** ''(Heard clash sounds):'' “Music to githyanki ears.”
* ''(Heard clash sounds):'' “Music to githyanki ears.”
* ''(After defeating first pack of goblins):'' Pathetic creatures - made for the sole purpose of slaughtering.
* ''(After defeating first pack of goblins):'' Pathetic creatures - made for the sole purpose of slaughtering.
** ''(Responding remark 1):'' “A brazen attack, for such lowly creatures. They must have been seeking something - or someone.”
** ''(Responding remark 1):'' “A brazen attack, for such lowly creatures. They must have been seeking something - or someone.”
Line 1,425:
Line 1,424:
'''In the [[Astral Plane]]:'''
'''In the [[Astral Plane]]:'''
* ''(In the Astral Plane, returning from the [[Discover_the_Artefact's_Secrets#Facing_the_prism_inhabitant|Beckoning Cave]]):'' “Is the target dead? Have you done Vlaakith's will?”
* ''(The avatar returned from the [[Discover_the_Artefact's_Secrets#Facing_the_prism_inhabitant|Beckoning Cave]]):'' “Is the target dead? Have you done Vlaakith's will?”
Line 1,481:
Line 1,480:
** ''(Found animal tracks near Ellie May’s grave):'' “Paw prints, but leading where - trap, treasure, or distraction?”
** ''(Found animal tracks near Ellie May’s grave):'' “Paw prints, but leading where - trap, treasure, or distraction?”
** ''(Found animal’s burrow down the ledge):'' “The dirt's been burrowed there. A rodent's nest, perhaps.”
** ''(Found animal’s burrow down the ledge):'' “The dirt's been burrowed there. A rodent's nest, perhaps.”
* ''(Saw an animal killed by the Shadow Curse):'' “Killed by cursed shadows. A fate I'd rather avoid.”
* ''(Saw a boar killed by the Shadow Curse at {{coords|92|159}}):'' “Killed by cursed shadows. A fate I'd rather avoid.”
* ''(Saw the dead grove tieflings, [[Investigation]] check):''
* ''(Saw the dead grove tieflings, [[Investigation]] check):''
** ''(Successful):'' “Signs of struggle. They did not meet a pleasant end.”
** ''(Successful):'' “Signs of struggle. They did not meet a pleasant end.”
Line 1,553:
Line 1,552:
* ''(Entering the [[Mason's Guild]]):'' “A masons' guild. The symbol over the door leaves no doubt.”
* ''(Entering the [[Mason's Guild]]):'' “A masons' guild. The symbol over the door leaves no doubt.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “These masons met a most violent end, judging by the impaled skeletons there.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “These masons met a most violent end, judging by the impaled skeletons there.”
* ''(Found a map of Moonrise Towers in the Mason's Guild cellar):'' "How quaint - a treasure map. The base of Moonrise is marked."
* ''(Reading the plaques on the statue at the town square):'' ”Not just a plaque - a button. Inscribed with nonsense, no less.”
* ''(Reading the plaques on the statue at the town square):'' ”Not just a plaque - a button. Inscribed with nonsense, no less.”
** ''(Entered [[Sharran Sanctuary]] under the town square):'' “Where have I gotten to? I feel not even a touch of curse.”
** ''(Entered [[Sharran Sanctuary]] under the town square):'' “Where have I gotten to? I feel not even a touch of curse.”
Line 1,560:
Line 1,560:
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse):'' “A tollhouse, I presume. A prime location, astride the canal.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse):'' “A tollhouse, I presume. A prime location, astride the canal.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Ample space for trade goods - and treasure.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Ample space for trade goods - and treasure.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse, saw [[Harpers|Harpers’]] prayers on the wall):'' “Harper prayers and protective charms - the preludes to battle.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse, saw [[Harpers|Harpers’]] prayers on the wall at {{coords|-81|-67}}):'' “Harper prayers and protective charms - the preludes to battle.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Simple words and marks. Yet for a keen warrior, a rousing call to arms.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Simple words and marks. Yet for a keen warrior, a rousing call to arms.”
* ''(Opened Cormyte Shipment Box):'' “A shipment from... Cor-myr? Some outlying province, no doubt.”
* ''(Opened Cormyte Shipment Box):'' “A shipment from... Cor-myr? Some outlying province, no doubt.”
Line 1,651:
Line 1,651:
** ''(Successful):'' “This mirror was an instrument of Shar's faithful. Dark magic still flows from the shards.”
** ''(Successful):'' “This mirror was an instrument of Shar's faithful. Dark magic still flows from the shards.”
** ''(Failed):'' “A mirror this large, and in this place, must have more than just a simple looking glass.”
** ''(Failed):'' “A mirror this large, and in this place, must have more than just a simple looking glass.”
* ''(Summoned [[Flesh]] in the battle with Balthazar and his minions)'': "It won't turn against the others. Vexing."
