Talk:Diluted Oil of Sharpness

Latest comment: 30 November 2024 by Pjotr of the East in topic I removed a note that seemed to be outdated
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I removed a note that seemed to be outdated[edit source]

I removed the following note: "If the target has any resistance to magical damage, the effect does not work. Which makes the scope of this coating extremely limited in the game as very few entities have only resistance to physical damage. Two known such enemies are the Werewolf and Yurgir." This does not seem to be true anymore. If an enemy has resistance to some physical damage type from non-magical attacks and not from magical attacks, this coating will make you bypass the resistance no matter what other resistance or immunities the enemy has. There are plenty of enemies for which this works, suchs as Air Elemental and Steel Watcher, so the scope is not very limited. Pjotr of the East (talk) 17:15, 30 November 2024 (CET)Reply