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Drilldown: condition sources
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- areas (72)
- condition sources (2581)
- conditions (1405)
- creatures (1849)
- equipment (910)
- item icon (4509)
- item locations (1096)
- locations (186)
- misc items (3094)
- passives (1046)
- spells (1778)
- status groups (47)
- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (423)
Use the filters below to narrow your results.
condition inflicted:
Alcohol (38) ·
Prone (34) ·
frightened (33) ·
Bleeding (24) ·
Poisoned (23) ·
Burning (20) ·
Blinded (18) ·
Dazed (11) ·
Bane (9) ·
Confused (9) ·
Charmed (8) ·
Invisible (8) ·
Momentum (8) ·
Paralysed (8) ·
Slowed (8) ·
Wet (8) ·
Chilled (7) ·
Heat (7) ·
Silenced (7) ·
Sleeping (7)
None (438) ·
10 (6) ·
10 + Strength modifier (1) ·
11 (9) ·
12 (26) ·
13 (25) ·
14 (17) ·
15 (15) ·
16 (16) ·
17 (6) ·
18 (5) ·
8 (1) ·
9 (3) ·
caster (151) ·
Spellcaster (1) ·
weapon action (30)
None (428) ·
CHA (11) ·
Charisma (3) ·
CON (115) ·
Constitution (15) ·
DEX (25) ·
Dexterity (8) ·
INT (5) ·
Intelligence (2) ·
STR (29) ·
Strength (9) ·
WIS (58) ·
Wisdom (42)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abjure Enemy
- Abjure Enemy
- Absolute Night
- Absolute's Bane
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Accretion
- Adamantine Backlash
- Adamantine Shield (passive feature)
- Adhesive Whip
- Adrenaline Rush
- Aegis Palms
- Aegis Palms
- Amnian Dessert Wine
- Ancient Grudges
- Animal Friendship
- Animus Screech
- Arabellan Dry
- Arcane Ashes
- Arcane Echomalefaction
- Arcane Lock
- Arcane Radiance
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
- Arkhen's Hoard
- Arsonist's Oil
- Arsonist's Oil
- Ashaba Dusk
- Aspect of the Beast: Chimpanzee
- Awaken Crawling Claws
- Baalor Ale
- Backbreaker
- Bad Omen
- Baldur's Grape
- Bane (spell)
- Bane's Wrath
- Baneful Bond
- Baneful Strike
- Banishing Smite
- Banishing Smite (Melee)
- Banishing Smite (Ranged)
- Banishment
- Barrel-Aged Callidyrran
- Basic Poison
- Battle Acuity
- Battlemage's Power
- Beacon of Hope
- Beckoning Darkness
- Beguiling Rebuke
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty
- Bestow Curse: Additional Damage
- Bestow Curse: Attack Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Constitution Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dexterity Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dread
- Bestow Curse: Intelligence Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Strength Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Wisdom Disadvantage
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Bulette)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Bite (Squire)
- Blackstaff
- Blade Ward
- Bladesong
- Blazing Hide
- Bless
- Blessed Mercy
- Blind Terror
- Blinding Ambush
- Blinding Shot
- Blinding Smite
- Blindness
- Blingdenstone Blush
- Blink
- Blood-Curdling Emission
- Bloodletting
- Bloodrender
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Bludgeon the Weak
- Blur
- Boar Charge
- Bolstering Magic: Boon
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Boon of Servitude
- Boon of the Hag
- Boon of the Unstoppable
- Boots of Elemental Momentum
- Branding Smite
- Branding Smite (Melee)
- Branding Smite (Ranged)
- Brass City Scrangle
- Brutal Leap
- Brutal Servitude
- Bufotoxin
- Burning Overflow
- Call Lightning
- Calm Emotions
- Carafe of Water
- Carafe of Wine
- Caustic Overflow
- Cauteriser
- Challenge to Duel
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
- Channel Divinity: Touch of Death
- Charge
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Charm Person
- Chilling Counter
- Chilling Overflow
- Chilling Strikes
- Choking Wail
- Chultan Fireswill
- Cindermoth Cloak
- Cinders
- Circuitry Interface
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Clench of the North Wind
- Cloak of Shadows
- Coated in Arsonist's Oil (Condition)
- Coated in Basic Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Crawler Mucus (Condition)
- Coated in Drow Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Malice (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Bane (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Combustion (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Diminution (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Freezing (Condition)
- Coated in Wizardsbane Oil (Condition)
- Cocoon
- Cold Embrace
- Coldbrim Chill
- Commander's Strike
- Common Table-Wine
- Compelled Duel
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Conductive Strikes
- Conduit of Kereska's Ice (Condition)
- Confusion
- Confusion Ray
- Contagion: Slimy Doom
- Cosmic Omen: Ability Check
- Countercharm
- Crackling Resonance
- Crackling with Kereska's Lightning (Condition)
- Crawler Mucus
- Create Lava
- Create or Destroy Water
- Create Water
- Create Water (variant)
- Crown of Madness
- Crowning Strike
- Crusader's Mantle
- Curse of Terror
- Damp Aegis
- Dancing Lights
- Dawnburst Strike
- Dazing Echo
- Dazing Smite
- Dazzling Blows
- Dazzling Ray
- Deadly Leap
- Death Burst (Mud)
- Death's Promise
- Deathbringer's Legacy
- Decanter of Nearly Endless Water
- Deepflesh Slice
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark
- Despair (Condition)
- Despair: Dread (Condition)
- Despair: Madness (Condition)
- Devour Intellect
- Dig Deep
- Diluted Oil of Sharpness
- Dip
- Dip
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery
- Disconcerting Visage
- Disconcerting Visage (Tactician)
- Dispel Evil and Good
- Displacement
- Dissonant Whispers
- Divine Favour
- Divine Guardian
- Divine Sense
- Diving Strike
- Dominate Beast
- Dominate Person
- Doom Hammer
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Dreadful Aspect
- Dreadful Glare
- Dream Mist
- Drow Poison
- Duergar Antidote
- Edge of Terror
- Eigersstor Noblerot
- Eldritch Strike
- Electric Blood
- Electric Veins
- Electrified Flail
- Electrified Regurgitation
- Elemental Cleaver
- Elemental Momentum
- Elemental Resonance
- Elemental Resonance
- Elemental Resonance
- Elemental Resonance
- Elemental Resonance
- Elements of an Epoch
- Elements of an Epoch
- Elements of an Epoch
- Encrusted with Frost (Condition)
- Enhance Leap
- Enlarge
- Enlarge (Duergar)
- Enrage
- Ensnaring Strands
- Ensnaring Strike
- Ensnaring Strike (Melee)
- Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
- Enthrall
- Envenom
- Esmeltar Red
- Essence of Ether
- Exposing Bite
- Exude Mating Pheromones
- Eyebite: Asleep
- Eyebite: Panicked
- Eyebite: Sickened