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Samwell Staxford - Dead Zealot of the Absolute

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Samwell Staxford is a human zealot and paladin of the Cult of the Absolute found on the Rosymorn Monastery Trail. Having accidentally stumbled upon hostile githyanki youth, he raised a group of undead Death Shepherds and Ghouls to assist but ultimately perished in the ensuing fight.


Following the capture of Duke Ravengard from Waukeen's Rest by nearby goblin forces loyal to the Absolute, Samwell Staxford was amongst those tasked to bring the duke to the Absolute by General Ketheric Thorm. He and his party presumably escorted the captive duke through the Mountain Pass and into the Rosymorn Monastery Trail, before unwittingly encountering a group of githyanki youth who have been training outside the Rosymorn Monastery.

Samwell Staxford's party left him and another zealot[1] behind to fight the githyanki,[2] forcing him to summon the undead to help but ultimately perishing in the attempt (X: -91 Y: -116), covering the rest of the party's flight with the duke. His body can be found surrounded by two Death Shepherds, a Ghast, and a handful of Ghouls.

Speak with Dead

Party member: Who are you?

  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Samwell... Staxford...
  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Devoted... servant... of... the Absolute...

Party member: Where did you come from?

  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Moonrise... Towers...

Party member: What were you doing here?

  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Following... orders... of... General... Thorm...
    • Party member: What were your orders?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Find... Duke... Ravengard...
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Bring... him... to... the... Absolute...
    • Party member: Who is General Thorm?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Leader... of... True... Souls...
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Chosen... of... the... Absolute...

Party member: Who killed you?

  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Githyanki... youths...
    • Party member: Why did the githyanki attack you?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Stumbled... upon... them... interrupted... training...
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Didn't... realise... they... were... here...

Party member: Where did these undead come from?

  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: I... summoned... then...
  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: To... fight... against... githyanki... attack...
  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: To... buy... time... for... the others...
  • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: To... escape... with... Ravengard...
    • Party member: Why did the githyanki attack you?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Stumbled... upon... them... interrupted... training...
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Didn't... realise... they... were... here...
    • Party member: What were you doing with Ravengard?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: General... Thorm's... orders...
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: To... bring... him... to... the... Absolute...
        • Party member: Who is General Thorm?
          • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Leader... of... True... Souls...
          • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Chosen... of... the... Absolute...
        • Party member: What does the Absolute want with Duke Ravengard?
          • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*
    • Party member: Where is the Duke Ravengard now?
      • Dead Zealot of the Absolute: Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*


  • Samwell Staxford's portrait and physical appearance is completely identical to that of Malik (zealot) Zealot Malik.
  • It is unclear as how Samwell Staxford raised undead to assist in the fight, as Zealots of the Absolute don't have access to Animate Dead Animate Dead or any similar spells.


  1. There is a second Dead Zealot of the Absolute present at the scene.
  2. Devnotes:
    Narrative: the party sent from Moonrise to kidnap Ravengard was returning with him when they encounter a few gith teens who were training. The party left behind the Zealot with his undead to deal with the githyanki youths - what you find is the remaining undead, and the dead bodies of the giths and the zealot