This template has a table of all the race quotes in the game extracted directly from the game files so the only required parameter is the name of the race. On the race pages themselves, you can use {{PAGENAME}} as the parameter to this template. For the image, it uses Race <race>.png which exist for the player-selectable races and falls back to Portrait <race>.png for everything else.
Alternatively, the quote and image can be overridden with the parameters quote and image. The option image = none may be preferred for races without dedicated icons.
Playable race example.
{{Quote race|Human}}
Renders as
The most common face in Faerûn, humans are known for their tenacity, creativity, and endless capacity for growth.
— In-game racial description
Disable attribution text.
{{Quote race|Copper Dragonborn|noattribution=1}}
Renders as
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the pink-gold colouration and corrosive breath of copper dragons.
Non-playable race example which falls back to using Portrait Meenlock.png for the image.
{{Quote race|Meenlock}}
Renders as
These crustacean-like Fey are spawned by fear and seek to destroy all that is good, innocent, and beautiful.
— In-game racial description
Non-playable race example with a specified portrait.
{{Quote race|Humanoid|image=Portrait Custom.png}}
Renders as
A collection of bipedal races, ranging from humans, elves, and halflings to goblins, gnolls, and kobolds.
— In-game racial description
No image.
{{Quote race|Cambion|image=none}}
Renders as
Scarlet-eyed and bitter-tempered, cambion are the bastard children of devils and mortals, a fusion of two Planes in one body.
— In-game racial description
A custom quote with a custom image.
{{Quote race
| quote = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
| image = Background Hermit Icon.png
| height = 80
Renders as
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
— In-game racial description
Exhaustive list
Playable races
The most common face in Faerûn, humans are known for their tenacity, creativity, and endless capacity for growth.
— In-game racial description
With ethereal countenances and long lifespans, elves are at home with nature's power, flourishing in light and dark alike.
— In-game racial description
Heirs of the mystical Feywild, high elves value magic in all its forms, and even those who do not study spellcraft can manipulate the Weave.
— In-game racial description
These elves spend their reclusive lives in Faerûn's forests. Decades of training in archery and camouflage are enhanced by an otherworldly swiftness.
— In-game racial description
Driven to the Underdark, most drow have adopted a ruthless pragmatism. While the Lolth-sworn delight in the goddess' evil tenets, the Seldarine reject Her attempt to overthrow the leader of the elven pantheon.
— In-game racial description
Raised by Lolth's cult in the city of Menzoberranzan, these drow embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess. Lolth marks Her followers with bright red eyes so those in the Underdark will learn to fear them on sight.
— In-game racial description
Seldarine drow can be found seeking allies from all over Faerûn, aiming to settle their conflict with Lolth - and each other - by any means necessary.
— In-game racial description
As durable and unyielding as their homes of stone, dwarves are some of the finest warriors, miners, and smiths of Faerûn.
— In-game racial description
These dwarves are known for their confidence and keen intuition. The culture of their Deep Kingdom values family, ritual, and fine craftsmanship.
— In-game racial description
Great losses in ancient wars against goblins and orcs have led these dwarves to adopt a cynical mindset, but they will endure anything to restore their ancestral homelands.
— In-game racial description
Once enslaved by the eldritch mind flayers, duergar adapted to freedom with harsh practicality. Their cold demeanours and gift of stealth are well-known throughout the Underdark.
— In-game racial description
Curious, ambitious, and versatile, half-elves are welcome everywhere, but struggle without a community to call their own.
— In-game racial description
A touch of the Feywild remains in half-elves with this bloodline, and even those untrained in magic possess a hint of wild power.
— In-game racial description
Like their wood elf parent, these half-elves have a quickened stride and an eye for stealth. Yet many break away from isolation in Faerûn's forests to explore the rest of the Realms.
— In-game racial description
Most half-drow result from liaisons between Seldarine drow and surfacers. While half-drow inherited a few magical gifts, they aren't usually raised in the Underdark.
— In-game racial description
Small, clever, and energetic, gnomes use their long lives to explore Faerûn's brightest corners and darkest depths.
— In-game racial description
The most commonly seen gnomes on Faerûn's surface, rock gnomes are named as such for their hardiness and affinity for metal.
