc, knowing about Trials): “The disc's on the move. Looks like I'm catching a ride to the next part of the Gauntlet.”
(Not knowing): “The disc's on the move. Why walk, when you can ride?”
(Read a plaque before entering Nightsong’s prison and read Balthazar's diary in Moonrise): “Blasted temple. I was expecting the Nightsong, not some blood sacrifice.”
(Not knowing the story): “It's always a blood sacrifice, isn't it? Why not a bit of spittle, or a nose hair?”
(Upon entering the Shadowfell): “Incredible. I feel so light, I swear I might fly.”
(Leaving the Shadowfell, Shadowheart disappeared): “Glad to have you back, Shadowheart. What's been keeping you?”
(Noticed mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen X: -129 Y: -174): "Something's dripping from above. I think the technical term is 'goo'."
(The avatar sat on Ketheric's stone throne after general has left the main floor) "A throne fit for a tyrant - but most certainly not for you."
(Read a scroll near bone altar in Ketheric's room) "'Apostle's final form?' Either Ketheric's got a flair for poetry, or he's planning some ghastly ritual."
(Read Melodia’s Letter to Ketheric): “Ketheric's wife was clearly fond of him. How far he's fallen...”
(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using Araj Oblodra’s unique potion): “Ugh - that potion's near wrecked my innards.”
(Reminding the avatar about Minthara after her trial): “Minthara's still imprisoned in Moonrise. If I were inclined, I could save her. Not that I'm inclined.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 1): “Ketheric's power must stem from the Nightsong.”
(Responding remark 1): “If we find it, we can turn it against him.”
(Responding remark 2): “Then we better get searching. Shall we?”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 2): “Ketheric's power must stem from the Nightsong.”
(Responding remark 1): “'Nightsong.' A tender name for a cultist artefact.”
(Responding remark 2): “Sounds powerful, no matter the name. If we find it, we can turn it against him.”
(Responding remark 3): “Then we better get searching. Shall we?”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 3): “The Nightsong sounds like the source of Ketheric's immortality. I wager it would be used against him.”
(Responding remark): “Then we better get searching. Shall we?”
(Found Ritual circle in Balthazar’s secret room): “A ritual circle? I wonder - is this how Moonlanterns are made?”
(If Gale already knows about it): “Some kind of magic circle. I'll leave Gale to figure this out.”
(At the Necrotic Laboratory, near ritual circle, Arcana check):
(Successful): “Deplorable. The living are made undead, without even dying first.”
(Failed): “What in the deepest Hells is going on here?”
(Solved the mind puzzle): “Done. Now to reap the rewards.”
(Reading illithid manuscripts, Arcana check):
(Successful): “Illithid symbols. My brain bug must be literate, as I can read them too.”
(Failed): “This script is... familiar, somehow. If only I could make sense of it.”
(Found Mol’s eyepatch, met her): “Mol's eyepatch. We should find her before she can come to harm.”
(Never met her): “Someone's lost their eyepatch - which means someone's lost an eye. I can relate.”
(Feeling the effect of the Resonance Stone): “Happy?! Now is a weird time for happy, but I am joyous!”
(The effect ended): “Grounded again. I prefer merriment when it is earned, anyway.”
(Entering the colony’s Morgue): “Ugh - smells like I've gone down one of the Gate's stormwater grates. ”
(Saw a blood pool in the Morgue): “A lake of blood. Gods, think of all the poor souls who perished to fill it.”
(If the party has already been to the Oubliette): “All that blood. Gods, it's even more sickening than I first reckoned.”
(Splattered with blood from a morgue chute): “Ugh! Gods, now I'm soaked in it!”
(Looking at the corpse that fell out with blood from the chute): “Ugh. Plopped right down from the tower.”
Final fight with Ketheric Thorm:
(Before descending to Ketheric, saw nautiloid fleet): “Nautiloids... a whole bloody fleet of them. They must have shipped thousands of 'True Souls' through here.”
(Activating the elevator while it’s at the same level): “No need - the platform's here.”
(Taking the elevator down to Ketheric): “Agh, the tadpole feels like it's about to pop. Is anyone else's head squirming?”
Wyll: Ah - the memories. The Blushing Mermaid's where fifteen-year-old Wyll snuck his first kiss.
Astarion: You didn't kiss anyone until you were fifteen? Gods, what a tragic, sheltered life...