* ''(Killed Balthazar):'' “Dead. A pity I can't toy with him a bit longer.”
* ''(Killed Balthazar):'' “Dead. A pity I can't toy with him a bit longer.”
Line 1,714:
Line 1,715:
==== [[Moonrise Towers]] ====
==== [[Moonrise Towers]] ====
* ''([[Perception|Noticed]] mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen {{coords|-129|-174}}):'' "Is this - blood dripping from above? No. It's more viscous than that."
* ''(The avatar sat on Ketheric's stone throne after general has left the main floor)'' "Enjoy your fantasy, my liege. But don't expect me to bow."
* ''(Read a scroll near bone altar in Ketheric's room)'' "Who is this 'Apostle'? The Absolute - or something even more insidious?"
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “Bah - what use is love, when wasted on a husk like Ketheric Thorm?”
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “Bah - what use is love, when wasted on a husk like Ketheric Thorm?”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Ugh, my stomach. Not sure that potion was worth it.”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Ugh, my stomach. Not sure that potion was worth it.”
* ''(Reminding the avatar about [[Minthara]] after her trial):'' “Minthara's still locked in the towers. I am hardly fond of her - but she might be of use.”
* ''(Reminding the avatar about [[Minthara]] after her trial):'' “Minthara's still locked in the towers. I am hardly fond of her - but she might be of use.”
* ''(Walk near the place marked on Mason's map)'' "That map marked this very spot. I should scan the area."
'''In [[Balthazar|Balthazar's]] study:'''
'''In [[Balthazar|Balthazar's]] study:'''
Line 1,791:
Line 1,796:
* ''(Took Ketheric’s [[Netherstone]] after killing him as [[Apostle of Myrkul]], stayed loyal):'' “Myrkul's Chosen has fallen. ''Ch'mar, zal'a Vlaakith!''”
* ''(Took Ketheric’s [[Netherstone]] after killing him as [[Apostle of Myrkul]], stayed loyal):'' “Myrkul's Chosen has fallen. ''Ch'mar, zal'a Vlaakith!''”
(Upon entering the chamber, saw the control panel): “Ghaik machinery. I can make no sense of it.” (played only if Lae'zel hasn't entered the room with the avatar, otherwise her line will be played)
(Trying to read the central sigil, Arcana failed): “An arcane sigil. What might it mean?”
(Trying to read the left sigil, Arcana failed): “A sigil I cannot make sense of.”
(Trying to read the right sigil, Arcana failed): “Chk. I cannot make this out.”
(Used ‘Unleash’ button): “Dead already.”
(Used ‘Aggression’ button): “They've turned aggressive. A most powerful machine.”
(Try to open the Elaborate Reliquary without a key): “A reliquary - requires a key.”
(Found the Gold Key): “A key. What might it unlock?”
(Found the key, already tried to open the chest): “A key. I must see what that reliquary contains.”
(Found a socket in Shadowheart’s pod): “Locked down. It needs whatever fits in that socket.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune): “This must fit the device near that pod.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune, hasn’t spoken to Shadowheart): “An unusual item. Where does it fit?”
(Saw dozens of pods in the Transformation room, as an avatar): “Kaincha. I can hardly bear to look.”
(Saw dozens of pods in the Transformation room, as a party member): “Tsk'va! How many hosts have these ghaik infected?”
(Trying to read the button in Transformation room, Arcana failed): “A mystery, even to me.”
(Saw the woman in the pod transformed): “Foul ghaik! Transformed by a lever. That must never be our fate.”
(Sat in one of the chairs surrounding the pod in Transformation room): “Voices...”
(Responding remark 1): “I hear nothing of the sort.”
(Responding remark 2): “The chair. It's connected to the nautiloid's systems - and its ghaik.”
(Responding remark 3): “Come. It will no good to draw undue attention.”
(Picked up either Slave Mind or Dark Mind): “A brain. Nourishment for the ghaik.”
(Picked up the second one of these two): “More mind flayer food.”
(Urging the avatar to move on 1): “To the helm - we must not delay.”
(Urging the avatar to move on 2): “There is no time to tarry.”
(Urging the avatar to move on 3): “Do you wish to die? We cannot linger here.”
(Urging the avatar to move on 4): “We must go to the helm - now.”
(Saw Auntie Ethel disappeared after helping her against brothers): “ Gone in a wink. I suspect we've been played for fools.”
(Responding remark): “Ethel is dangerous, if the brothers spoke true. Perhaps we should pay a visit.”
