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Guildhall is a location in the Lower City Sewers of Baldur's Gate in Act Three. It is the stronghold of the Guild, a criminal organisation run by Nine-Fingers Keene.
Accessing the Guildhall
The Guildhall can be accessed either from either the Lower City Sewers or the Lower City.
The fastest route is to use the manhole X: 127 Y: -30 in the alley north of the Basilisk Gate waypoint and smash through the western wall X: 38 Y: 784. Follow the path west and there is a locked door to the Guildhall. Lockpicking it (DC 20) grants entry to the Guildhall Bar.
Above ground, there is an alley X: 57 Y: -101 guarded by Tusgront and several other Guild members. If Aid the Underduke was started and the party aided Farlin in Rivington, they are instantly recognized as allies of the Guild and allowed entry. If Jaheira is in the party, selecting "Careful, that's the High Harper Jaheira you're speaking to" smooths the way without any checks. Otherwise, a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check allows passage. [See: Bugs]
Guildhall Bar
Severn runs a bar near the entrance to the sewers. He sells the Drunken Cloth and a variety of food and drinks. Two double doors lead to Nine-Fingers' office.
Nine-Fingers' Office
Guildmaster Nine-Fingers Keene is holding a council with Guild bursar Uktar about some missing payments from an orphanage. If Jaheira is in your party, Nine-Fingers will recognize her and have some special dialogue. Speak with Nine-Fingers to continue the quests The High Harper and Aid the Underduke. A note from Rakath Glitterbeard by Nine-Fingers' bedroom desk has more information about the location of The Stone Lord.
Two notes in her office can give the party a lead on the diabolist Helsik for the quest Free Orpheus. A locked wardrobe (DC 20) in the bedroom leads to a secret part of the sewers which cannot initially be accessed any other way. The key can be pickpocketed from Nine-Fingers.
Secret Sewer Vault
On the secret landing accessible through the wardrobe in Nine-Fingers' bedroom is a key which opens an otherwise unpickable heavy chest on the ground floor below at X: -63 Y: 760.
Meanwhile across the landing is a safe door (DC 30). The keys to both the safe and the wardrobe can be pickpocketed from Nine-Fingers. The safe door leads to a vault containing several opulent chests full of rare arrows, rare wines, and expensive clothing. Opening the second locked door inside will lock the party in the vault, although whoever devised this trap did not consider the ramifications of fast travel. To get out conventionally, either pick the lock again or use the button hidden behind a bookcase in the second room.
Meanwhile a lever further toward the north end of the space outside the vault opens a second exit to the main sewers, just south of the southern ferry dock, at X: -60 Y: 785. Access from the main sewers is not available until the lever has been activated from this side.
- After speaking with Nine-Fingers Keene in her office, Guild bursar Uktar can be found near the stairs leading to the bar. He is interested in buying keys to the high security vaults beneath the Counting House, and can also tell the party where to find The Stone Lord.
- In the north-east corner, Sticky Dondo sells the Shade-Slayer Cloak and miscellaneous potions and dyes. Speaking to Mol nearby will complete Find Mol.
- Tut Thistlebog X: -14 Y: 740 can also be persuaded to give the location of The Stone Lord.
- Two small groups of Zhentarim can be found on the southern side, near the entrance from the Lower City.
Notable characters
- Mol
- Nine-Fingers Keene
- Severn (trader)
- Sticky Dondo (trader)
- Uktar
Zhentarim Members
Related quests
Notable loot
- High Security Vault n°7 Key - Stolen or looted from Nine-Fingers Keene
- Drunken Cloth - Sold by Severn
- Shade-Slayer Cloak - Sold by Sticky Dondo