Ranger is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3 . In tune with nature and their surroundings, Rangers utilize both their knowledge of the wilds and spellcasting to pursue their prey. Important Ability Scores for Rangers include Dexterity (or Strength ), Constitution , and Wisdom .
Rangers are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.
The Ranger Subclasses are:
Note: Proficiency bonus is based on character level , not class level. It's included in the table for convenience.
Class information
Ranger's default armour
Hit points
At level 1: 10 + Constitution modifier
On level up: 6 + Constitution modifier
Key abilities
Dexterity (or Strength ) for physical attacks
Constitution for Hit Points and Concentration Checks
Wisdom for Spells.
Saving throw proficiencies
Strength , Dexterity
Equipment proficiencies
Simple weapons , Martial weapons
Light armour , Medium armour
Skill proficiencies (Choose 3)
Animal Handling , Athletics , Insight , Investigation , Nature , Perception , Stealth , Survival
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. At character level 1 the Proficiency Bonus is +2.
Starting Equipment
Shortbow , Leather Armour (green variant), Leather Boots , Arrow of Ice
Spellcasting Ability
Known Spells
Ranger Spells are Always Prepared. In exchange, Rangers know fewer Spells at low levels.
Rangers are primarily martial fighters; they gain Spell Slots at 1/2 the rate of a full spellcaster.
Level progression
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.
Favoured Enemy
Choose 1 Favoured Enemy
Natural Explorer
Choose 1 Natural Explorer
Fighting Style (Choose 1)
You gain a +2 bonus to Ranged Weapon Attack rolls
You gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class while wearing Armour .
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon, increasing your chance to do heavy damage.
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an offhand attack, you can add your Ability Score Modifier to the damage of the attack.
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.
Spells Known: 2
Choose 2 starting spells from the Ranger Spell List .
New 1st Level Spells available
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
Spells Known: 3
Choose 1 additional Spell from the Ranger Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
Choose a subclass
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List .
Extra Attack
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.
Spells Known: 4
Choose 1 additional Spell from the Ranger Spell List .
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
New 2nd Level Spells available for selection
Subclass features
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List .
Favoured Enemy
Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy
Natural Explorer
Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer
Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.
Spells Known: 5
Choose 1 additional Spell from the Ranger Spell List .
Replacement Spell
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List .
Subclass features
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain
You have become an expert at moving through the wilderness. Difficult Terrain no longer slows you down.
Land's Stride: Plants *
Plant-based surfaces with thorns, spines, or similar hazards no longer harm you.
* This feature is hidden and will not appear anywhere, but is nonetheless granted.
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
Subclass Features
Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.
Spells Known: 6
Choose 1 additional Spell from the Ranger Spell List
Replacement Spell
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List .
New 3rd Level Spells available for selection
Subclass features
Hide in Plain Sight
Become Invisible and gain +10 bonus to Stealth Checks as long as you stand still.
Replacement Spell (Optional)
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
Favoured Enemy
Choose 1 additional Favoured Enemy
Natural Explorer
Choose 1 additional Natural Explorer
Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 3 Spell Slot.
Spells Known: 7
Choose 1 additional Spell from the Ranger Spell List
Replacement Spell
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
Subclass features
Replacement Spell
Choose 1 known Spell and replace it with another Spell in the Ranger Spell List
External links