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Resources are expendable units in Baldur's Gate 3 that determine what a creature is able to do at any given time, as well as how long they must wait before they are able to do it again.
Depleted resources must recharge in order for them to be used again. Resources always recharge on taking a long rest, but some also recharge on taking a short rest, or at the beginning of the creature's turn.
A resource that recharges at the start of the turn, when used outside turn-based mode or combat, will recharge almost immediately after use. If used to initiate or enter combat, it will not recharge at the start of your turn [note 1].
All creatures have a set of common resources available to them, and most other resources are gained along with the actions or features that use them.
Common resources[edit | edit source]
All creatures have access to a set of resources which are used to take actions and move, and which recharge at the start of a creature's turn.
Actions[edit | edit source]
Most actions require the acting creature to expend one or more resources, usually at least one of the three common resources associated with actions:
- Action
- Primary combat resource
Recharge: turn (1 action)
- Bonus action
- Secondary combat resource
Recharge: turn (1 bonus action)
- Reaction
- Used to take reactions
Recharge: turn (1 reaction)
By default creatures only have one charge per turn for each of these three resources, but there are multiple ways of gaining additional charges.
Some actions, such as those that grant additional Action resources, do not require any common resources to be expended.
Bonus Action[edit | edit source]
Some actions, frequently referred to as bonus actions, require a Bonus Action to be expended when taken.
Some class features allow a creature to take specific actions which normally require an action by expending a bonus action instead. For example the Rogue class’s "Cunning Action" features allows a character to Dash, Disengage or Hide as a bonus action.
Additionally, a few actions require both an Action and a Bonus action to be expended when they are taken. This typically represents doing two things simultaneously, for example making a physical attack while casting a spell to enhance it (as with smite spells).
and otherReaction[edit | edit source]
The Reaction resource is expended by creatures when taking reactions, which are actions that a creature is prompted to take in response to certain triggers, either on their own turn or another creature's.
Some reactions do not require a creature to expend a Reaction. These are usually class features that are triggered under specific circumstances, often as part of making an attack, such as when a rogue is prompted to make a Sneak Attack or when a paladin is prompted to use Divine Smite.
Movement speed[edit | edit source]
Movement speed determines how far a creature can move on its turn, on a 1:1 ratio.
A creature's race determines whether their default movement speed is slow, normal or fast:
- Slow: 7.5 m / 25 ft
- Normal: 9 m / 30 ft
- Fast: 10.5 m / 35 ft
Most playable races have normal movement speed, but dwarves, halflings and gnomes have slow movement speed, whereas wood elves and wood half-elves have fast movement speed.
Some conditions temporarily increase or decrease a creature's movement speed, and all creatures can Dash to double their movement speed for that turn. There are also multiple ways of increasing movement speed, both temporarily and permanently.
Spell slots[edit | edit source]
Spell slots are expended by casters to cast spells they know. Each spell slot also has a level which determines what level of spells it can be expended to cast.
Spell slots come in two variants:
- Spell slots
- Casters with the Spellcasting feature expend spell slots to cast any spells they know.
Recharge: long rest (spell levels 1-6)
Spell slots, provided they are the right level, can be expended to cast any spells the caster knows, no matter the source.
Lists of class feature resources[edit | edit source]
Recharge on long rest[edit | edit source]
- Arcane Recovery Charges
- Used and aquired by Wizards. You get 1-6 charges.
- Bardic Inspiration Charges
- Used and aquired by Bards. Exists as
d8 and
d10 variants. At bard level 5 they recharge on short rests. You get 3-5 charges.
- Fungal Infestation Charges
- Used and aquired by Circle of the Spores Druids. You get 4 charges.
- Lay on Hands Charges
- Used and aquired by Paladins. You get 3-5 charges.
- Natural Recovery Charges
- Used and aquired by Circle of the Land Druids. You get 1 charge that becomes more powerful for each druid level.
- Rage Charges
- Used and aquired by Barbarians. You get 2-5 charges
- Sorcery Points
- War Priest Charges
- Used and aquired by War Domain Clerics. You get 3-6 charges.
Recharge on short rest[edit | edit source]
- Channel Divinity Charges
- Used and aquired by Clerics. You get 1-2 charges.
- Channel Oath Charges
- Used and aquired by Paladins. You get 1 charge.
- Superiority Dice
- Used and aquired by Battle Master Fighters and the feat. Exists as
d8 and
d10 variants. You get 4-5 from Battle Master and 1 from Martial Adept.
- Ki Points
- Used and aquired by Monks. You get 2-13 points. Can be restored with and .
- Tides of Chaos Charges
- Used and aquired by Wild Magic Sorcerers. This resource does not display over your hotbar. You get 1 charge.
- Wild Shape Charges
- Used and aquired by Druids. You get 2 charges.
Other resources[edit | edit source]
- Used and aquired by the feat. You get 3 points.
- Shadow Spell Slots
- Long rest Recharge:
- Eyestalk Action
- Recharge: Turn
- Resource exclusive to the Spectator enemy. They have 2.
Hidden resources[edit | edit source]
These are resources that are used in-game but are not visible anywhere.
- Deflect Missiles Charges
- Sneak Attack Charges
- Recharge: Turn
- Legendary Resistance Charges
- Recharge: Turn
Unused resources[edit | edit source]
These are resources that are in the game files and can be accessed via third-party tools, but have no use in-game.
- Astral Manipulation Point
- Recharge: Turn
- Acquired by the "Loosened Gravity" condition. This condition can only be accessed via third-party tools, and it supposed to give you the "Astral Manipulation" action together with the Astral Manipulation Point. The "Astral Manipulation" action is referred to in the game files but does not exist. Attempting to use this resource will crash your game.
- Hit Dice
- Long rest Recharge:
- Used by the class action . This action is not accessible in-game without third-party tools and using it will result in your game crashing.
- Ritual Point
- Long rest Recharge:
- This resource is restored every long rest, but can not be obtained without third-party tools and has no use.
- Weapon Action Point
- Short rest Recharge:
- This resource is restored every short rest, but can not be obtained without third-party tools and has no use.
See also[edit | edit source]
Footnotes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This is called "disable free first strikes" and can be turned off in Custom mode.