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Idol of Shar

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Idol of Shar image

Idol of Shar is a common miscellaneous item that can be sold to a merchant for a modest sum, or gifted to a companion.

Carved from black marble, this effigy is as terrible and perfect as the Lady of Loss herself.


Where to find

On a pedestal behind the gate at the end of the Gargoyle Statue trap gauntlet in Grymforge at X: -644 Y: 366


  • If Shadowheart picks this up, or the player character has it in their inventory when speaking with her, it can unlock unique dialogue options, and an opportunity to improve her attitude towards the player character. This dialogue option cannot be chosen if convinced to not become a Dark Justiciar.
  • If romancing Shadowheart as a Selûnite Cleric, additional unique dialogue and behavior is available when offering the Idol to her.