Wyll: Sheltered? Not at all. I was exposed to all manner of riot and revelry. Hells, my father even urged me on once or twice.
Wyll: But I've always been a bit old-fashioned on these matters. I find more pleasure in a courtly dance than a loveless fling.
(If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 1 romance scene)
Astarion: I hardly saw you at the party. Did the honest and true Blade sneak off for a little fun?
Wyll: No! Nothing like that at all.
Astarion: Oh, but you protest too much. Now I know you were practicing your swordplay.
(If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 2 romance scene)
Wyll: I'm surprised I never saw you lurking in the shadows at any Baldurian balls, Astarion.
Astarion: The city's elite was not my target audience, alas.
Astarion: People ask questions when members of the nobility disappear, and the last thing Cazador wanted was people asking questions.
(If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 3 romance scene)
Astarion: Marriage, Wyll? I thought you'd have learned not to get trapped by devious contracts.
Wyll: I was planning to invite you to the ceremony, but I'm having second thoughts.
Astarion: I'd love to come! As long as I can sit with someone fun. Mizora, perhaps?
(If the player is romancing Astarion; after act 1 romance scene)
Wyll: I'd watch yourself, my friend. I don't know if our pale rogue has anything good in his heart, or even a scrap of it left for you.
Astarion: Excuse me? That's just mean - we're all adults here.
Wyll: Your heart's cold as ice, Astarion. I'm just making sure no one slips and gets hurt.
(If the player is romancing Astarion; after act 2 romance scene)
Wyll: Astarion, I just want to say - I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Astarion: Really? And how - specifically - have you misjudged my fine character?
Wyll: You aren't actually insufferably randy. You're just insufferable.
(If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion stayed a spawn)
Wyll: Astarion, I was wrong about you. Truly wrong about you.
Astarion: Let me guess - you thought I'd suck blood, but actually I just suck? Was that your witty jab?
Wyll: No, I mean it. There's little between us we share. But you've fallen in love and stood by your lover. That is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate.
(If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion became an ascendant)
Wyll: The two of you are the unholiest union I can bloody imagine.
Astarion: It's funny - I don't recall asking your opinion, Wyll.
Wyll: You had the most precious thing - someone who would do everything for you - and you damn well took everything. 'Degenerate' doesn't half cut it.
Wyll and Gale
Wyll: Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat.
Wyll: Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn.
Gale: Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.
Wyll: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
Gale: I take it you have some suggestions?
Wyll: 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'?
Gale: Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
Lae'zel: You strike me cleverer than most istiki, Gale. Multiple tutors, I should guess.
Gale: Many a wise man and woman indeed. Waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars.
Wyll: Ah, the City of Splendours. Spent a whole Fleetswake there with my father. What a delight.
(If it is known that Gale is imbued with the orb)
Wyll: I admire your courage, Gale.
Gale: Thank you. Any particular reason?
Wyll: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers.
Gale: What can I say? Mother always taught me to be a gracious host.
Wyll: I've known goblin raiders to slaughter entire villages and strip them for loot - but I've never seen one ravaged like this.
Gale: It's hard to imagine anyone who'd willingly inflict such devastation, be they zealots, marauders, invading armies... A sign of far worse to come, I fear.
Wyll: This was a hospital? Feels more like a prison.
Gale: A common enough interpretation. Sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your own body.
Gale: I once spent weeks convalescing in the Hospice of St Laupsenn after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me.
Wyll: I've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the Coast. Better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.
Lae'zel: Baldur's Gate's sewer system could use a few... improvements.
Wyll: The smell getting to you, Lae'zel?
Lae'zel: It isn't the smell that bothers me - it's the inefficiency. An entire underground wasted on waste that could simply be teleported to Wildspace.
Wyll: Hm. Once the Absolute's finished, I'll be sure to propose your idea to the Council.
Shadowheart: You know, I'm starting to remember that Wyrm's Crossing has a bit of a reputation, doesn't it? A tad mercenary, a tad sordid. Anything and anyone for a price...
Wyll: Ah, but to little harm. Shouldn't we all be allowed to stoke a few fires from time to time?
Shadowheart: You sound like you're speaking from experience, Wyll. Perhaps you'll have to give me a tour - refresh my memory.
Wyll: Heh - I'm afraid you'd find my own stories rather tight-laced, Shadowheart. I was never one to sow my wild oats.
(At Basilisk Gate)
Shadowheart: A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
Wyll: I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
Shadowheart: You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
Wyll: What a picture you pain. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.
