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Diluted Oil of Sharpness

Diluted Oil of Sharpness is a Consumable(Coating). It can be applied to a weapon to give it special properties for ten turns or thrown as a Grenade to inflict its effects in an area.

The flecks of shimmering crystal suspended within this murky oil make it hum with arcane potential.
- Single Use
- Uncommon Rarity:
- Weight: 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb
- Price: 25 gp
Bonus action Coat your active weapon in Oil of Sharpness, making it magical and giving it a +1 Weapon Enchantment.
Condition: Coated in Diluted Oil of Sharpness
Duration: 10 turns
- The arcane oil coating this weapon grants it a +1 bonus to Damage and Attack rolls. The weapon has become magical, so it can damage creatures that are immune to non-magical attacks.
Where to find
- Can be crafted via Alchemy by combining Salts of Viridian Crystal (procured from Viridian Crystal) and any Vitriol
- If the target has any resistance to magical damage, the effect does not work. Which makes the scope of this coating extremely limited in the game as very few entities have only resistance to physical damage. One known such creature is the Werewolf.