— In-game racial description
More guarded than their surface cousins, deep gnomes survive in the Underdark with darkvision and skilful stealth.
— In-game racial description
Even smaller than their cousins and twice as reclusive, forest gnomes are a rare sight in Faerûn. They master magic and craftsmanship in their distant, idyllic groves.
— In-game racial description
Small yet capable, halflings prefer the comforts of home and hearth - but their natural luck and dexterity makes them fine adventurers.
— In-game racial description
Stealthy but social, these halflings travel all over Faerûn to make names for themselves.
— In-game racial description
Legend has it that dwarven blood gave stronghearts their hardiness. Resistant to poison and wellsprings of endurance, these halflings easily hold their own.
— In-game racial description
Descended from devils of the Nine Hells, tieflings face constant suspicion in Faerûn. Thankfully, their arcane abilities make them natural survivors.
— In-game racial description
Bound to Nessus, the deepest layer of the Hells, these tieflings inherited the ability to wield fire and darkness from the archdevil Asmodeus' infernal bloodline.
— In-game racial description
Descended from the archdevil Mephistopheles, these tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for arcane magic.
— In-game racial description
Tieflings from Zariel's bloodline are empowered with martial strength, and can channel searing flame to punish their enemies.
— In-game racial description
With a ruthlessness borne from mind flayer enslavement, githyanki ride the Astral Sea atop red dragons, bringing their silver swords and psionic might to bear against any trace of the illithid menace.
— In-game racial description
A proud race that values clan and skills above all else. Once enslaved by dragons, they strive to be self-sufficient, not wanting to be beholden to anyone, not even the gods.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the charcoal colouration and fizzling, acrid breath of black dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the deep sapphire scales and charged, crackling breath of blue dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the burnished ochre hue and flickering, fiery breath of brass dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the shining sepia scales and sparking breath of bronze dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the pink-gold colouration and corrosive breath of copper dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the resplendent shine and roiling, blazing breath of gold dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the brilliant emerald aspect and stinking, putrid breath of green dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the bright scarlet likeness and roiling, burning breath of red dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the glinting shine and scorching cold breath of silver dragons.
— In-game racial description
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the snowy aspect and frosty breath of white dragons.
— In-game racial description
Creatures of intense emotion, half-orcs are more inclined to act than contemplate - whether the rage burning their bodies compels them to fight, or the love filling their hearts inspires acts of incredible kindness.
— In-game racial description
Non-playable races
Warped, alien beings that have come to Faerûn from beyond the multiverse.
— In-game racial description
Aggressive and greedy aberrations that believe their own forms to be the ideal, and hold all others - be it other beholders or 'lesser beings' - in contempt.
— In-game racial description
Resembling dark leathery cloaks, these aberrations lurk in caves, waiting to slay lone or injured prey stumbling through the darkness.
— In-game racial description
Psionic tyrants, slavers, and interdimensional voyagers that feed off the brains of thinking creatures.
Most belong to a hivemind colony devoted to an elder brain, and all work towards achieving the Grand Design - their dream of once more controlling empires that span the multiverse.
Hungry for new experiences, these creatures use any tactic - as well as their ability to polymorph - to sate their curiosity.
— In-game racial description
All varieties of animals, both ordinary and magical. Most have limited intelligence and lack a society and language.
— In-game racial description
Alioramus are sedulous hunters, their broad jaws capable of crushing a knight's chest through a full inch of iron plate.
— In-game racial description
Striped ponderous wanderers of the woods.
— In-game racial description
Reliant upon echolocation, bats fill the caves of the world with shrieks like the ghoulish little winged mice they are.
— In-game racial description
Juggernauts of the animal world, bears are capable of walking on their hind legs, hibernating during colder seasons, and absolutely ruining your mountain hike.
— In-game racial description
Their melodies fill the woods of Toril with a mellow sweetness, and their feathers paint brush strokes on even the dullest sky.
— In-game racial description
Bulky and tusked, wild boar are at their most dangerous during mating season, and can use those tusks and the muscle in their bodies to gore and crush.
— In-game racial description
The member of nature's ecological club most likely to pinch your ankles.