(Found the brothers dead, haven’t met them): “Not just dead: gutted. Hardly a painless kill.” (also serves as a Responding remark when have met the brothers).
(Responding remark): “An expert kill - and a painful one.”
(Have encountered them arguing with Ethel): “The brothers, dead. So much for a family reunion.”
(Noticed a Scrying Eye): “That floating eye keeps watch. Best avoided, or it may spoil the hunt.”
(Talked to either Dror Ragzlin or Minthara, and they mentioned “the weapon”): “These cultists seek a weapon. Could they mean the artefact that we carry?”
(Responding remark): “If so, they'll hunt us to the far ends of this cursed land.”
(Responding remark on avatar's comment on receiving "penance" from Abdirak): "A crude execution, at best."
(Found a blocked trapdoor in Ragzlin’s throne room): “Blocked. No getting through.”
(Killed Minthara): “Dead, more's the pity. My blood had just started to boil.”
(Killed Priestess Gut): “Disgusting creature. We did her a favour.”
(Successful): “Burrows? The work of a bulette, I believe. A land shark.”
(Failed): “Someone - or something - has been digging here...”
(Bulette approaching, Nature check):
(Successful): "Was that… a bulette? I've heard tales of their viciousness."
(Failed): "Whatever it was, I stand at the ready."
(Bulette reappeared after hiding underground): “Back for another go? Let's get started.”
(Approaching the Sussur Tree): "There is something about that tree. Something wrong."
(Feeling Sussur Tree impact): "What is this? These flowers - they make my blood run as cold as ice."
(Cut off a piece of Sussur Tree Bark, has the blueprints, hasn’t been to the smithy): “I've the blueprint and the sussur bark. Now, to seek a forging tool.”
(Responding remark): “The forge at the blacksmith's house should do.”
(Has been to the smithy): “I've got the blueprint and the sussur bark. Now, I need a forging tool.”
(Found Myrna's dog collar after digging out the grave at X: -41 Y: -212): “A collar, covered with runes.”
(Responding remark, read Letter from Amarith): “Lenore's work, clearly. It must have some purpose.”
(Responding remark, hasn’t read the letter): “A mystical artefact. Or a meaningless trinket.”
(Found dead drow at the foot of the crag, Medicine check):
(Successful): “Dead drow. Fall injuries, from the looks of it.”
(Failed): “Skeletons and a decaying corpse. What drew them to this fate?”
(Found illusory mushroom “ladder” leading toward crag top at X: 67 Y: -256): “Tsk'va! Best to watch my step.”
(Found illusory wall on the top of the crag): “Someone didn't want us intruding. Which means there's something worth finding.”
(Approaching a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “Another ring - but these mushrooms aren't glowing.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “A circle of mushrooms. The teachings made no mention of this.”
(Entered a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “Nothing. Perhaps it needs to be activated somehow.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “Nothing happened. As I expected.”
(Activated the mushroom ring): “Odd. The ring's colour has changed.”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown Tunnel, Ethel is dead): “The hag's lair. Would that I could kill her twice over.”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown Tunnel, Ethel survived): “The hag's lair. Step with caution.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown Tunnel to the Putrid Bog): “The swamp. Delightful.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown Tunnel into the Underdark, hasn’t been to Underdark earlier): “Stones as damp as the caverns of K'liir. This must be the Underdark.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown Tunnel into the Underdark, has been to Underdark): “Back in the Underdark, it would seem. Crude magic - but effective.”
(Teleported from the Putrid Bog into Overgrown Tunnel): “The hag's lair? Hardly more appealing.” (this line is the same regardless of Ethel was killed or survived)
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Putrid Bog): “Out of the Underdark - but still stranded on this woeful rock.”
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Sunlit Wetlands (Ethel’s illusion is still intact)): “Out of the Underdark and into the marshes - but still standing on this middling rock.”
Elsewhere in the Underdark:
(Entering Zhentarim storehouse from the Underdark): "The mark of the Zhentarim, I believe - the brigands for hire."
(Entering Zhentarim storehouse, descending from Zhentarim Hideout): "Contraband. Why else would so many goods be stored in such depths?"
(Found a Drow resupply stash at X: 71 Y: -220): “An old resupply cache. Lolth's children once tread here.”
(Heard Baelen’s cries for help): “Another coward crying for aid? How usual.”
(Killed all Kuo-toa in Festering Cove, dissipating BOOOAL’s magic): “The power has dispersed. He was no god - hardly even an imitation.”
(Arriving at the Grymforge): “A military fortress, perhaps. An odd sight in these dim caverns.”
(Met a Scrying Eye): “There - a scrying eye. Someone's keeping a close watch on this place.”
(Met a Scrying Eye, seen one in the Goblin Camp): “A scrying eye. One roamed the goblin settlement, if I recall. Someone's watching us.”
