{{ up to date | 2023-09-23 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->{{ActionPage
{{ up to date | 2023-09-23 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->{{ActionPage
| type = classaction
| summary = '''Pounce''' is a {{SAI|Wild Shape: Panther}} Action. Panthers use this ability to leap onto enemies, dealing Piercing damage and possibly knocking them Prone.
| summary = '''Pounce''' is a {{SAI|Wild Shape: Panther}} Action. Panthers use this ability to leap onto enemies, dealing Piercing damage and possibly knocking them Prone.
| description = Leap at a target to deal {{DamageText|2d8 + 1d6 + 2|Piercing}} damage and potentially knock it [[Prone (Condition)|Prone]].
| description = Leap at a target to deal {{DamageText|2d8 + Strength Modifier|Piercing}} damage and potentially knock it {{Cond|Prone}}.