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Aberrations are a type of creature that are unnatural, and don't resemble any creature in the natural world in any way shape or form. They can be found throughout Baldur's Gate 3, most notably as the game's main antagonist, the mind flayers.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Due to the nature of Aberrations, they may be found in a large variety of shapes and forms. They may have large or bizarre appendages, strange abilities and unknown origins. Many aberrations do not come from the Material Plane, and instead were brought over by some kind of magic.

As such, aberrations don't have any common features or characteristics, unlike other types of creatures.

Types of aberrations[edit | edit source]

Beholder[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Beholder and Beholder on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Beholders are large, floating orb-like creatures with a giant eye in the middle and several eyestalks protruding from the main body. Inherently magical in nature, each eyestalk is capable of firing magical beams of light, inflicting a variety of powerful magical effects.

Beholders in Baldur's Gate 3[edit | edit source]

Cloaker[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Cloaker and Cloaker on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Cloakers are intelligent floating creatures that resemble large stingrays. When lying on the ground, they appear similar to large cloaks, hence the name. In combat, Cloakers can emit a subsonic moan that paralyzes nearby creatures, as well as create illusory duplicates.

Cloakers in Baldur's Gate 3[edit | edit source]

Mind Flayer[edit | edit source]

Mind flayers, also known as illithids, are the most well-known and feared aberrations. They are highly intelligent, sadistic creatures that possess powerful psionic abilities. Mind flayers feed by extracting the brains of unsuspecting creatures, and can create more mind flayers through a process known as ceremorphosis.

Mind flayers in Baldur's Gate 3[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

Related items[edit | edit source]

Related spells and abilities[edit | edit source]