(Responding remark to both options): “Be wary - and do not draw its attention.”
(Looted a dead Scrying Eye): “A scrying eye, forever blinded.”
(Saw drow corpses in cages near the pier): “A drow corpse. A trophy - and a warning.”
(Looted the Engraved Pin from a drow corpse, History check):
(Successful): “I've seen this emblem - a harp and a crescent. What business would bring a Harper here?”
(Failed): “Curious emblem on this pin. A guild symbol, perhaps.”
(After talking to Stonemason Kith): “Even on this plane, history is carved in stone and burned in brick.”
(Responding remark): “Learn what you can in these grottos. The champions of the past have plenty to teach us.”
(Found Dark Justiciars’ skeletons): “Halsin mentioned a place like this. Moonrise Towers inches ever closer.”
(Saw crates with old Sharran gear at X: -668 Y: 400): “Rusted - not a useful weapon among the lot.”
(Found a crossbow in an old crate, History check):
(Successful): “Hardy but graceful - a fine crossbow. Made by Sharran hands, if my teachings keep true.”
(Failed): “Graceful, powerful. I could ask no more of a crossbow. Are the duergar so capable?”
(Looted a piece of adamantine, knows about the forge): “Just a bit of slag - but that glimmer. A touch of adamantine, I daresay.”
(Doesn’t know about it): “Speckled bit of slag. Useless.”
(Found defaced statue of Shar, recognized the symbol of the Absolute): “Shar, defaced by the Absolute's mark. I can think of no better target for vandals.”
(Did not recognize the symbol): “Chk - the plain visage of Shar. Were it not already marked by vandals, I might have done it myself.”
(If Nere died in the cave-in): “I suppose Nere's dead by now. I just need his head.”
(Looking at the Shar temple down from the ruined bridge): “Is that a temple down there? A pity I cannot jump further.”
(Successful): “Shar worshippers left these rotting ritual dregs behind. Why slow the senses with food and drink before a killing? Pointless.”
(Successful 2): “The rotting ritual dregs of a Nightfall feast - a decadent display.”
(Responding remark): “Shar worshippers did this. Why slow the senses with food and drink before a killing? Pointless.”
(Failed): “What manner of fiend holds a feast in a place like this?”
(Found a loose stone at X: -600 Y: 422 through Perception check): “A loose stone? Someone's secret stash has been found out.”
(Found a place where Philomeen climbed up the ledge, knows about her escape): “A thick rope, good for climbing. The escaped gnome must have climbed up here.”
(Does not know about her): “Tools and a rope - someone climbed up here. Enterprising duergar? Gnome on the run?”
(Found a Devilfoil Mask): “Odd. What manner of mask is this?”
(Arcana check successful): “The mask was a merregon's - an infernal warrior.
(Failed): “I've never encountered such a thing, even in wildspace.”
(Arcana check successful, knows about merregons’ habits): “Hmm - a merregon's, most likely. An infernal battle was fought here. But what of the commander?”
(Doubts whether the merregons’ commander is dead): “I suppose the merregons' master returned to the Hells. Unless...”
(Tried to put on the mask): “An unusual metal. Too heavy to wear comfortably.”
(Found a second mask): “A mask. Just like the others.”
(Found the third mask (?)): “My teachings say nothing of them. They could be meaningless trinkets.”
(Found the Idol of Shar, the party knows Shadowheart is a Sharran): “This idol bears the Dark Lady's likeness. Shadowheart might be interested.”
(The party does not know): “This idol bears Shar's likeness. A detailed rendering of a trivial goddess.”
(Found a bunch of rusty weapons): “Useless. Time has ravaged these weapons well beyond repair.” (triggers only for the first time interacting with those)
(Interacted with the Orb of Darkvision): “A great darkness stirs in me. In Vlaakith's name, what is this?”
(Read Abandoned Journal): “Chk. Better to face a hellbeast than to leave a record of your own cowardice.” (triggers after finding at least one Devilfoil Mask)
(Stepped on a platform held by chains): “Small steps - this thing is all but rusted through.”
(Saw dead gnolls on the bridge to the Tollhouse): “Someone's already slain these creatures. A pity they didn't leave any for us.”
(Seeing rockfall and wreckage near the Tollhouse): “Fresh corpses. This was no mere cave-in.”
(Agreed to help Anders, but found out that his crew are Zariel’s servants): “We may have more important pursuits - but when it comes to slaying the Hells' minions, I'll find the time.” (Also serves as a Responding remark here)
(Entering Tollhouse basement): "The rot of death. Delightful."
(Stepped on a pressure plate in the tollhouse vault): “A pressure plate? Curious - there must be a trick to it.”
