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28 January 2025
- 20:0420:04, 28 January 2025 Dazzling Breath (hist | edit) [786 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Action page | name = Dazzling Breath | image = Dazzling Breath.webp | controller icon = Dazzling Breath Icon.webp | icon = Dazzling Breath Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = It allows a Circle of the Stars druid using {{SAI|Starry Form: Dragon}} to deal radiant damage in a cone shape. | description = Spew forth a dazzling cone of stars. | cost = bonus | damage = 4d6 | damage type = Radiant | damage modifier = Wisdom | duration = | range = self | range m =...")
- 19:5819:58, 28 January 2025 Luminous Arrow (hist | edit) [779 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SpellPage | name = Luminous Arrow | image = Luminous Arrow.webp | controller icon = Luminous Arrow Icon.webp | icon = Luminous Arrow Unfaded Icon.webp | level = 1 | school = Evocation | class learns at level 2 = Circle of the Stars | summary = It allows a Circle of the Stars druid using {{SAI|Starry Form: Archer}} to deal radiant damage to a target at a distance. | description = Shoot a luminous arrow at a target. | extra description = | brief = | cost = bonus | h...")
- 19:1819:18, 28 January 2025 Reaper (hist | edit) [501 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Reaper''' is a Death Domain cleric passive feature that allows the cleric to target two creatures with Necromancy cantrips. | description = Your Necromancy cantrips that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature. | image = Reaper.webp | icon = Reaper Icon.webp | additional = | creature = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = | class learns at level 1 = Death Domain | used by...")
- 19:1519:15, 28 January 2025 Hexblade's Curse (hist | edit) [681 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Hexblade's Curse''' is a class action available to The Hexblade warlocks that allows them to curse targets. | description = Curse a target. Your damage rolls against the target gain a bonus equal to their Proficiency bonus. The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking the target is also reduced by 1. If the target dies, you regain {{Hp|4}}. | extra description = | image = Hexblade's Curse.webp | control...")
- 19:0519:05, 28 January 2025 Bladesong Climax (hist | edit) [853 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Action page | image = Bladesong Climax.webp | controller icon = Bladesong Climax Icon.webp | icon = Bladesong Climax Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = '''Bladesong Climax''' is the finale of a Bladesinger wizard's Bladesong. | description = Unleash the full damaging and healing effects of your Bladesong at once. Your {{Cond|Bladesong Damage Charge|Bladesong Damage Charges}} will harm enemies an additional {{DamageText|1d6|Force}} damage, and your {{Cond|Bl...")
- 18:5818:58, 28 January 2025 Bind Hexed Weapon (hist | edit) [901 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{See also|Bind Pact Weapon}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Bind Hexed Weapon''' is a class action available to Hexblade warlocks that allows them to bind a weapon and apply Hexblade curses. | description = Bind to your main hand weapon. Its damage becomes magical, you cannot drop or throw it, and you become Proficient with it if you weren't already. When you attack with this weapon, there is a chance that {{Cond|Hexblade's Curse}} will be applied to t...")
- 18:5118:51, 28 January 2025 Ominous Bite (hist | edit) [714 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Ominous Bite''' is a {{CharLink|Hound of Ill Omen}} class action that allows them to place an omen on enemy targets. | description = Bite a target and possibly place an {{Cond|Hound's Omen|Omen}} on them. | image = Infectious Bite Wolf Companion.webp | controller icon = Infectious Bite Wolf Companion Icon.webp | icon = Infectious Bite Wolf Companion Unfaded Icon.webp | cost = action | damage = 3d6 | damage type = Piercing | attack...")
- 18:4718:47, 28 January 2025 Hound's Omen (Condition) (hist | edit) [359 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Condition page | icon = Generic Damage Condition Icon.webp | effects = * A dark omen that can be of {{DamageType|Acid}}, {{DamageType|Cold}}, {{DamageType|Fire}}, {{DamageType|Lightning}}, {{DamageType|Poison}}, or {{DamageType|Thunder}}. When damage of that type is dealt to the affected entity, the owner of the hound regains 1 {{R|sp}}. }}") originally created as "Hound's Omen"
- 18:4518:45, 28 January 2025 Shadow Walk (hist | edit) [631 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | image = Shadow Walk.webp | controller icon = Shadow Walk Icon.webp | icon = Shadow Walk Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = '''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a Shadow Magic sorcerer class action. It allows a sorcerer to teleport into shadow and cast a spell at a distance without using sorcery points. | description = Teleport into the shadows. The next spell you cast that turn will benefit from {{Pass|Metamagic: Distant Spell|Distant Spell}} without costing...")