— In-game racial description
A displacer beast's coat is slick with illusory magic that can bend light, letting it project images of itself and turn invisible. Adventurers say you can never know a displacer beast's true location - until its claws sink into your belly, that is.
— In-game racial description
These hopping fellows look terribly unfortunate, which isn't a problem, because they sound absolutely miserable, too.
— In-game racial description
Though noble and giant in stature, these eagles are barely smarter than their smaller counterparts
— In-game racial description
Of all subspecies of hyena, only the spotted ones emit that strange cackling giggle that raises the hairs on the neck of a savanna hunter.
— In-game racial description
Sure, they carry disease, but there's something inherently gossip-laden about the expression of a rat, as if they know all your secrets.
— In-game racial description
Ravens are often employed as messengers or decorative scene-setting by a certain kind of wizard (the kind that drinks out of skull goblets and owns dribbly candles).
— In-game racial description
Eight-legged, spindly, and generally awful.
— In-game racial description
Furtive pack animals roaming the wilderness, wolves are wary of attacking creatures unless driven to ferocity by territorialism or hunger.
— In-game racial description
Good-aligned creatures native to the Upper Planes. Many of them are servants of deities, employed in the mortal realm.
— In-game racial description
Endowed with a divine lineage, aasimar represent the physical and mental experience of other mortal creatures elevated. In the long uncertain night of Faerûnian life, they burn like pale inspiring torches.
— In-game racial description
Bobbing like corks in the earnest, busy muddle-puddle of their lives, hollyphants are sweet-natured little pachyderms who often serve as helpers to good-aligned deities.
— In-game racial description
Creatures that are made instead of born. Some only follow a simple set of instructions, while others are imbued with sentience.
— In-game racial description
Suits of magically animated plate armour. Ponderous and persistent, these constructs are often used as guardians.
— In-game racial description
Once a blueprint, now an indication of modern technology, this machine can only ever be a facsimile of a real person.
— In-game racial description
Phantasms of arcane origin.
— In-game racial description
Formed from the wealth surrounding the Toll Collector, this weapon clinks and jangles as it sweeps across the battlefield.
— In-game racial description
The powerful enchantments that have stitched together this assortment of body parts have imbued it with both a strong defence and formidable strength.
— In-game racial description
Unstoppable juggernauts that exist only to follow their creator's orders, even if that creator has long since passed.
— In-game racial description
These levitating eyes transmit all that they see to the one who created them.
— In-game racial description
The operations of these huge steel juggernauts are powered by engines of churning hellfire.
— In-game racial description
Creatures native to the Elemental Planes. They range from simple masses of a specific element to beings infused with elemental energy.
— In-game racial description
Master craftsmen and expert miners made from bronze and fire.
— In-game racial description
These superheated sacks of molten slag come from a Plane intersecting Elemental realms of Earth and Fire.
— In-game racial description
Capricious, vulgar, and rarely endearing - except to their masters. Mephits are curious, impish creatures from the Elemental Planes.
— In-game racial description
These sludgy, muculent elementals come from a Plane intersecting Elemental realms of Water and Earth.
— In-game racial description
Immensely intelligent, ancient, and powerful reptiles that covet wealth.
Chromatic dragons are selfish, evil, and feared, while metallic dragons are noble, good, and respected by the wise.
— In-game racial description
Mystical creatures that dwell in twilight groves and misty forests. They have close ties to nature - and like nature, not all fey are good.
— In-game racial description
The flickering, unpredictable magic of the faerie realm courses through the blink dog - allowing it to flit in and out of this plane to avoid harm.
— In-game racial description
Soothsayers, invaders of dreams, dark ritualists, saviours, murderers: hags are all of these and more.
— In-game racial description
These crustacean-like Fey are spawned by fear and seek to destroy all that is good, innocent, and beautiful.
— In-game racial description
Small, homicidal creatures. Born of bloodlust, they have to keep their caps steeped in blood to survive.
— In-game racial description
Though giantkind comes in many varieties, each with its own culture, all of them are huge, loud, heavy, and, most importantly, strong.
— In-game racial description
As stupid as they are gluttonous, these hulking giants are known for their quick tempers. They live by raiding, scavenging, and killing for food and pleasure both.
A collection of bipedal races, ranging from humans, elves, and halflings to goblins, gnolls, and kobolds.
