Blessed by the Absolute and granted the status of True Soul, Dror commands the goblin forces in the Wilderness near the Emerald Grove. The Absolute instructed him to scour the wrecked remains of the Nautiloid to find a Mysterious Artefact. He can be encountered in the Shattered Sanctum attempting to speak with a mind flayer corpse. Depending on party choices, Ragzlin may become an ally or foe throughout Act One.
Ragzlin, Minthara and Gut are True Souls and leaders of the goblins who threaten the Emerald Grove. Thus, it is necessary to kill Ragzlin to save the Emerald Grove and the tieflings. Alternatively, the party can initiate the raid and double-cross Minthara without killing Ragzlin. However, if the raid is initiated but the goblins are defeated and Minthara is killed or knocked out, then is completed without killing Dror Ragzlin and Gut.
Act One
Ragzlin and Minthara are first seen during the introductory cutscene to Act One, observing the Nautiloid's crash.
Shattered Sanctum
The first encounter with Ragzlin is during Act One in the innermost chamber of the Shattered Sanctum of the Goblin Camp, where he casts on a dead mind flayer. The party can assist or hinder his attempt. After a brief dialogue, he delegates the party to Minthara while he deliberates his next move. Otherwise, the party can fight against him, which causes all the characters in the Shattered Sanctum and Goblin Camp to become hostile, except Abdirak, Brakkal, Liam, Halsin, and Volo.
Act Two
Mind Flayer Colony
If allowing Balthazar to take the Nightsong, the party is tasked with abducting Isobel. Killing or knocking her out grants an audience with Ketheric Thorm, who allows them to pray at the altar of the Absolute. Doing so causes the party to become imprisoned in a pod within the Mind Flayer Colony where Balthazar tries to recycle the party into zombies.
In the ensuing combat, the party must fight against Zombie Dror Ragzlin (if he died in Act One) and Zombie Minthara (if she died in Act One or was not rescued from Moonrise Towers Prison).
Attacks and abilities
Honour mode
Encounter details
In combat, Dror Ragzlin is an aggressive barbarian who often attempts to engage in melee combat. He has access to various effects that buff nearby allies such as
(and on Honour mode), further empowering the goblin horde.Tactics
The party should attempt to remove all of Ragzlin's allies first because they all have low hit points and are buffed by his skills if allowed to live. Afterwards, the party can face the hobgoblin himself.
Ragzlin's throne room provides ample opportunities for the party to gain an advantage. One section of the room contains a wooden walkway with a "wooden support" that only has 1 hit point. Luring enemies onto the walkway and then destroying the support can be an easy way to trivialize the fight.
The rafters near the ceiling provide high ground for spell-casters and archers to gain increased accuracy, as well as access to burning braziers with hinges that can be broken to drop onto enemies. Disabling or vision-reducing spells such as slows them down.
, , or allows the party to engage the enemy group safely from the rafters while theIf the party convinced Larger Giant Spider and Smaller Giant Spider to eat the goblins in the main hall, then they will move to the area outside Ragzlin's throne room afterwards. Ragzlin can be lured out of this room to aggro the spiders and give the party more allies.
Alternatively, there are lots of Smokepowder Barrel and Firewine Barrel in the locked room near Roah Moonglow. You can simply stack them around Dror Ragzlin and ignite them, killing him easily.
Notable loot
Related literature
Speak with Dead
Dror Ragzlin can be spoken to with
.Party member: Why does the Absolute want the fugitives?
- Dror Ragzlin: Eternal... glory... ours...
Party member: What did you want with that mind flayer?
- Dror Ragzlin: Squid... ship... fugitives... needs...
Party member: Where's Halsin?
- Dror Ragzlin: Beast ruttin'... looter... worg pens...
Party member: Tell me where I can find a healer.
- Dror Ragzlin: Halsin... caged...
Party member: Why are you and the drow working together?
- Dror Ragzlin: Absolute... binds... obedience...
Related quests
Ragzlin's model
A smiling Ragzlin