- 18:2218:22, 28 January 2025 Intoxicating Strike (hist | edit) [675 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | image = Intoxicating Strike.webp | controller icon = Intoxicating Strike Icon.webp | icon = Intoxicating Strike Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = '''Intoxicating Strike''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk class action. It allows a monk to intoxicate their enemies. | description = Hit a creature with your bare fists and possibly get them {{Cond|Drunk}}. | cost = action | hit cost = ki | damage = unarmed | damage type = Bludgeoning | attack r...")
- 18:1618:16, 28 January 2025 Sobering Realisation (hist | edit) [807 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | image = Sobering Realisation.webp | controller icon = Sobering Realisation Icon.webp | icon = Sobering Realisation Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = '''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk class action. It lets a monk sober up an intoxicated target by striking them. | description = Hit a {{Cond|Drunk}} target and sober them up by dealing bonus {{DamageType|Psychic}} damage. On a successful hit, the monk also loses {{Cond|Life of...")
- 18:1318:13, 28 January 2025 Drunken Technique (hist | edit) [1,309 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ActionPage | image = Drunken Technique.webp | controller icon = Drunken Technique Icon.webp | icon = Drunken Technique Unfaded Icon.webp | summary = '''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk class action. It is an enhanced variant of {{SAI|Flurry of Blows}} that can grant additional movement. | description = Punch twice in quick succession and grant yourself an additional {{Distance|m=3}} movement and the benefits of {{Cond|Disengage}}. | cost = bonus,...")
- 18:0618:06, 28 January 2025 Leap to Your Feet (hist | edit) [524 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = | description = (information unavailable) | image = Leap to Your Feet.webp | icon = Leap to Your Feet Icon.webp | additional = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = | class learns at level 6 = Way of the Drunken Master | used by creatures = | notes = }}")
- 18:0618:06, 28 January 2025 Redirect Attack (hist | edit) [563 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Redirect Attack''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk reaction/passive feature that allows the monk to redirect an attack. | description = When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can spend 1 {{R|ki}} as a reaction to make them attack a new target if possible. | image = Redirect Attack.webp | icon = Redirect Attack Icon.webp | additional = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = |...")
- 18:0218:02, 28 January 2025 Life of the Party (hist | edit) [636 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Life of the Party''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk passive feature that grants bonuses against Drunk targets. | description = Every time {{SAI|Intoxicating Strike}} hits, the monk gains {{Cond|Life of the Party}}, which increases Armour Class and Attack Rolls against {{Cond|Drunk}} targets. This effect can stack. | image = Life of the Party.webp | icon = Life of the Party Icon.webp | additional = | con...")
- 18:0018:00, 28 January 2025 Drunken Performance (hist | edit) [473 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Drunken Performance''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk passive feature that grants Performance proficiency. | description = You gain Proficiency in {{Skill|Performance}}. | image = Drunken Performance.webp | icon = Drunken Performance Icon.webp | additional = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = | class learns at level 3 = Way of the Drunken Master | used by creatures = | notes = }}")
- 17:5817:58, 28 January 2025 Cheeky Tipple (hist | edit) [579 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Cheeky Tipple''' is a Way of the Drunken Master monk passive feature that prevents the effects of being intoxicated. | description = You are Immune to the negative effects of being {{Cond|Drunk}}. Once per day, when you drink alcohol, you regain half your {{R|Ki}} (rounded down). | image = Cheeky Tipple.webp | icon = CHeeky Tipple Icon.webp | additional = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = |...")
- 17:4517:45, 28 January 2025 Armour of Hexes (hist | edit) [551 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Armour of Hexes''' is a Hexblade warlock passive feature that nullifies attacks by cursed enemies. | description = When a creature you cursed with {{Cond|Hexblade's Curse}} attacks you, potentially nullify the attack as a reaction. This has a 50% chance of succeeding. | image = Armour of Hexes.webp | icon = Armour of Hexes Icon.webp | additional = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = | clas...")