— In-game racial description
Hairy humanoids that crave carnage and treasure in equal measure.
— In-game racial description
Feral, hyena-like humanoids that slaughter indiscriminately in an attempt to quell the insatiable hunger of their demonic creator, Yeenoghu.
— In-game racial description
Feral, hyena-like humanoids that slaughter indiscriminately in an attempt to quell the insatiable hunger of their demonic creator, Yeenoghu.
— In-game racial description
Weak, selfish humanoids. Though they often serve stronger races, they crave power and abuse what authority they obtain.
— In-game racial description
Large, brutal humanoids that live for martial prowess, war, and glory.
— In-game racial description
Clever but craven reptilians that overcome their physical ineptitude by banding together.
— In-game racial description
Mad, fish-like denizens of the Underdark. They revere imaginary gods with an insane religious fervour.
— In-game racial description
Twisted, cruel hermits affected by the Shadowfell. Imbued with magic, they move through the shadows to snatch their victims.
— In-game racial description
These elves were transformed by the Shadowfell, until nothing remained but a mournful, joyless existence between life and death.
— In-game racial description
Savage predators that spread their curse through biting other humanoids.
Most werewolves succumb to their bloodlust, but some learn to control their urges, often under the guidance of Selûne, goddess of the moon.
— In-game racial description
Frightening creatures that are not ordinary, not truly natural, and almost never benign.
— In-game racial description
The bulette's deep burrowing and powerful leap makes it an apex predator in nearly every terrain it finds itself in.
— In-game racial description
Capable of morphing their physiology to impersonate other humanoids, doppelgangers have served as cunning spies, political envoys, and assassins.
— In-game racial description
Favoured drow that fail the tests of the Webmother Lolth have their forms warped and made wicked - grafted with spiders to serve as symbols of her power.
— In-game racial description
Though they only have two arms and two legs, these foul predators have more in common with the spiders they herd than with humanoids.
— In-game racial description
The vicious product of spells gone wrong, these cat-like creatures delight in tormenting magic-users, relishing in the unstable effect magic has on them.
— In-game racial description
Sadistic creatures with the legs and wings of a vulture and the body of an elf. Their sweet song enchants their prey, luring them to their deaths.
— In-game racial description
Vulture-like, with a chitinous exoskeleton, the Hook Horror is a bipedal subterranean creature with razor-sharp hooks instead of hands.
— In-game racial description
Giant spiders that can phase in and out of the Ethereal Plane, making it seem like they can teleport.
— In-game racial description
Slinking through door cracks, preening with one eye on the nearest milk saucer, flitting with a snap of their wings around the chimney of a wizard's tower, tressym are like all small felines in that they ride the line between cuteness and total nuisance.
— In-game racial description
These gelatinous creatures usually dwell in caves and dungeons, feeding on refuse, carrion, and ill-fated adventurers.
— In-game racial description
Vegetative or fungal creatures. Most can walk and move - and some are carnivorous.
— In-game racial description
These awakened plants, gifted with intelligence and mobility, plague lands contaminated with darkness.
— In-game racial description
Intelligent, ambulatory fungi residing in the Underdark. They use spores to both communicate and attack, though they'd rather avoid the latter.
— In-game racial description
These rotting heaps of animated vegetation absorb all organic matter they come in contact with, and are bloated with the remains of plants, animals, and sewage systems.
— In-game racial description
Evil, wicked creatures from the Lower Planes that labour under the leadership of lawful archdevils or chaotic demon princes.
— In-game racial description
The Temple of Bhaal's maid-of-all-work. Obsequious and eternal, Sceleritas lives to die, and dies to serve.
— In-game racial description
Scarlet-eyed and bitter-tempered, cambion are the bastard children of devils and mortals, a fusion of two Planes in one body.
— In-game racial description
Both lawful and evil to the bone, devils live to scheme and exploit the rules they follow, be it to climb the hierarchy of the Nine Hells or to lay claim to the souls of the mortals they make contracts with.
— In-game racial description
Grafted with infernal iron and burning with hellfire, these porcine brutes are filled with a distinct brand of malice.
— In-game racial description
Cackling peddlers of infernal mischief, imps bind themselves to the service of more powerful devils who furnish them with commands.
