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Arves is a splendidly-dressed merchant with a profoundly absent mind. Speaking to him is one way to initiate
.Despite his apparent wealth, he doesn't remember any details about his own life. Using
reveals that his memories are scrambled, but that the name "Moyra" occasionally peeks through the mess.It's possible to pass a Deception check to take advantage of his condition and convince him to give the party some of his gold. Knowing about Moyra will give Advantage on this check.
DC 20Arves initially came to the House of Grief out of mourning after the death of his wife Moyra. They in turn removed all his memories of her—and many more, it would seem. According to Client List, this is because he was determined to have a "melancholy heart" via Mapping of the Heart.
If interacting with the Mirror of Loss within the Cloister of Sombre Embrace, it's possible to become imbued with Arve's memory of his lost wife. However, speaking to Arves after acquiring his lost memory yields no new dialogue options.
Notable Loot
- Black Diamond
503 gp