Wyll: Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
Shadowheart: So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
Wyll: The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
Wyll: But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies.
(At Harborview Park)
Shadowheart: Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
Wyll: 'All that goes on'?
(If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar)
Shadowheart: Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Being robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? Then, easy prey for Lady Shar.
(If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar)
Shadowheart: Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
Wyll: If that's true, then so must be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
Wyll: A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding...
Shadowheart: Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtlety to her.
Wyll: Subtlety isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
(If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar)
Shadowheart: That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
Shadowheart: Besides... it suits me.
(If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar)
Shadowheart: You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight. I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me. Besides, I have a new look now. Suits me, I think.
Wyll: On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.
(If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 1 romance scene)
Shadowheart: Someone of your... social stature, Wyll. Are they typically allowed to pursue their heart's whims as they like?
Wyll: I don't have to ask for permission, if that's what you mean.
Shadowheart: Really? I'm surprised. I thought dowries, alliances and old blueblood feuds might have to be balanced against your desires.
Wyll: I'm my own man, Shadowheart... in this sense, at least.
(If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 1 romance scene)
Wyll: Shadowheart - the way you paint around your eyes, they look permanently cloaked in shadow.
(If it is known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar)
Shadowheart: It brings me closer to Lady Shar. One day, all of our eyes will feast on her endless darkness.
(If it is not known that Shadowheart is a follower of Shar)
Shadowheart: No harm in a little mystery...
Shadowheart: Besides, I think it suits my bone structure.
Wyll: And yet your bed-pillow bears barely a smudge. You are a woman of many talents.
(If the player is romancing Shadowheart; after act 2 romance scene)
Wyll: I saw you pressing a bunch of flowers the other day in a book.
Wyll: Not like you to keep something forever.
Shadowheart: They'll crumble away in time... but no harm in appreciating their beauty until then.
(If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selune)
Wyll: Even if you and our friend ended up having werewolf cubs, they'd be so adorable.
Shadowheart: Ahem. I've shown no signs of lycanthropy, thank you very much... but should that change, I'll take it you're volunteering to be child-minder.
Wyll: Hm. Buy me some protective gloves, and I'm all for it.
(If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Shar)
Wyll: I think it's a true shame, that your goddess doesn't allow for love.
Wyll: Do you regret it?
Shadowheart: I could never regret fulfilling my life's purpose. Besides, Lady Shar may afford me a little... wiggle room.
Halsin: The scent of hops and barley is most persistent here, even after all this time.
Wyll: Enough to make me thirsty, even. I've always preferred wine to whiskey and ale, but I certainly wouldn't turn away a full flagon right about now.
Halsin: After the shadow curse, I became overly fond of honey mead and melancholy evenings by myself. Now I rarely imbibe - only on the most special of occasions.
Wyll: I say we put an end to your dry spell. Once Ketheric falls, the first round's on me.
Wyll: Our great adventure nears its climax. If I should fall, I want you all to know it's been an honour to fight beside you.
Minsc: You will not fall, warlock. And if you do, Minsc shall simply pick you up again. What - do you doubt us in this final hour?
Wyll: Yeah, but you... you're Minsc.
Minsc: And you are Wyll of the Pale Eye. Now hush, and turn your mind towards our many, many many enemies.
(If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 3 romance scene)
Minsc: Minsc has felt Boo's heart is fluttering faster than usual... for our friend the Blade is betrothed.
Wyll: Ah, my thanks. Perhaps we might even marry, if fate wills it.
Minsc: If you cannot find a bear to be the bearer of your ring, Boo would like you to know that he is available.
↑These banter lines appear in certain episodes while the party is in non-teleportable areas. In other similar cases, an attempt to speak with Wyll prompts a single-line cinematic dialogue
↑These lines appear if Wyll is another avatar's companion
↑The githyanki Losiir appears only in case when one of the players has chosen Lae'zel as a character origin
↑Flumphs are a sentient race that inhabits the Underdark. They are known to reproduce themselves through a budding process, hence the bemusement of party members. More on these creatures can be found at Flumph on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
↑An illusion spell that allows to transfer a voice message to anyone who activates a certain trigger. It is not available to cast or learn within the game. Apart from the monastery, active spells can also be found in the Thorm Mausoleum and in the Undercity Ruins, on the path to the Bhaal Temple. More on it at Magic mouth on the Forgotten Realms Wiki