(Found the skeletal couple under the broken bridge): “Fallen warriors, their days of glory long since passed.”
(Successful History check): "Their equipment bears Harper and druid icons. A curious alliance."
(Failed): “We should examine the bodies. Even a corpse can carry a fine sword.”
(Failed 2): “Nameless bones left by a forgotten battle.”
(Saw a red dragon): “A dragon-rider - my kin are near.”
(Responding remark): “Such beauty. Such power.”
(Responding remark 2): “If only I was mounted on that dragon.”
(Responding remark 3): “The skill of a dragon-rider - breathtaking.”
(Responding remark to seeing a red dragon, Frightened 1): “Such fury. I do not envy the dragon's prey.”
(Responding remark to seeing a red dragon, Frightened 2): “Beautiful. And terrifying.”
(Responding remark to seeing a red dragon, Frightened 3): “Only a fool would resist such power.”
(Read a roadsign after dragon’s attack): “Bah! Useless.”
(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 1): “The shield is warm from the red dragon's fire. Wise of Vlaakith to take them as allies.”
(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 2): “The shield is warm from the red dragon's fire.”
(Responding remark): “Red dragons make powerful weapons and steeds. Vlaakith was wise to ally with them.”
(After the fight with Baretha and other githyanki scouts): “Their corpses may have something of use...”
(Read the Elaborate Slate looted from one of the githyanki corpses): “A githyanki crèche lies beyond the mountain pass. Purification is finally at hand.”
(Looking at the valley vista from the viewpoint X: -30 Y: -100): “I'm not one to admire a view. This time - well, this time shall be an exception.”
(Respond to others' remarks on the sight of the ruined monastery from afar): “Keep your focus. A crèche may take any guise - even that of a derelict temple.”
(Recognizing Lathander depiction in the statue at X: -63 Y: -133, Religion check successful): “Lathander, the Morninglord. And self-righteous snob, as I see it.”
(Successful): “Good - with great effort, great reward. Or so I hope.”
(Failed): “The thing is older than the Rock of Bral - and just as unyielding.” [5]
(Came up to a broken bridge at X: -106 Y: -184): “The bridge is down. There must be another way through.”
Exploring the ruined monastery:
(Came up to the body of a cultist killed by the gith guard): “The cultists have made enemies of my people. They will be eager for my help.”
(Approaching the statue of Lathander at X: 73 Y: 4): “Lathander, smiting the undead to make way for new blood.”
(Heard the warning from speaking bust, Arcana check):
(Successful): “A Magic Mouth[6] spell. A warning from the past - and a failed one, to be sure.”
(Failed): “The statue speaks. A warning from the past, no less.”
(Found the corpse with a longsword in the chest, History check):
(Successful): “A githyanki blade. One mighty thrust, one life purged.”
(Failed): “One mighty thrust, one life purged.”
(Found active Guardian of Faith spell): “I know this spell - Guardian of Faith. Extraordinary, that it's lasted so long.”
(In the Ceremonial room, removed the weapon from the altar): “It's stopped glowing - its magic snuffed out.”
(Placed a non-Ceremonial weapon on altar): “Standard weapons are sufficient - a welcome convenience.”
(Heard Gremishka meowlings): “What is that awful mewling?”
(Recognized Gremishkas, ? check successful): “Gremishkas? The less magic the better, or they'll be frenzied - or worse.”
(Used magic close to a Gremishka): “Damnable things. One spell, and there's no telling how they'll react.”
(Entered a combat with drunk Kobolds): “The kobold reeks of liquor. This is no time go to playing with fire.”
(Pass by an inactive Lathander's Lance on the roof, knows the where crèche is): “A formidable weapon. Was this used on my people?”
(Doesn’t know the crèche location): “This weapon would have been formidable in battle.”
(Found a githyanki skeleton at X: 45 Y: 19, has been to the creche): “A fallen githyanki, still clad in armour - one of the first raiders to descend on the temple.”
(Hasn’t found the crèche yet): “A fallen githyanki warrior. A crèche must be close.”
(The Giant Eagle calling for help in combat): “It's calling for help. Keep focus!”
Crèche Y’llek
(Entered the Dormitory): “This crèche's bunks look entirely too soft for my liking.”
(Read the parchment with the rules on the dormitory wall): “The first ten protocols. The young must abide them, or bear the sa'varsh's barbed whip.”
(Set Gremishka loose from the gith kids’ chest): “Tsk'va!”
(Responding remark): “So this was their victim? Chk. I'd sooner the yanki release their aggressions on each other.”
(Looking at the devices in Stornugoss’ laboratory): “Githyanki scholars study ghaik devices closely. They even incorporate their findings into our own machines and magic.”
