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Drilldown: condition sources
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- areas (72)
- condition sources (2581)
- conditions (1405)
- creatures (1849)
- equipment (910)
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- item locations (1096)
- locations (186)
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- passives (1046)
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- status groups (47)
- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (423)
Use the filters below to narrow your results.
condition inflicted:
Aura of Murder (Aura) (61) ·
Aura of Protection (Aura) (39) ·
Dead (34) ·
Mage Armour (32) ·
Slightly Drunk (29) ·
Sanctuary (23) ·
Unstoppable (17) ·
Undead Fortitude (15) ·
Legendary Resistance (10) ·
Death Ward (9) ·
Radiant Retort (9) ·
Astral Gravity (8) ·
Drunk (8) ·
Legendary Resistance: Incapacitation (8) ·
Sleeping (8) ·
Eternally Bound (7) ·
Invisible (6) ·
Shadow Visage (6)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abraxa
- Adamantine Shield
- Adamantine Splint Armour
- Addled Frog
- Adept of the Absolute
- Aelis Siryasius
- Aelis Siryasius
- Aelis Siryasius
- Aggy
- Aideen Ni Chuirc
- Alchemist's Fire
- Allandra Grey
- Amnos
- Anders
- Andrik
- Ansur/Combat
- Ansur/Combat
- Ansur/Combat
- Apostate Destroyer
- Apostate Destroyer
- Apostle of Myrkul
- Apostle of Myrkul
- Arcane Turret
- Arden
- Armoured Owlbear
- Armoured Owlbear
- Arrow of Fire
- Art Cullagh
- Assassin's Folly
- Attuned Crystal
- Attuned Crystal
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Balthazar
- Balthazar
- Balthazar
- Balthazar
- Balthazar
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Baretha
- Barnz
- Barnz
- Bel
- Bennel
- Benryn
- Bitey Buddy
- Blighted Actor
- Blighted Barman
- Blighted Patron
- Blighted Troubador
- Bloated Hyena
- Bloated Hyena
- Bloodmopper
- Blythe
- Blythe
- Brammels
- Breaker of War
- Breg
- Breva Brightmoon
- Brilgor
- Brinn
- Bulette
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigate Heartform
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Champion of Mahkloompah
- Champion of Mahkloompah
- Charismatic Sentinel
- Chatterteeth
- Chessa
- Cilarea
- Cirian
- Clotilde
- Clotilde
- Combustion Belly Spiderling
- Comina
- Confused (Condition)
- Connor Vinderblad
- Contagion: Filth Fever
- Corniche
- Coruscation Ring
- Counting House Enforcer
- Crime
- Crub
- Cruor
- Crusher
- Culk
- Culk
- Cursed Imp
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (melee)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (melee)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (ranged)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (ranged)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Cursed Skull
- Cursed Skull
- Dairow Vin
- Dal Lightspark
- Dead Mind Flayer (Goblin Camp)
- Dead Tiefling
- Death Shepherd
- Death Shepherd
- Death's Head of Bhaal
- Death's Head of Bhaal
- Deera
- Deera
- Deera
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark (Condition)
- Dellinjah Dax
- Deranged Force Curtain
- Derysia
- Derysia
- Devella Fountainhead
- Devella Fountainhead
- Devella Fountainhead
- Dextor
- Dhoria
- Dhoria
- Diadem of Arcane Synergy
- Dion
- Dogaletto
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dominated Red Dragon
- Dorikel
- Dribbles
- Dugg
- Dullwill
- Dullwill
- Eni
- Enver Gortash/Combat
- Eostre
- Eternal Debtor
- Ettercap
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Expert Divination
- Fabricated Arbalest
- Falla
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Faril
- Feona
- Feona
- Fetid Ooze
- Fetid Ooze
- Feverish (Condition)
- Filth Fever (Condition)
- Fist Attacker
- Fist Defender
- Flaming Fist Wizard
- Flammable Slime Bomb
- Flange
- Flesh to Stone
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 1 (Condition)
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 2 (Condition)
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 3 (Condition)
- Flind
- Flinster Sunseeker
- Flo-Flo
- Flo-Flo
- Florrick
- Forstum
- Francis
- Full-illithid
- Full-illithid
- Fungal Zombie
- Furek
- Fustian
- Fustian
- G'imre
- Gald
- Garithon
- Garret Dortmell
- Garret Dortmell
- Garret Dortmell
- Gekh Coal
- Gekh Coal
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Ghainemeir
- Ghast
- Ghastly Fume (Condition)
- Ghislev
- Ghislev