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Sarevok Anchev/Combat
Overview | Combat |
This page focuses on Sarevok Anchev's behavior during combat encounters.
This page is a list of information, rather than a guide. Please refer to separate pages for full combat guides.
Attacks and Abilities
Honour Mode
- Jump
- Opportunity Attack
Main Hand Attack
- Sarevok seems to have access to at least two melee attacks per action. If he is affected by "Haste", this can mean Sarevok is capable of firing off four[Needs Verification] melee attacks in a single turn -- enough to allow his special ability on the next turn.
- This is a stacking condition. Sarevok gains 1 stack when he successfully deals damage to another character in Melee range.
- Description reads: "After performing four attacks, Sarevok will have embodied Bhaal enough to use Deathbringer Assault."
- This condition and all stacks are cleared when Sarevok gains the condition "Deathbringer's Legacy."
- Sarevok gains this condition for 1 turn, after reaching 4 stacks of Murderous Strikes.
- Description reads: "Sarevok is able to use Deathbringer Assault until the end of his next turn."
From allies
The following conditions are commonly applied onto Sarevok, from allied characters such as Summons.
- (from Echo of Amelyssan)
- (from Echo of Amelyssan)
Immunities include conditions that, cannot be afflicted onto this character. Conditions that are not explicit "Immune to" messages can still go in this section, but please provide more detail about what combat actions are prevented.
Sarevok cannot be affected by any or all of the following Conditions:
Vulnerabilities include specific conditions that can be afflicted onto Sarevok, even if the chance of successfully afflicting this condition is very low.
Sarevok can be affected by all of the following conditions:
- - NOTE: Even if Sarevok has received Echo of Illasera, the condition can be temporarily inflicted on him by e.g. Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet to benefit from the automatic critical hits, and he will not recover until his own turn.
- Echo of Amelyssan
- Casts and on Sarevok.
- Upon death, grants Sarevok , healing him for 2d12hit points each time he attacks.
- With , casts and uses melee attacks.
- Echo of Illasera
- Casts on Sarevok and uses to negate party's spells.
- Upon death, grants Sarevok , making him and immune to , , and other conditions that reduce movement speed.
- With , casts and .
- Echo of Sendai
- Casts , , and on the party.
- Upon death, grants Sarevok , increasing his AC by 6.
- With , casts and .
- Echo of Abazigal (Only if Sarevok is attacked after the player has become the Unholy Assassin)
- Upon death of this echo, Sarevok gains which causes Sarevok to deal maximum damage with all his attacks.
- That Which Guards, That Which Lurks, and That Which Watches (Only if the door is open and combat gets too close to them)
- These 3 Death Knights will automatically die once Sarevok does.
- 12x Tribunal Ghost (Only if combat is initiated in the sacrifice chamber)
Encounter details
Sarevok can be fought at the Murder Tribunal in the Lower City Sewers. He is joined by echoes of Sendai, Illasera, and Amelyssan, as well as other conditional allies.
If the player convinces Dolor to take up arms against the Murder Tribunal, Sarevok will cast Power Word Kill on Dolor, instantly killing him.[url 1]
This fight greatly revolves around the Echoes. Each Echo will contribute to the fight in one of three ways, depending on whether it and Sarevok are alive:
- While Sarevok is alive, each living Echo uses spells to support him or hinder the party, but they do not directly attack the party.
- When an Echo is killed, it grants a permanent "Absorbed Essense" buff to Sarevok.
- When Sarevok is killed, any surviving Echoes gain and begin attacking the party directly.
Echo of Amelyssan's will often result in her dying first, but fortunately her Absorbed Essence is relatively harmless. It is advisable to avoid killing Echo of Sendai and Echo of Illasera, since their Absorbed Essence effects make Sarevok much harder to kill and much more dangerous, respectively. They can instead be disabled through conditions such as or , or simply ignored by killing Sarevok before they can cause too much trouble. Even with , the Echoes by themselves are far less dangerous than Sarevok at full power.
Since the Echoes are Undead, Clerics like Shadowheart can shut them down with ease. Simply move into range and cast Turn Undead, effectively removing them from the battle for a few turns.
This fight can also be "cheesed". Once the party has either presented the hand of a victim they killed or passed the Deception check to convince Sarevok that they are worthy of becoming an Unholy Assassin, he will stand up to walk into the sacrificial chamber next door while the Echoes teleport to the room ahead of him. Attacking him at this moment leaves him extremely vulnerable because the Echoes will be too far away to come to his aid. If the Echoes do enter initiative, it is possible to hold them in the sacrificial chamber with the above mentioned Turn Undead trick by standing in the doorway with Turn Undead enabled. Echo of Sendai will cast Command: Grovel on the cleric, but the aura will remain active for its entire duration. It is important for the cleric to remain a couple of meters behind the doorway; otherwise the Echoes will use Fly and bypass them.
DC 20By luring Sarevok up onto the platform nearest the crack in the wall, and then creating any form of lingering obscurement or blockage on the pillars climbing up, he can be separated from the echoes in a way that prevents them from from casting many of their spells on him. This can give you a few extra turns of time before they can path around, or cause them to waste turns moving.