What is this?
This is a template for a quicker and more standardized manner of typing out the class-specific resource. This template is intended to be inline.
If there are any missing resources, don't hesitate to contribute!
{{Resource | <type> | [count] | [icononly] | [nameonly] | [forceplural]}}
Denotes mandatory parameters.
- See below for a table of what you can input here.
type =
is optional; you may just type the type name as long as its the first parameter.type = supdie
is the same assupdie
Denotes optional parameters.
- The number of resources.
- Any number above 2 will be shown to the left of the icon, otherwise it will be hidden. (See Examples)
- Show the icon only, leaving the count there as well.
- Can be used to just quickly get the icon without the text.
- Show the name only, leaving the count there as well.
- Can be used to just quickly get the icon without the text.
- Forces the text to be plural, changing some of the words to their plural form
- The most obvious use of this is for Superiority Die (or Dices in plural).
Quick Reference
Resource | Input |
Actions | action
Bonus actions | bonus
Reactions | reaction
Movement | movement
Movement (Half cost) | half movement
Arcane Recovery Charges | ar, arcrec, arcane recovery
Bardic Inspiration Charges | bi, bardin, bardic inspriation
Channel Divinity Charges | cd, chadiv, channel divinity
Channel Oath Charges | co, chaoat, channel oath
Fungal Infestation Charges | fi, fnginf
Ki Points | ki
Level 1 Spell Slots | l1, s1, spell1, level1
Level 2 Spell Slots | l2, s2, spell2, level2
Level 3 Spell Slots | l3, s3, spell3, level3
Level 4 Spell Slots | l4, s4, spell4, level4
Level 5 Spell Slots | l5, s5, spell5, level5
Level 6 Spell Slots | l6, s6, spell6, level6
Lay on Hands Charges | lh, layonh, lay on hands
Natural Recovery Charges | nr, natrec, natural recovery
Rage Charges | rg, rage
Sorcery Points | sp, srcpnt, sorcery
Superiority Dice | sd, supdie, superiority die
War Priest Charges | wp, warpri, war priest
Wild Shape Charges | ws, wldshp, wild shape
Tides of Chaos Charges | toc, tides of chaos
Luck Points | lp, lukpnt, luck point
Output | Input |
invalid | {{Resource | invalid}} |
UNDEFINED | {{Resource}} |
Superiority Die | {{Resource | supdie}} |
2 Superiority Dice | {{Resource | SuPdIe | 2}} |
Superiority Dice | {{Resource | supdie| forceplural=yes}} |
200 Ki Points | {{Resource | ki | count = 200}} |
{{Resource | lh | icononly = yes}} | |
1.5 m / 5 ftMovement | {{Resource | movement | count = 5}} |
Costs: 2 | Costs: {{Resource | ki | count = 2 | icononly = yes}} |
Restores: 2 Level 2 Spell Slots | Costs: {{Resource | l2 | count = 2 | nameonly = yes}} |
Recover half of your max , once per short rest. Ki Points | Recover half of your max {{Resource | ki | forceplural = yes}}, once per short rest. |
Arcane Recovery Charges | {{Resource | type = ar | 1 | forceplural = yes}} |
Level 3 Shadow Spell Slot | {{Resource | type = shadowspell3 | 1 }} |
1 Eye Stalk Action Point | {{Resource | type = eyestalk | 1 }} |