— In-game racial description
Sensual and depraved, these dark-winged fiends from the Nine Hells derive pleasure from enticing and devouring lonely souls.
— In-game racial description
In life, these faceless legionnaires of the Nine Hells were soldiers who served evil without reservation.
In life, these faceless legionnaires of the Nine Hells were soldiers who served evil without reservation. In death, they serve Raphael.
— In-game racial description
Native to the Lower Planes, succubi beckon those they seduce with soft fingers, concealing their claws beneath.
— In-game racial description
Crafted from a soul indebted to Raphael, these boars blaze with a smell like hair burning on blackening scalps.
— In-game racial description
Crafted from a soul indebted to Raphael, these cambions have pupils that dilate with devotion whenever he is near.
— In-game racial description
Crafted from a soul indebted to Raphael, these imps chitter uproariously while wheeling about on spindly wings.
— In-game racial description
Remnants of the once-living that are trapped between life and death.
— In-game racial description
Severed from their owners and skittering along on digits still stiff with rigor mortis, these hands can squeeze the breath from a throat in an instant.
— In-game racial description
Remnants of the once-living that are trapped between life and death.
— In-game racial description
When a fallen paladin dies without atonement, it can be brought back from the grave as something entirely different - entirely evil.
— In-game racial description
With their jagged wings and razor-sharp teeth, these undead gorge on humanoid flesh in the depth of night.
— In-game racial description
Orcus, god of undeath, creates ghasts by infusing ghouls with a particularly baleful dosage of his abyssal energy. Whereas a ghoul is little more than a savage beast, a ghast is cunning and can inspire a pack of ghouls to obey its commands.
— In-game racial description
The soul of a once-living creature, bound to the material plane by its desire to resolve some unfinished task from its life.
— In-game racial description
Driven by their insatiable hunger for humanoid flesh, ghouls usually roam the night in packs.
— In-game racial description
These skulls spawned from Gerringothe Thorm's twisted psyche. Manifestations of her worst flaws, they keep the coins of her protective armour intact.
— In-game racial description
Shambling, their bodies clothed with rotted scraps of funereal wrappings, mummies bring their malice with them out of their tombs.
— In-game racial description
Huddled in their sarcophagi like sickly penitents, mummy lords creep out to protect their tombs, their crumbling rags host to fierce ancient fists and skin crawling with curses.
— In-game racial description
Resembling dark exaggerations of humanoid shadows, these undead feed on the vitality of the living creatures they were once part of.
— In-game racial description
Often moving as a pack, these hounds of the Shadowfell slink from shadow to shadow, always on the hunt.
— In-game racial description
The remains of the dead, animated by dark magic - be they summoned by spellcasters, or risen on their own.
— In-game racial description
Bones studded with rotting scales and draped with dead tissue, these dragons have been animated by fell necromancy.
— In-game racial description
Amiable aristocrats and cold-hearted hunters, vampires are the embodiments of evening made flesh.
— In-game racial description
Subservient to the one who created them, vampire spawn are deadly hunters both ravenous and proud.
— In-game racial description
A wraith is malice incarnate, concentrated into an incorporeal form that seeks to quench all life. Even small fires can be extinguished by the sucking oblivion of the wraith's horrifying existence.
— In-game racial description
Mindless remains of the dead, imbued with necromantic magic, zombies do their creator's bidding without fear or hesitation.
This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.
The name of a race. When used on a race page, you can use {{PAGENAME}} for this parameter. Aside from the player-selectable races, there are description quotes for every race defined in the game.
Quote override
Use this parameter to specify a custom quote instead of a predefined one.
Image override
Use this parameter to specify a custom icon instead of a predefined one. There are only race icons corresponding the player-selectable races so you will need to specify an icon for other races. Typically this will be a portrait image.
Portrait Owlbear.png
Disable attribution
Disable the "In-game racial description" attribution text.
Image position override
Override the image position from its default position on the right.
Suggested values
Image height override
Override the image height from its default of 100px.
Link override
Override where clicking the image links to.
Page name
Disable link
Entirely remove the link. This is the same as setting "link=". For use with cut backgrounds that don't have dedicated pages.