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Drilldown: spells
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- weapons (423)
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None (221) ·
melee (170) ·
self (138) ·
18/60 (80) ·
9/30 (65) ·
ranged (49) ·
weapon (22) ·
3/10 (17) ·
12/40 (14) ·
30/100 (10) ·
6/20 (10) ·
18/ (9) ·
4/ (5) ·
14/47 (4) ·
2.5/8 (4) ·
1.5/5 (3) ·
3/ (3) ·
8/26 (3) ·
jump (3)
None (721) ·
CHA (2) ·
CON (46) ·
DEX (35) ·
DEX, (1) ·
Dexterity (3) ·
INT (11) ·
STR (34) ·
WIS (24) ·
Wisdom (1)
None (582) ·
Acid (8) ·
Bludgeoning (52) ·
Cold (3) ·
Fire (13) ·
Force (14) ·
Healing (19) ·
Lightning (7) ·
Necrotic (23) ·
Piercing (62) ·
Poison (10) ·
Psychic (17) ·
Radiant (4) ·
Slashing (41) ·
t (4) ·
Thunder (9) ·
weapon (10)
None (750) ·
CHA (2) ·
CON (40) ·
Constitution (2) ·
DEX (17) ·
DEX Save (1) ·
Dexterity (1) ·
INT (12) ·
Intelligence (1) ·
STR (24) ·
Strength (3) ·
WIS (21) ·
Wisdom (4)
None (472) ·
1 (87) ·
10 (58) ·
100 (4) ·
2 (119) ·
3 (32) ·
4 (7) ·
5 (18) ·
6 (2) ·
Long Rest (28) ·
Permanent (15) ·
Until Long Rest (36)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- A Coven of Hags
- A Mother's Desperation
- Aberrant Shape
- Abjure Enemy
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Intellect
- Accursed Spectre (reaction)
- Acidic Regurgitation
- Action Surge
- Adamantine Reverberation
- Adhesive Whip
- Adjust Seeming
- Alchemist's Fire (action)
- Alternate Form: Dire Wolf
- Alternate Form: Minotaur
- Alternate Form: Phase Spider
- Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff
- An Apple a Day
- Ancient Grudges
- Animating Spores
- Animus Screech
- Arachnid Compulsion
- Arachnid Jump
- Arcane Ammunition
- Arcane Recovery
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Archer's Eye
- Astral Knowledge
- Astral Knowledge: Charisma
- Astral Knowledge: Dexterity
- Astral Knowledge: Intelligence
- Astral Knowledge: Strength
- Astral Knowledge: Wisdom
- Astral Step
- Augmented Shield of Thralls
- Auntie's Trickery
- Aura of Murder (class action)
- Aura of Penance
- Aura of Terror
- Awaken
- Awaken Crawling Claws
- Backbreaker
- Bad Omen
- Balm of the Moonmaiden
- Barbed Vine
- Bardic Attack
- Bardic Defence
- Bardic Inspiration
- Battle-Ready Owlbear
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven Companion)
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven)
- Beak Attack (Raven Familiar)
- Beak Attack (Shadow-Cursed Raven)
- Bear Companion
- Bend Luck
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty
- Benign Transposition: Teleport
- Bhaal's Edict
- Bhaal's Power Word Kill Ritual
- Bibberbang Spores
- Bind Hexed Weapon
- Bind Pact Weapon
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Badger)
- Bite (Bat)
- Bite (Bulette)
- Bite (Cloaker)
- Bite (Dire Wolf)
- Bite (dog)
- Bite (Ghost Dogs)
- Bite (Gnoll)
- Bite (Hyena)
- Bite (Mapped Terror: Spiders)
- Bite (Mapped Terror: Wolves)
- Bite (Mimic)
- Bite (Mother's Loathing)
- Bite (Panther)
- Bite (Rat Combatant)
- Bite (Rat)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Bite (Scratch)
- Bite (Spectator)
- Bite (Squire)
- Bite (Sword Spider)
- Bite (Vampire Spawn)
- Bite (Wolf)
- Bite (Worg)
- Black Fist Enforcers
- Black Hole
- Bladesong
- Blazing Retaliation
- Blessing of the Trickster
- Blinding Ambush
- Blink (class action)
- Blink-of-an-eye Bolt
- Blink: Teleport
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Money
- Blood Sacrifice
- Blood Skeleton Slam
- Bloodfest
- Bloodlust (Redcap)
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Boar Charge
- Boar Companion
- Bolstering Magic: Boon
- Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
- Boon of the Unstoppable
- Boot of the Giants
- Bout of Storms
- Brace (Melee)
- Brace (Ranged)
- Break Illusion
- Bufotoxin
- Bull Rush
- Bulwark Rebuke
- Burrow (Bulette)
- Bursting Brood
- Buthir's Wrath
- Caitiff's Restoration
- Call Consort
- Call for Help
- Calling for Help
- Ceremorphosis
- Chalice Healing
- Challenge to Duel
- Champion Challenge
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
- Channel Divinity: Touch of Death
- Charge
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Charger: Shove
- Charm Animals and Plants
- Chill of the Mountain
- Circuitry Interface
- Claws (action)
- Claws (Badger)
- Claws (Bear Companion)
- Claws (Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Bear)
- Claws (Cat)
- Claws (Cave Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Crawling Claw)
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Hag)
- Claws (Harpy)
- Claws (Imp)
- Claws (Intellect Devourer)
- Claws (Malus Thorm)
- Claws (Meazel)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Claws (Owlbear)
- Claws (Quasit)
- Claws (Raphael)
- Claws (Vampire)
- Clench of the North Wind
- Click Heels
- Cloak of Shadows
- Cocoon
- Combat Inspiration
- Combat Wild Shape
- Commander's Strike
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Confusion Ray
- Conjure Murder of Crows
- Conquering Presence
- Consume Souls
- Control Undead
- Controlled Chaos
- Corpulent Rage
- Corrosive Phlegm
- Corrosive Spit
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Saving Throw
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Saving Throw
- Countercharm
- Create Lava
- Create Sorcery Points
- Create Spell Slot
- Crossbow Shot
- Crushing Flight
- Cunning Action: Dash
- Cunning Action: Disengage
- Cunning Action: Hide
- Cursed Thorns
- Cutting Words
- Daddy's Lecture
- Dampen Elements
- Damsel in Distress
- Danse Macabre
- Dark Currents
- Darkness Cloak
- Dash
- Dash (bonus action)
- Deadly Orders
- Deathbringer's Legacy
- Debilitating Shot
- Defensive Attack
- Defensive Duellist
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark
- Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles (Return)
- Destructive Wrath
- Devour (Ghoul)
- Devour (Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound)
- Devour (Shambling Mound)
- Devour Intellect
- Dig
- Dip
- Dire Raven Companion
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Disengage
- Disengage: Bonus Action
- Dismiss Arcane Lock
- Dismiss Blink
- Dismiss Construct Mode
- Dismiss Pact Weapon
- Dismiss Shapechanger
- Dismiss Wild Shape
- Dismiss: Slayer
- Dispel Disguise
- Dispel Identity
- Displace (Displacer Beast)
- Displacer Beast Shape
- Divine Guardian
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention: Arm Thy Servant
- Divine Retaliation
- Divine Sense
- Divine Strike: Elemental Fury
- Diving Strike
- Doppelganger (class action)
- Draining Kiss
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Dread Ambusher: Hide
- Dread Embrace
- Dreadful Glare