Initial setup.
Build plan, warlock
Multiclass options
- SORLOCK: Nerfed. Quicken Spell now 50% more expensive than DnD5E, 3 point cost per shot (a Fireball spell worth), and need 3 levels in Sorcerer minimum. Sorc does get Haste at level 5 at a lvl 3 slot, but 2 levels of Warlock to get Invocations costs the level 6 spells like Circle of Death. Too pricy. Use of a single level as Dragonborn is surprisingly effective, can replace the Armour of Shadows invocation and gain multiple handy spells.
- PALOCK: Trash at range. Would need to switch to Pact of the Blade variant, not necessarily preferable. Oathbreaker highest damage option with Aura of Hate, effectively the Lifedrinker invocation but a great deal earlier in level. Use of a single level very limited.
- BARLOCK: Maybe, but 2 levels of Warlock to get Invocations costs the level 6 spell slots. Would need College of Lore to get decent other spells like Haste and Fireball. Level 6 spell loss is very pricy. Using just 1 level gives a few viable spells.
- OTHER CLASSES: Only 1 single level would be viable, any more loses Circle of Death. With 1 level Fighter is useless, Cleric gives a few viable spell and skill options, Druid has a couple of viable spells, Monk is useless, Ranger slightly viable as Keeper of the Veil, Rogue is useless, Wizard is less effective than one level in Sorcerer.
Item Set
- Weapons: Corellon's Grace (Act 1 store), Melf's First Staff (Act 1 store), Staff of the Emperor (Act 2 combat theft), Incandescent Staff (Act 2 store), Staff of Cherished Necromancy (Act 3 combat loot) (test necrotic artillery)
- Armor: Potent Robe (Act 2 quest reward)
- Helmet: Hat of the Sharp Caster (Act 3 store)
- Gloves: Bracers of Defence (Act 1 chest loot), Daredevil Gloves (Act 1/2 store), Quickspell Gloves (Act 3 store), Spellmight Gloves (Act 3 quest reward)
- Boots: Evasive Shoes (Act 2 store), Bonespike Boots (Act 3 chest loot)
- Cloak: Cloak of Protection (Act 2 store), Cloak of the Weave (Act 3 store), Cloak of Displacement (Act 3 store)
- Amulet: Spineshudder Amulet (Act 2 combat loot), Amulet of Greater Health (Act 3 loot), Spellcrux Amulet (Act 2 combat loot), Pearl of Power Amulet (check if restores full slot) (Act 1 store from quest)
- Rings: Ring of Free Action (Act 2 store), Ring of Protection (Act 1 quest reward), Risky Ring (Act 2 store), Callous Glow Ring (Act 2 chest loot)
Illithid Powers
- Psionic Overload, check if it also affects spells (Fireball, Eldritch Blast per beam) Beam Confirmed
Level Progress
- Eldritch Blast, Bone Chill, the Fiend pact, Burning Hands, Command. Main stat bonus Cha (get to 17), secondary bonus Dex (get to 15).
- Agonising Blast, Armour of Shadows, Hex. Make sure an ally has Speak to Animals
- Pact of the Tome. Chain is useless, Shovel gives most of it. Blade is useless, Smite spells are missing from DnD5E. Darkness or Invisibility
- Full Ability Improvement, +1 each to CHA and DEX to increase the bonus of both. Minor Illusion, the second of Darkness or Invisibility
- Repelling Blast, Fireball. Key point, get Haste for free 1/day. Blast is now 2 beams.
- Grant Flight
- Blight, Book of Ancient Secrets, CHECK if Rituals can be Inscribed, 9 total options
- Remove Curse if no ally has it, otherwise Hypnotic Pattern. Full Ability Improvement, both into CHA to get to 20 for +5 bonus
- Cone of Cold, Minions of Chaos. Flame Strike is same damage but smaller AoE than Fireball, so skip.
- Any spell that fills a tactical gap. Take note of Fiendish Resilience. Blast is now 3 beams.
- Gain your 3rd spell slot, pick any new standard spell. Circle of Death
- Any feat works, maybe full ability improvement with both into DEX for AC, or possibly War Caster, Spell Sniper, any Invocation works