(Looking around in the Hatchery): “Entirely too empty. I'd expect to see fifteen eggs, at very least.”
(Saw anatomical diagrams in the Classroom): Only through anatomical study do we learn of ghaik weakness. The more we know, the more efficient our kills.“”
(Hit a training dummy in the Classroom): “We trained on effigies just like this in Crèche K'liir. The reward for destroying one? Crafting a replacement.”
(Started a fight with sa'varsh Kethk and his students): “The pupils hang on his every move. Don't underestimate them.”
(Opened an apple crate in the corridor): “Fruit? Chk. No githyanki of worth would prefer this to a fresh kill.”
(Read the map in Captain’s Quarters): “A map of the Sword Coast. My people have scouted well beyond the temple.”
(Killed Therezzyn, reminding themselves about the Inquisitor): “The servant is slain. But there still remains a master.”
(Interacted with the deactivated barrier): “Waste of time. The barrier's down.”
(Walking the bridge that leads to Inquisitor’s Chamber): “The Inquisitor will be waiting. We must hurry.”
(Responding remark): “Do as I do. The Inquisitor shall tolerate only the utmost respect.”
(Responding remark 2): “I hope - no, expect - the ch'r'ai will aid us.”
(Responding remark 3): “Chk. The Inquisitor may guide us. Do not provoke him.”
(Try to use an inactive Planecaster, before speaking to W'wargaz): “Inactive.”
(Found empty altar for the fake Blood of Lathander X: 74 Y: 67): “The 'Blood of Lathander' was on full display, all but begging to be thieved.”
(Read the note in the Dawnmaster’s secret stash): “'Blood of Lathander' - a holy relic, surely. It must be near.”
(Picked up the fake Blood of Lathander): “The Blood of Lathander. Hardly impressive as relics go.”
(Noticed the statues in Inquisitor’s Chamber, Perception check successful): “Scuffs and grooves on the floor, just there. These statues are more than decoration.”
(If the party read Old Maintenance Records at X: 102 Y: 26): “Lathander statues? These can be moved - that book said as much.”
(Failed to rotate the statue in Inquisitor’s Chamber): “Chk. Stuck.”
(Hit the stuck statue weakly): “Again, again.”
(Solved the statue puzzle in Inquisitor’s Chamber): “Curious. What secrets might this door be hiding?”
(Upon entering the Dawnbreak Gate): “Has this place escaped my people's notice all this time? Embarrassing.”
(Took the Blood of Lathander, using Dawnmaster's Crest): “Powerful protections. Our success was hardly certain.”
(Responding remark 1): “This artefact must have been quite valuable.”
(Responding remark 2): “Is that such a surprise? It looks powerful enough to level a mountain.”
(Managed to stop the armed Lance): “We endangered the crèche and its people - and to what end?”
(Responding remark 1): “Such insouciance. You cannot comprehend the destruction we nearly triggered.”
(Near the armed Lance on the roof): “Tsk'va - that thing will reduce the whole crèche to ashes!”
(Took the Blood of Lathander and got trapped): “No no no. Release me, before that thing detonates!”
(Responding remark, avatar is trapped (not her)): “Another complication. Keep your wits - there must be a way out.”
(Responding remark, a party member is trapped (not her)): “I'll work on the barrier. Someone, find the way out of here.”
(Took the mace after destroying the barrier’s source): “Tsk'va - the whole place is coming down!”
(Responding remark): “Move it. And hurry!”
(Got through the portal on the roof): “A narrow escape. I must press on.”
(Ran to the right roof): “I need to get down. NOW!”
(Ran to the left balcony): “Almost there!”
(Jumped to the left roof 1): “Tsk'va - explosion is imminent!”
(Jumped to the left roof 2): “There's no time - I need to get down from here.”
▶ Note: Lae'zel has no remarks on destroying the crèche. If she is present in the party and remained alive, a cinematic scene will be played instead.
(Entering the House of Healing): “Ah - a house of healing.”
(Responding remark): “A fortunate find. We could do with some potions for the journey ahead.”
(At the Infirmary, saw Arabella’s mother): “That corpse there - Arabella's mother. At least, what remains of her.”
(Saw Arabella’s father): “That corpse - it's Arabella's father. Or rather, what's left of him.”
(Saw either, haven’t met them): “A tiefling corpse. One of Zevlor's people, perhaps.”
(Killed Malus Thorm): “ What a thrill. The more abhorrent the creature, the more satisfying the kill.”
(Malus Thorm killed by his nurses): “An appropriate end, given the torture he's inflicted. A shame I didn't get to take part.”
(After Malus Thorm killed himself): “His own final victim. A bloody sort of poetry - beautiful in its own way.”