- 17:3717:37, 28 January 2025 Accursed Spectre (passive feature) (hist | edit) [681 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | summary = '''Accursed Spectre''' is a Hexblade warlock passive feature that raises a spectre when an enemy is killed. | description = When you or an ally within {{Distance|m=18}} slay a creature that is afflicted with {{Cond|Hexblade's Curse}}, you can raise an Accursed Spectre that will fight alongside you for a short period of time. | image = Accursed Spectre.webp | icon = Accursed Spectre.webp | additional = | creature = Accu...") originally created as "Accursed Spectre"
- 17:0517:05, 28 January 2025 Mantle of Majesty: Command (hist | edit) [929 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Mantle of Majesty: Command''' is a College of Glamour bard class action that commands enemies using a bonus action. | description = Comand a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon. | extra description = Targets that are {{Cond|Charmed}} automatically fail their Saving Throw. | image = Mantle of Majesty Command.webp | controller icon = Mantle of Majesty Command Icon.webp | icon = Mantle of...")
- 16:5916:59, 28 January 2025 Mantle of Inspiration (hist | edit) [724 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Mantle of Inspiration''' is a College of Glamour bard class action that protects allies with a mantle that charms enemies that hit them. | description = Imbue 2 allies with your vigour and grant them {{Temp hp|5}}. If they're hit with a melee attack, the attacker becomes {{Cond|Charmed}}. | extra description = | image = Mantle of Inspiration.webp | controller icon = Mantle of Inspiration Icon.webp | icon = Mantle of Inspiratio...")
- 10:5110:51, 28 January 2025 Inescapable Destruction (hist | edit) [468 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{upcoming}} {{Passive feature page | image = Inescapable Destruction.webp | icon = Inescapable Destruction Icon.webp | summary = '''Inescapable Destruction''' is a Death Domain Cleric passive feature. It allows Spells you cast to ignore Resistance to {{DamageColor|Necrotic|Necrotic}} Damage. | description = Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Necrotic Damage. | class learns at level 6 = Death Domain | notes = }} {{ClericNavbox}}")
- 10:4810:48, 28 January 2025 Song of Defence (hist | edit) [364 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:4610:46, 28 January 2025 Divine Strike: Necrotic (hist | edit) [1,207 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{upcoming}} {{Hatnote|For general information about Divine Strike, see Divine Strike.}} {{Weapon action page | summary = '''Divine Strike: Necrotic''' is a Death Domain Cleric weapon action and reaction that deals extra Necrotic damage upon a weapon strike (either melee or ranged). | description = Once per turn deal {{DamageText|1d8|Necrotic}} in addition to your weapon's damage when you make a melee attack. | image = Divine Strike Necrotic.webp | controller ico...")
- 10:4610:46, 28 January 2025 Training in War and Song (hist | edit) [428 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:2710:27, 28 January 2025 Channel Divinity: Touch of Death (hist | edit) [581 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | image = Touch of Death.webp | controller icon = Touch of Death.webp | icon = Touch of Death.webp | summary = '''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a Death Domain Cleric class action that allows the user deal extra Necrotic damage with your melee attack. | description = When you hit a creature wiht a melee attack, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal extra Necrotic damage. | cost = action, cd | condition = Channel Divinity: Touch of Death | co...")
- 10:2710:27, 28 January 2025 Turn the Tide (hist | edit) [497 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:2310:23, 28 January 2025 Oath of the Crown Tenets (hist | edit) [786 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:1910:19, 28 January 2025 Righteous Clarity (hist | edit) [493 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:1610:16, 28 January 2025 Champion Challenge (hist | edit) [742 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 10:0810:08, 28 January 2025 Divine Allegiance (hist | edit) [461 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:5709:57, 28 January 2025 Prey's Scent (Swarmkeeper) (hist | edit) [396 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:5509:55, 28 January 2025 Writhing Tide (hist | edit) [406 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:5509:55, 28 January 2025 Hound of Ill Omen (hist | edit) [634 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | name = Hound of Ill Omen | image = Hound ofI ll Omen.png | controller icon = Hound of Ill Omen Icon.webp | icon = Hound of Ill Omen Unfaded Icon.webp | classes = | class learns at level 6 = Shadow Magic | summary = Summon forth a creature of Darkness. | description = Summon a Hound of Ill Omen. | cost = bonus, sp:3 | range m = 18 | range ft = 60 | recharge = Short Rest | creature = Hound of Ill Omen | creature description = }} {{SorcererNavbox}}")
- 09:5309:53, 28 January 2025 Legion of Bees (hist | edit) [600 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:5209:52, 28 January 2025 Flurry of Moths (hist | edit) [601 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:5009:50, 28 January 2025 Cloud of Jellyfish (hist | edit) [613 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 09:4109:41, 28 January 2025 Eyes of the Dark: Darkness (hist | edit) [891 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{upcoming}} {{SpellPage | name = Eyes of the Dark: Darkness | image = Eyes of the Dark: Darkness.webp | controller icon = Eyes of the Dark: Darkness.webp | icon = Eyes of the Dark: Darkness.webp | level = 2 | school = Evocation | class learns at level 3 = Shadow Magic | summary = It creates a dark cloud that heavily obscures and blinds all creatures inside. | description = Create a dark shroud that Heavily Obscures and Blinded_(Conditi...")
