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Chapel Entrance

Revision as of 22:17, 23 October 2024 by SmolPetra (talk | contribs) (Notable Characters: clarified that they're trying to get into crypt, not the ruins bc they're already in ruins; clarified that the 4 ppl are supposed to be standing watch)
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Roadside Cliffs Chapel Entrance
Ravaged Beach
The Chapel Entrance is a Location within the Wilderness in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3. It is located on the cliff on the north side of the Ravaged Beach. It covers the upper section of the Overgrown Ruins.


The Chapel Entrance contains a door to the Refectory, and a hidden hatch to the Dank Crypt.

Four Looters have set up base and are arguing whether to hold their post or to search the Nautiloid Wreck to the south.

When approaching Gimblebock, he will automatically engage the party in conversation and ask them to leave:

  • (The Dark Urge) DC 5 Strength check - I don't want to hurt you, but provoke me, and I'll keep stabbing long after you're dead.
  • DC 10 Persuasion check - That ship is full of monsters. I wouldn't go near it.
  • DC 12 Deception check - I think that ship's an invasion force. Run while you can!
  • DC 10 Intimidation check - The only thing you own is your life. Leave before I take that, too. Gale approves +1 Karlach disapproves -1 Shadowheart approves +1 Wyll approves +1
  • Attack Astarion approves +1 Karlach approves +1 Laezel approves +1 Wyll approves +1

Resolving the situation peacefully will reward 50 Experience; fighting the bandits will be worth 70, plus the opportunity to take all their gear as well. However, triggering the encounter from the balcony with Warryn will not lead to any approval increase no matter which option is chosen; it is necessary to start it from the lower area with Gimblebock and Taman.

Getting into the Overgrown Ruins

Door to the Refectory

In the depths of the Chapel Ruins is a locked door to the Refectory. It can be lockpicked with a DC 7 Sleight of Hand check. Alternatively, if interacting with the door, the guard inside, Andorn Andorn, will speak with the party. He can be Persuaded or Intimidated to open the door. If succeeding this check he will be hostile, but Surprised Surprised, when the party enters. If failing the check, lockpicking the door and then entering, Andorn will have moved away and left a blast mine trap in front of the door.

Foundation Block

If the coiled rope holding the foundation block is destroyed by an attack, the foundation block will fall, dealing 50Damage TypesPhysical damage to creatures below it and crashing through the floor into the Refectory below. This hole can be jumped jumped through.

Hidden Hatch

To the east of the Chapel Ruins is a long winding path down the cliffside that leads to a locked hatch X: 319 Y: 367. The hatch can be opened with DC 20 Sleight of Hand check, and leads to the Dank Crypt.


Entrance from the Roadside Cliffs

The Chapel Entrance, or Overgrown Ruins, as seen from the Roadside Cliffs.

The Chapel Entrance is located on the far east of the Roadside Cliffs, which can be reached via the eastward path from the  Roadside Cliffs Waypoint at X: 222 Y: 326.

Some of the chapel walls still stand, though much of it has collapsed into rubble.

Rooftop Terrace

Two granite benches overlook the Ravaged Beach on the rooftop terrace by the Chapel Entrance. The terrace is fenced in with a balustrade.

The southern edge of the Chapel Entrance appears to house a former rooftop terrace. Two granite benches overlook the Ravaged Beach to the south. Water pools in the centre of this area, and two patches of Twisting Vines may entangle entangle the unwary. A set of stairs to the west of the terrace leads to the Roadside Cliffs while the set of stairs to the east leads to a hatch into the Dank Crypt at X: 315 Y: 365. The stairs to the north lead directly into the chapel.

A buried Wooden Chest can be found next to a granite bench at the south-east corner of the terrace at X: 290 Y: 312.

Chapel Ruins

The Chapel Ruins, showing the structure of the upper ruin, and looters prepared for an ambush.

The Chapel Ruins are flanked by two higher-level transepts that overlook the nave of the Chapel. Warryn Warryn stands on a crate on the westernmost transept while Quelenna Quelenna patrols the easternmost. Gimblebock Gimblebock and Taman Taman can be found arguing next to a large broken statue about whether to abandon their post to search the Nautiloid Wreck.

Newer wooden construction can be found in the Chapel Ruins. A wooden crane suspends a foundation block above a cracked tile, while a ladder allows easier access to the eastern transept.

In the depths of the Chapel Ruins is a locked door into the Refectory at X: 285 Y: 375. Opening the door requires passing a DC 7 Sleight of Hand check or convincing the guard behind the door, Andorn Andorn, to peacefully allow entry.

Hidden Hatch

A winding path down the Overgrown Ruins cliffside leads to a locked hatch.

The winding eastward path along the cliffside leads to a hatch entrance into the Dank Crypt at X: 315 Y: 365. Opening the hatch from outside requires passing a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check.

Along the route to the hatch, a buried Wooden Chest can be found at X: 302 Y: 338.


The topside part of the Overgrown Ruins appear to have once been a chapel. Few clues remain as to who the chapel was dedicated to, despite the presence of two statues.

Broken Statue

The Broken Statue found in the Chapel Entrance of the Overgrown Ruins.

The larger, central statue of the Chapel is broken, with the upper half of the torso from the shoulders upwards broken off. The break is jagged and sloped to the side, which suggests it may have broken naturally. A small amount of rubble by the pedestal supports this. The pedestal itself is hefty, with a heavily worn plaque. Metal rings are affixed to each side of the pedestal.

Other cracks are visible along the statue, such as along the back. A broken statue piece can be found under the eastern transept, and may have been part of the upper half of this statue.

Smaller Statue

The smaller, fully intact statue found in the Chapel Entrance of the Overgrown Ruins. Potentially a smaller version of the Broken Statue.

A smaller statue of a robed man with an austere face and thick beard reaches towards the broken statue. Similarities in the shape of the robe and pose suggest that it may be a smaller, intact version of the broken statue.

Broken Statue Piece

A piece of a statue from the shoulders up. Found in an alcove or lower room in the Chapel Entrance of the Overgrown Ruins. Potentially the upper half of the Broken Statue.

Another piece of a statue from the shoulders up can be found in an alcove or lower room under the eastern transept. This is potentially the upper half of the broken statue, as it looks similar to the smaller statue and is broken along the shoulders. The location is too far for the broken piece to have ended up there without manipulation. It is unknown why it was moved and by whom.


The wooden crane holding the foundation block. Vines along the base and weathering of the wood suggests it's been there for a while.

Of the more recent constructions around the Chapel Entrance, the wooden crane is notable for its suspension of a foundation block above a cracked tile.

The crane likely predates the looters, as the wood is weathered, and vines have begun to grow along its base. It is unknown who built it and for what purposes.

Notable Characters

A group of Looters are trying to gain entrance into the Dank Crypt within the Overgrown Ruins. While most of the group is below in the Refectory, four bandits remain outside to stand guard.

Related Quests

Notable Loot