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This is a transcript of dialogue and zone banter of goblin NPC Zurga in the Shattered Sanctum. She circles around the north-eastern part of the sanctum and interacts with other goblins, reporting to Minthara at the end of the patrol.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Zurga: [DROW HALF-ELF] [GITHYANKI] [TIEFLING] [HALF-ORC] [DRAGONBORN] 'Alf the scrubs in 'ere would probably lose their nerve just lookin at you. Bunch of drunken layabouts. Not me though. I'm as hard as they come, an' I'm itchin' for another fight.

Zurga: You look like you could kick the arse of half the scrubs in here. Bunch of drunken layabouts. Not me though. I'm as hard as they come, an' I'm itchin' for another fight.

  • Player: [BRANDED] I fight for the Absolute. I carry her brand on my skin.
    • Zurga: Good on ya, pal. Next raid, I'm gonna spill some guts in Her name!
      • Dialogue ends.
  • Player: I could take the whole camp - you included.
    • Zurga: [DROW] Er... let's hope it don't come to that, yer honour.
      • Dialogue ends.
    • Zurga: Ha! Could do with more like you in my next raidin' mob. Keep yer blades sharp.
      • Dialogue ends.
  • Player: Speaking of another fight - what's the next raid going to target?
    • Zurga: [DROW] Her ladyship Minthara's trying to figure it out, studyin' the war map. You should talk to her... Get the killin' started quicker.
      • Dialogue ends.
    • Zurga: Drow's studyin' the war map, tryin' to figure it out. You should talk to her... Get the killin' started quicker.
      • Dialogue ends.
  • Player: Another fight? You should really enjoy the spoils of the last one.
    • Zurga: I've had my fill of feastin'. Rest of 'em can get fat and fuddled - I wanna kill somethin'!
      • Dialogue ends.

(If spoken to again)

Zurga: You should come on the raid!

Banter[edit | edit source]

(At Minthara's command post)

  • Zurga: Prisoner's lost a lot of blood, yer ladyship. Still ain't talkin.
  • Minthara: Tell them to stop cutting him - we need him alive. Break his bones instead. Start with the fingers.

  • Zurga: Sorry to bother you, mistress... got a message from the guards.
  • Minthara: Yes?
  • Zurga: We got visitors. Dunno who they are - mercenaries maybe?
  • Minthara: Interesting. I wasn't expecting guests.

  • Zurga: Raiders are just waiting for the word, mistress. We're ready for anything.
  • Minthara: And the prisoner?
  • Zurga: We're still workin' on him.

(When going past Skrut in the library near Minthara's command post)

  • Skrut: Hah! Got an earful, did ya?
  • Zurga: Feck off.

(When approaching the goblin Sharp-Eyes near the entrance to Worg Pens)

  • Zurga: You been cookin' rats in 'ere? Smells good.
  • Neem: Nah, that ain't rat... I stood too close to the fire and burned my arse.

(When approaching the goblins near the Brakkal cage)

  • Zurga: Don't get too comfortable, you 'orrible sacks of muck. Drow might need us any time.
  • Gurd: Ain't been comfortable since we been here. I miss the swamp. Proper nice that swamp was.