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Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Blade Ward Blade Ward Abjuration Abjuration Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action 0 Take only half the damage from Damage TypesBludgeoning, Damage TypesPiercing, and Damage TypesSlashing attacks.
Bursting Sinew Bursting Sinew Necromancy Necromancy Cleric Cleric
Wizard Wizard
Action DEX 18m Damage Types Explode a corpse, causing it to impale those around it.
Guidance Guidance Divination Divination Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Action Concentration 1.5m The target gains +1d4 bonus to Ability checks. Duration: 10 turns
Light Light Evocation Evocation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 1.5m Infuse an object with an aura of light.
Produce Flame Produce Flame Conjuration Conjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Action 0 A flame in your hand sheds a light in a 9 m / 30 ft radius and deals 1d8Damage TypesFire damage when thrown.
Resistance (Cantrip) Resistance Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Action Concentration 1.5m Make a target more resistant to spell effects and conditions: it receives a +1d4 bonus to Saving throws.
Sacred Flame Sacred Flame Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Action DEX 18m Damage Types Engulf a target in a flame-like radiance.
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Transmutation Transmutation Cleric Cleric Action 0 Gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Intimidation and Performance Checks.
Toll the Dead Toll the Dead Necromancy Necromancy Cleric Cleric
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Attack roll WIS 18m Damage Types Ring the bell of impending doom. If the target is at full health, you deal 1d8Damage TypesNecrotic damage instead.
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Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Bane (spell) Bane Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Action Concentration 9m Up to 3 creatures receive a -1d4 penalty to Attack rolls and Saving throws.
Bless Bless Enchantment Enchantment Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action Concentration 9m Bless up to 3 creatures. They gain a +1d4 bonus to Attack rolls and Saving throws.
Command Command Enchantment Enchantment Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 18m Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw in order to resist the effects.
Create or Destroy Water Create or Destroy Water Transmutation Transmutation Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Action 9m 4m Choose to call forth rain or destroy a water-based surface.
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds Evocation Evocation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Heal a creature you can touch.
Guiding Bolt Guiding Bolt Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Action Attack roll 18m Damage Types The next attack roll against this target has Advantage Icon.png Advantage.
Healing Word Healing Word Evocation Evocation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Bonus Action 18m Heal a creature you can see.
Inflict Wounds Inflict Wounds Necromancy Necromancy Cleric Cleric Action Attack roll 1.5m Damage Types Putrefy a creature with Damage TypesNecrotic energy filling your hands.
Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Protect an ally against the attacks and powers of Aberrations, Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, and Undead.
Sanctuary Sanctuary Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric Bonus Action 18m You or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature. You can still take damage from area spells.
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Bonus Action Concentration 18m Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its Armour Class Armour Class by 2.
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Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Aid Aid Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 0 9m Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve to heal and increase their Hit Points maximum.
Blindness Blindness Necromancy Necromancy Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 18m Limit a foe's sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. Attack rolls against it have Advantage Icon.png Advantage and the foe attacks with Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage.
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Action Concentration 18m 6m Humanoids can't be Charmed Charmed, Frightened Frightened, or become enraged.
Enhance Ability Enhance Ability Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Action Concentration 1.5m Bestow a magical enchantment upon an ally. They gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability.
Hold Person Hold Person Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't Move, Act, or React. Attacks from within  Range: 3 m / 10 ft are always Critical Hits. At the end of each turn, the affected creature can make a Wisdom Saving throw to end this condition.
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration Abjuration Abjuration Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Cure a creature from Condition Type Icon.pngDiseased, Condition Type Icon.pngPoisoned, Paralysis Paralysis, or Condition Type Icon.pngBlinded.
Prayer of Healing Prayer of Healing Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Action 0 9m Heal all allies you can see within range by 2d8 + Spellcasting Modifierhit points.
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Touch a creature to neutralise all poisons affecting it, and grant it protection against poisonous influences.
Silence Silence Illusion Illusion Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration Ritual 18m Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced Silenced and Immune to Damage TypesThunder damage.
Spiritual Weapon Spiritual Weapon Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Bonus Action 18m Damage Types Summon a floating, spectral weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you.
Warding Bond Warding Bond Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric Action 1.5m Ward an ally. They gain resistance to all damage, and a +1 bonus to their Armour Class Armour Class and Saving throws.
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