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Diluted Oil of Sharpness

Diluted Oil of Sharpness is a Consumable(Coating). It can be applied to a weapon to give it special properties for ten turns or thrown as a Grenade to inflict its effects in an area.

The flecks of shimmering crystal suspended within this murky oil make it hum with arcane potential.
- Single Use
- Uncommon Rarity:
- Weight: 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb
- Price: 25 gp
Bonus action Coat your active weapon in Oil of Sharpness, making it magical and giving it a +1 Weapon Enchantment.
Condition: Coated in Diluted Oil of Sharpness
Duration: 10 turns
- The arcane oil coating this weapon grants it a +1 bonus to Damage and Attack rolls. The weapon has become magical, so it can damage creatures that are immune to non-magical attacks.
Where to find
- Can be crafted via Alchemy by combining Salts of Viridian Crystal (procured from Viridian Crystal) and any Vitriol