(In the Morgue, saw footprints): “Handprints on the door there. Someone's been 'poking about', as these Faerûnians say.”
(Looking at the army camp from the cemetery cliff, knowing about the Absolute): “Fires as far as my eyes can reach. The Absolute's army is camped here - I should turn heel.”
(Not knowing about the Absolute): “A military camp. I must tread cautiously - if I tread at all.”
(Upon entering The Waning Moon): “A distillery. If the sign weren't clear enough, the odour would be.”
(Responding remark): “A cursed distillery, no less. I suspect it holds more than just liquor.”
(Read the poster in front of the brewery): “'Missing: Rascal - brown puppy. Jagoda - black and white cat. Zola...' Cat? Ah - the vermin hunter. Many were lost. Or taken.”
(Already noticed the collars ner Tollhouse): “Missing - 'Zola'. 'Rascal'. And on it goes - hence all those bloodied collars...”
(Starting a fight with Thisobald Thorm): “This deviant's been rotted by drink. I shall enjoy sobering him up.”
(Killed Thisobald Thorm): “It's done. Let the shadows torment him no longer.”
(Found remains in the Waning Moon backroom): “A body in a barrel. Quite the unique flavouring technique.”
(Found remains, having read Thisobald’s diary): “The brewer's blackmailer. I might find it funny, were I capable of it.”
(Found the tomb open, before reading the plaque): “An open tomb. Perhaps the occupant was restless.”
(Haven’t met Isobel yet): “Ketheric has a daughter - Isobel. What's become of her?”
(Met Isobel, does not know her parentage): “Isobel - the cleric at Last Light?”
(Responding remark): “So she is the blood of Ketheric Thorm. Even Selûne's faithful have their secrets, it seems.”
(Knowing both): “Ah - this Isobel's resting place before Ketheric resurrected her.”
(Triggered a disarmed trap around Isobel’s tomb): “Not so much as a poison arrow. The trap's been disarmed - or broken.”
(Looking at the mural depicting Moonrise Tower, haven’t visited it): “A shining tower. A primitive depiction, but not unpleasant.”
(Already been to Moonrise): “Moonrise Towers in its prime. Hardly the monstrosity it is now.”
(Looking at the mural depicting grieving Ketheric, haven’t met him): “An elf in mourning? Chk - a fruitless tradition.”
(Has met Ketheric): “Ketheric Thorm, deep in mourning for his daughter - such a fruitless endeavour.”
(Looking at the mural depicting Ketheric with his army, not knowing the story): “An elf leading an army of Shar disciples - an unmistakable depiction.”
(Knows the story): “Ketheric Thorm, commanding a Sharran army. He'd turned his eyes from Selûne to her sister.”
At the entrance to the temple itself:
(Spotted the transporting disc to the temple): “That disc is the way forward. I should see where it takes me.”
(Responding remark): “Onto the disc, then. Unless you have a better idea.”
(Starting Soft-Step Trial and read the hint book in the Silent Library): “The book was quite clear. Navigate the maze, avoid traps, avoid detection. Elementary, really.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “Bah - I'd sooner be severing heads than solving puzzles.”
(Spotted by a Shadow during the trial): “Really - back to the beginning? Vlaakith, grant me patience...”
(Starting Self-Same Trial, read the hint book): “I am meant to fight my double. Finally - a worthy opponent.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “What now? I tire of these mysteries.”
(Starting Faith-Leap Trial, read the hint book): “Step one: remember the platform locations. Step two: jump, just as the book explained.”
(Don’t have a hint from the book): “A puzzle of sorts. No match for superior wits, naturally.”
(Trying to activate the altar, not having a single Umbral Gem in inventory): “ An empty cleft - but I have nothing to fill it with.”
(Spotted the first Umbral Gem, not knowing its purpose): “A gem. Could be valuable.”
(Knowing its purpose): “A fine gem. And a fine fit for the altar.”
(Found another Gem, not knowing its purpose): “One gem is a prize. Two are a puzzle. They must have some use.”
(Knowing its purpose): “Yet another gem. One for every trial, surely.”
(In the Silent Library, pressed the correct button): “Access.”
(Picked up the Spear of Night, not knowing its purpose): “Quite the spear. Keen point, hardy shaft - a good weapon to keep handy.”
(Knowing its purpose): “What an unusual spear. Is this the one Shadowheart seeks?”
(Using the second transporting disc, knowing about Trials): “The disc is moving. It must lead to the next step of Shar's Gauntlet.”
(Not knowing): “The disc is in motion. A welcome boon for an arduous journey.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 1): “The Nightsong must be the source of Ketheric's life force.”
(Responding remark 1): “If we find it, we might turn it against him.”