- 09:1709:17, 28 January 2025 Strength of the Grave (hist | edit) [564 bytes] Valk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Passive feature page |image = Strength of the Grave.webp |icon = Strength of the Grave.webp |summary = '''Strength of the Grave''' is a passive feature that prevents the first death. |description = After reaching 0 Hit Points, you regain 1 instead of becoming downed. | brief = After reaching 0 Hit Points, you regain 1 instead of becoming downed. | class learns at level 1 = Shadow Magic | used by creatures = }} {{So...")
- 08:2908:29, 28 January 2025 Mighty Impel (hist | edit) [743 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Mighty Impel''' is a Giant barbarian class action that allows them to throw creatures or objects. | description = Throw a creature or object that is Medium-sized or smaller. | extra description = Heavier creatures and objects deal more damage on impact. | image = | cost = bonus | concentration = | damage = | damage type = | damage2 = | attack roll = | recharge = | duration = | range = | range...")
- 08:2508:25, 28 January 2025 Boot of the Giants (hist | edit) [793 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Boot of the Giants''' is a Giant barbarian class action that allows them to send enemies flying with a swift kick. | description = Try to kick a target away. Your chances depend on your Athletics, and are higher if you're hidden or invisible. | extra description = You can kick a target up to twice the weight that {{SAI|Shove|Shoving}} them would allow. | image = | cost = bonus | concentration =...")
- 08:2208:22, 28 January 2025 Elemental Cleaver (hist | edit) [1,013 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ActionPage | summary = '''Elemental Cleaver''' is a Giant barbarian class action that allows them to add elemental damage to their weapons and gives them the Thrown property, as well as the ability to return once thrown. | description = Channel primordial might into your weapon. Until the end of your {{Cond|Rage}}, your weapon will deal additional {{DamageType|Acid}}, {{DamageType|Cold}}, {{DamageType|Fire}}, {{DamageType|Lightning}}, or...")
- 08:1208:12, 28 January 2025 Vaprak's Greed (hist | edit) [334 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Passive feature page | image = | icon = | summary = '''Vaprak's Greed''' is a Giant barbarian passive feature that increases carry weight. | description = Your carrying capacity is increased by a quarter. | class learns at level 2 = Giant (barbarian subclass) }} {{BarbarianNavbox}}")
- 08:0208:02, 28 January 2025 Giant's Rage (hist | edit) [1,326 bytes] HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Upcoming}} {{ActionPage | summary = '''Giant's Rage''' is a Giant barbarian class action that is a superset of Rage. This ability channels the barbarian's rage towards throwing objects and people. Like other rage abilities, wearing Heavy Armour triggers the {{Cond|Rage Impeded}} Condition, removing some benefits of Giant's Rage. | description = Enter a {{Cond|Giant's Rage|Rage}} and increase in size. Your Rage damage bonus is doubled on Throw attacks. | ex...")
27 January 2025
- 22:1422:14, 27 January 2025 Contests (hist | edit) [33 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Dice rolls#Contests) Tag: New redirect
- 22:0922:09, 27 January 2025 Panache: Disadvantage (Condition) (hist | edit) [343 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 21:4621:46, 27 January 2025 Rakish Audacity (hist | edit) [609 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub based on screenshots from PS5 patch 8 release)
- 21:3921:39, 27 January 2025 List of bugged spells (hist | edit) [857 bytes] Hawkeye (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This list aims to catalogue equipment which does not function as would be expected based on its tooltip, or that has other problems - or missing information - in its description, function, or location. This list is unlikely to be comprehensive as it is likely there are many issues with items of which we are unaware. As this list deals with problems that have a high likelihood of being changed in patches and hotfixes, it is likely that entries will be incorrect following...")
- 21:1421:14, 27 January 2025 You Have Two Hands for a Reason (hist | edit) [58 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Achievements#You Have Two Hands for a Reason) Tag: New redirect
- 21:1321:13, 27 January 2025 Under Lock and Key (hist | edit) [45 bytes] NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Redirected page to Achievements#Under Lock and Key) Tag: New redirect