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Araj Oblodra

Revision as of 06:27, 5 December 2023 by (talk) (Notable items sold: Graceful Cloth is from Lady Esther, not Araj Oblodra)
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Araj Oblodra
Level 6












  Race Lolth-Sworn Drow Lolth-Sworn Drow
  Type Humanoid
  HP 52
  AC 14
  Movement Speed 9m / 30ft
  Size Medium
  Weight 75kg / 150lbs
  Proficiency Bonus +3
  Initiative +3
Passive features
Character information
Location Moonrise Towers,

Lower City X: -91 Y: -93

Araj Oblodra is a drow trader and blood-focused alchemist who can be found in Moonrise Towers and the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. Other than the items she sells, she also asks to speak with Astarion, and offers you a potion in exchange for a sample of your blood.

Speaking with Astarion

When you bring Astarion to speak with her, she asks him to bite her so that she may study the effects of vampire bites up close. She offers a Potion of Everlasting Vigour Potion of Everlasting Vigour in exchange, which permanently increases the Strength of the one drinking it by 2. Astarion is reluctant to do so, sensing there is something wrong with Araj's blood, but he will comply if you ask him to, no ability check required (although he does disapprove). It should be warned that this choice can end his romance if the character presses him to do so.

Blood for potions

Araj offers potions in exchange for True Soul blood. With a DC 14 Intelligence (History) check, you can determine that she wants Illithid blood rather than True Soul blood specifically, and if you reveal what you know of her intentions she'll up her offer to 200 gold along with each potion.

Each character may give blood once, taking D3 HP of damage, this includes hirelings which suggests they, too, have Illithid blood. The potion you receive depends on the race of the character giving the blood. As with standard elixirs, the effects last until a long rest, excepting the "Elixir of Half-Elven Healing" which is simply a single-use consumable. Unlike elixirs, however, the potion's effect is not replaced when you drink another elixir (game version 4.11.3669438). Using these potions inflicts the condition Blood-draw Sickness after a long rest. The tool tip reads Nothing is ever free- until the next long rest the affected entity has a -1 to all dice rolls.

Race Potion Effect
Elf Elixir of Elven Elegance +10m movement speed, Darkvision, and immunity to Charmed
Dragonborn Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Acid, Fire, Frost, Lightning, Poison Advantage on Intimidation and Persuasion Checks, resistance and ability based on subrace.
Drow Elixir of Elven Elegance +10m movement speed, Darkvision, and immunity to Charmed
Dwarf Elixir of Dwarven Resilience Add proficiency to Saving Throws three times, or until long rest
Githyanki Elixir of Githyanki Providence Cast Misty Step, Invigorate Leap, and Blur once each
Gnome Elixir of Gnomish Ingenuity Sleight of Hand proficiency, cast Knock once
Half-Elf Elixir of Half-Elven Healing You and surrounding allies regain hit points equal to your Constitution score
Half-Orc Elixir of Half-Orcish Fury When you are Downed before your next Long Rest, you instead drop to 1 hit point thanks to the relentless will roiling in your veins.
Halfling Elixir of Halfling Luck Advantage on skill checks
Human Elixir of Human Versatility Proficiency in all skills
Tiefling Elixir of Tiefling Vice Cast Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Burning Hands, and Flame Blade once each

Unstable Blood

You can find Araj again in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate in Act 3. As the player approaches her shop, Crimson Draughts, just east of The Blushing Mermaid, a series of explosions will begin and Araj will come running out, on fire and thrilled. She'll offer the player a potion, the newest results of her research.

This "Mysterious Potion" causes a small explosion when drunk, and imbues the consuming character with the permanent Unstable Blood Unstable Blood passive feature, turning their blood into a flammable explosive.

In the locked basement of her shop, you can discover the butchered remains of several less-voluntary participants in Araj's research. Her journal also reveals the true purpose of her research, to find a way to restore House Oblodra to its former glory, or failing that, to exact explosive vengeance for the fallen house.


Araj Oblodra is part of the now defunct House Oblodra. Over a century ago, an alliance of rival drow destroyed her House, due to their association with psionics and illithids before and during the Time of Troubles. House Oblodra was known for, among other things, reckless experimentation with illithid breeding-stock.

Very few survived the House's destruction, making Araj Oblodra one of few members left alive. The only other two known survivors of House Oblodra K'yorl Odran, a Matron Mother of the house, and Kimmuriel Oblodra, who had joined the Bregan D'aerthe after the house's fall.

Notable items sold


  • Araj is referred to as an "Infernal Merchant" and demon in the games files.