(Responding remark 2): “We'll need to explore thoroughly. I doubt Ketheric leaves the means to his downfall out in the open.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 2): “The Nightsong must be the source of Ketheric's life force.”
(Responding remark 1): “'Nightsong'. An appropriate name for an owl, perhaps - but not for a cult artefact.”
(Responding remark 2): “If we find it, we might turn it against him.”
(Responding remark 3): “We'll need to explore thoroughly. I doubt Ketheric leaves the means to his downfall out in the open.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 3): “The Nightsong is the source of Ketheric's life force. Which means it could be turned against him.”
(Responding remark): “We'll need to explore thoroughly. I doubt Ketheric leaves the means to his downfall out in the open.”
(Found Ritual circle in Balthazar’s secret room): “I feel darkness and light, woven together. This is where Moonlanterns are crafted.”
(If Gale already knows about it): “Seems the sort of thing our resident wizard of Waterdeep should handle.”
(At the Necrotic Laboratory, near ritual circle, Arcana check):
(Successful): “Ritual necromancy - essence is drained from the living to turn them undead.”
(Failed): “I do not know what this magic is. And I am in no hurry for answers.”
(Solved the mind puzzle): “The way is opened. The reward better be worth the effort.”
(Leaving the puzzle vault, answers Gale’s question): “Led by the great Mother Gith, my people cast off our chains and eliminated our ghaik slavers from the Astral Plane - though they still fester elsewhere.”
(Reading illithid manuscripts, Arcana check):
(Successful): “I can read ghaik script. Is this the tadpole's doing?”
(Failed): “I've never seen symbols like this. But I still know them. How?”
(Found Mol’s eyepatch, met her): “Mol's eyepatch. But what's become of the child?”
(Never met her): “An eyepatch. But whose?”
(Feeling the effect of the Resonance Stone): “Is this... is this joy I feel? It's terrible. And incredible.”
(The effect ended): “Ah, the joy's faded. No matter - I much prefer furious indignation.”
(Entering the colony’s Morgue): “By the One in the Void, this stench could choke a neogi master.”
(Saw a blood pool in the Morgue): “An ocean of blood. Ghaik depravity truly knows no bounds.”
(If the party has already been to the Oubliette): “The blood lake once more. And the ghaik's grand design for our future, laid bare.”
(Splattered with blood from a morgue chute): “Wonderful. Just fantastic.”
(Looking at the corpse that fell out with blood from the chute): “A victim dumped from Moonrise. And hardly the first.”
Final fight with Ketheric Thorm:
(Before descending to Ketheric, saw nautiloid fleet): “A whole fleet of ghaik nautiloids. How many thralls has the 'Absolute' infected?”
(Activating the elevator while it’s at the same level): “Pointless to touch this foul device - the platform is already here.”
(Taking the elevator down to Ketheric): “Feel that? Our tadpoles are restless.”
Shadowheart: All those locked cells. A girl could cause all sorts of mischief with skilled fingers and a hairpin...
Lae'zel: You have done mischief enough with hairpins, if your tresses are an indication. The prisoners would be a hindrance.
(If Shadowheart was there when you saved Lae'zel from the cage, at the start of act 1)
Shadowheart: A hindrance, you say? Remind me, where did we fetch you from again? Oh that's right - a cage, caught by a couple of tieflings. Interesting.
Shadowheart: I'd rather an extra burden than extra enemies. Anyone the Absolute has captive is one tadpole away from taking up arms against us.
Lae'zel: Baldur's Gate's sewer system could use a few... improvements.
Wyll: The smell getting to you, Lae'zel?
Lae'zel: It isn't the smell that bothers me - it's the inefficiency. An entire underground wasted on waste that could simply be teleported to Wildspace.
Wyll: Hm. Once the Absolute's finished, I'll be sure to propose your idea to the Council.
↑These banter lines appear in certain episodes while the party is in non-teleportable areas. In other similar cases, an attempt to speak with Lae'zel prompts a single-line cinematic dialogue
↑These lines appear if Lae'zel is another avatar's companion
↑The githyanki Losiir appears only in case when the player (or one of the players) has chosen Lae'zel as a character origin
↑Flumphs are a sentient race that inhabits the Underdark. They are known to reproduce themselves through a budding process, hence the bemusement of party members. More on these creatures can be found at Flumph on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
↑Rock of Bral is one of the inhabited asteroids commonly known as The Tears. More information about it can be found at Rock_of_Bral on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
↑An illusion spell that allows to transfer a voice message to anyone who activates a certain trigger. It is not available to cast or learn within the game. Apart from the monastery, active spells can also be found in the Thorm Mausoleum and in the Undercity Ruins, on the path to the Bhaal Temple. More on it at Magic mouth on the Forgotten Realms Wiki