Warlock is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3 . Warlocks channel their patron's pact magic to fight enemies and aid allies in combat. Warlocks use Charisma as their primary ability score.
Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.
The Warlock Subclasses are:
Class information
Warlock's default armour
Hit points
At level 1: 8 + Constitution modifier
On level up: 5 + Constitution modifier
Key abilities
Charisma for Spells
Constitution for Hit Points and Concentration
Dexterity for Armour Class
Saving throw proficiencies
Charisma , Wisdom
Equipment proficiencies
Simple weapons
Light armour
Skills with proficiency (Choose 2)
Arcana , Deception , History , Intimidation , Investigation , Nature , Religion
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. At character level 1 the Proficiency Bonus is +2.
Starting Equipment
Padded Armour , Dagger , Simple Boots
Spellcasting Ability
Known spells
Warlock Spells are Always Prepared. In exchange, Warlocks know fewer Spells at low levels.
Pact Magic
Warlock spell slots (also known as "pact slots") are not like those of other spellcasters.
Warlock spell slots are equal to the highest level of Spells the Warlock has access to. Casting a lower level Spell will always "upcast" it to the highest level available.
Warlocks have a very limited number of spell slots, but also regain those slots by taking a Short Rest or Long Rest .
As a result, Warlocks can cast fewer Spells per battle than other spellcasters, but also more high level Spells per day.
Level progression
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.
Warlock Spell Slots: 1
Used to cast Warlock spells. Regain Warlock Spell Slots by taking a Short Rest .
Cantrips Known: 2
Choose 2 Cantrips from the Warlock Spell List .
Spells Known: 2
Choose 2 Spells from the Warlock Spell List .
New Cantrips available
New 1st Level Spells available
Choose a patron (subclass)
Eldritch Invocations : 2
Choose 2 Eldritch Invocations
New Eldritch Invocations available
Agonising Blast
When you cast Eldritch Blast , add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals, unless the modifier is negative.
Armour of Shadows
You can cast Mage Armour on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot . Mage Armour increases your Armour Class when you are not wearing armour.
Beast Speech
You can cast Speak with Animals on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot.
Beguiling Influence
You invoke your patron's bewitching charm. You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills.
Devil's Sight
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance of 24 m / 80 ft
False Life
You can cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot. False Life grants you 7 temporary hit points .
Mask of Many Faces
You can cast Disguise Self on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot.
One with Shadows
When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become Invisible . Invisibility ends early if you move , attack, cast another spell, take an action, or take damage.
Repelling Blast
When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast , you can push the creature up to 4.5 m / 15 ft
away from you.
Thief of Five Fates
You can cast Bane using a Warlock spell slot once per long rest.
Warlock Spell Slots: 2
You gain an additional Warlock Spell Slot.
Spells Known: 3
Choose 1 additional 1st Level Spell from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
Pact Boon
Choose 1 Pact Boon
Improved Warlock Spell Slots
Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at 2nd Level .
Spells Known: 4
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 2nd Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
New 2nd Level Spells available
Subclass Features
Cantrips Known: 3
Choose 1 additional Cantrip from the Warlock Spell List .
Spells Known: 5
Choose 1 additional 1st or 2nd Level Spell from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
Eldritch Invocation : 3
Choose 1 additional Eldritch Invocation
New Eldritch Invocations available
Deepened Pact
Pleased with your service, your otherworldly patron added new boons to the terms of your pact.:
Improved Warlock Spell Slots
Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at 3rd Level .
Spells Known: 6
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 3rd Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
New 3rd Level Spells available
Subclass Features
Spells Known: 7
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 3rd Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
Subclass Features
Eldritch Invocation
Choose 1 additional Eldritch Invocation
New Eldritch Invocations available
Improved Warlock Spell Slots
Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at 4th Level .
Spells Known: 8
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 4th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
New 4th Level Spells available
Subclass Feature
Spells Known: 9
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 4th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
New Eldritch Invocations available
Improved Warlock Spell Slots
Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at 5th Level .
Spells Known: 10
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 5th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
New 5th Level Spells available
Eldritch Invocation
Choose 1 additional Eldritch Invocation
Subclass Feature
Spells Known: 11
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 5th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
Subclass Feature
Warlock Spell Slots: 3
You gain an additional Warlock Spell Slot.
Spells Known: 12
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 5th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List
Mystic Arcanum
Your patron bestows upon you a magical secret called an arcanum. Choose one 6th Level spell from the Warlock Spell list. You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a Long Rest before you can do so again.
Eldritch Invocation
Choose 1 additional Eldritch Invocation
New Eldritch Invocations available
Spells Known: 13
Choose 1 additional Spell up to 5th Level from the Warlock Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Warlock Spell List .
External links