Template:CompanionTabAstarion ApprovesAstarion likes displays of power and cruelty, and appreciates snarkiness and mocking. He is inspired when the player gains access to areas/information by deceiving others. The player does not have to be "evil" to gain his approval, however — he approves when the player makes choices that support independence and autonomy, and when the player helps certain characters in need.
Astarion dislikes displays of weakness and does not like acts of kindness or charity that offer no reward. He disapproves when the player tries to rein him in or restrict him in some way.
The actions and choices listed on this page will raise or lower Astarion's Approval.
For more information about the approval system, see Approval.
In the Underground Passage, after reviving Findal tell him you are here to finish the job and kill him +1
While using Speak with Animals convince Topaz the bird that the key in its nest is dull OR choose the bard-specific option about a song OR kick at the bird +1
As Dark Urge, when you are confronted by a companion about kicking Timber, say she came right at you OR that your instincts are sharp and to stay out of the way +1
As a Bard, when you walk up to Alfira and talk to the squirrels, first choose the option "Shhh - you're ruining the song", and only afterwards the class-specific "Sing along with them..." +1
Take Alfira's lute out of her hands and smash it +1
When Auntie Ethel's true form surrenders, accept the deal to let her go, with or without Mayrina+5
After killing Auntie Ethel's true form, use the wand to resurrect Mayrina's dead husband Connor, give her the wand, then tell Astarion that it was funny
When convincing Varsh Ko'kuu to give you the Githyanki egg, tell him you will use it for an omelet or sell it +1
Ask the Inquisitor how he knows so much about you +1
Ask the Inquisitor what you'll get in return for producing the weapon +1
Tell the Inquisitor you accept gold as a reward
If Lae'zel is chosen to use the zaith'isk, succeed a difficult (30) persuasion or Wisdom check to have her get out of it before it harms her
If Lae'zel is chosen to use the zaith'isk, succeed a difficult deception check or a Wisdom check followed by a persuasion check (21) to have her get out of it during the second phase. Will permanently lower Lae'zel's INT by 2.
If Lae'zel is chosen to use the zaith'isk, succeed a difficult deception check or a Constitution check followed by a persuasion to have her get out of it during the third phase. Will permanently lower Lae'zel's INT and WIS by 2.
When talking to Ward Magmar about traveling to Moonrise Towers, choose "Moonrise Tower holds the answers we need"
After poisoning Ward Magmar, tell Skickpit to take the elevator to the surface. +1
When attempting to take the elevator, tell Ward Magmar that saving Nere is a distraction +1
After finding Philomeen, talk to Lunkbug and mention she wants Laridda to move on
Instigate a fight against Elder Brithvar by either taunting him to take your gold or suggesting involving Sergeant Thrinn in the conspiracy against Nere
After rescuing Nere, tell him to finish the slaves, or choose to say nothing
After he asks you to tell him that he is beautiful, choose any option +1
Tell him you'll sleep better for it when he says he'll keep watch +3
In camp on the first night, tell Shadowheart to remain cautious +1
Tell him how you'd like to die (decapitation, stabbing, or poison) +5
Alternatively: Tell him you'll spill his guts if he tries -1, then tell him you'll take him down with you +5
Help Mol win the game against Raphael using the Sleight of Hand, Bard, Monk, or Wizard options
Tell His Majesty that you wanted to admire him up close +1 , and then quietly admire him +1
Do not drink the truth serum-spiked wine Jaheira offers you
Tell Isobel you should "go with the winged freak" after Flaming Fist Marcus arrives
Talk to the Strange Ox in the stables and agree to keep its secret +1
As The Dark Urge, after Marcus attempts to kidnap her, tell Isobel that your blood is telling you to kill her. Resist the urges, and then say, "I'm not going to follow my order. You will live."
Call Wulbren a prick when speaking with him and Barcus.
After Mol is taken, tell Mattis she's probably dead already. +1
Convince the hyena in the convoy that they don't belong to the goblins.
Tell the drider they are amazing after watching them berate a goblin who "fed the shadows"
Convince the drider to not attack you when you killed the convoy before summoning him
Convince the drider through deception to give you the lantern +1
Convince the drider through deception to walk into the shadows +1
If you're traveling with the convoy when it's ambushed, protect the convoy and maintain your cover as a True Soul
If you're traveling with the convoy when it's ambushed, side with the Harpers, and loot the Moonlantern, tell the Harper leader "How about I just kill you and keep the lantern for myself?"
Talking to Yurgir about his pact instead of attacking him immediately -2, then pass an insight check (unless playing as a Bard) and three Persuasion checks to get him to kill his Merregons, his Displacer Beast and himself. +5
If you agreed to help Yurgir, reassure Astarion that this is all part of the plan. +1
Tell him it makes sense to enlist Raphael's help with investigating his scars
Tell him that of course you'll help hunt down and kill Cazador+5
When first speaking to Araj, ask Astarion if he wishes to leave. +1
When first speaking to Arves, a man with memory loss in front of the House of Grief, convince him with a deception check that he owes money to the bank. +1
When you arrive at Facemaker Boutique and find the Bhaal Cultist trying to kill Figaro, say " back off that's my kill" +1
During Raphael fight knock out Korilla using a non-lethal attack. Afterward, when speaking to Hope, say "She was under Raphael’s influence. She didn’t deserve to die.’ +1
The following story and dialogue choices will cause Astarion to lose approval.
Act One
Act 1 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
Allow Volo to follow through with his attempt to remove the parasite
Say "I brought you back, didn't I?" or "I thought the mind flayer parasite protects you from light?" or "I think I preferred you as a pile of ash." when speaking to him after reviving him if he died from the Sun Lance blast in Rosymorn Monastery. -5
When you first catch him trying to drink your blood in camp:
Tell him to leave after you catch him trying to drink your blood -10 (Astarion leaves the party)
Attempt to stake him while he's drinking your blood and fail -10 (Astarion leaves the party)
Forbid him to drink blood from other people -5
During the first conversation about Cazador, tell him he's on his own -5
Raphael's Deal
When meeting Raphael, tell him "I'll do anything to get rid of the tadpole." -5
After meeting Raphael, tell Astarion that "you might not be able to outfox him, but I will." -1
(Warlock-only) After meeting Raphael, say that he's "only a cambion" and that you can handle him. -1
Party at the Camp
If you already have a partner, tell him "I'm looking forward to it. It'll be fun." or ask him if he's feeling jealous. -1
Speak to him, end the conversation without agreeing to sleep with him, then make arrangements with another companion. Then talk to Astarion again and tell him you're spending the night with someone else. -1
Turn him down if he offers to sleep with you. -1
Fail the Persuasion roll (DC 15) to make Astarion say 'please' when offering to sleep with you. -1
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
Tell Harper Lassandra that you can aid in traversing the darkness (Wizard only)
Say to Harper Lassandra, "I find the best introductions are made while sitting around a fire, perhaps with drinks?" (Bard only)
Say to Harper Lassandra, "Peace - I am a druid. This land and its festering shadows, what do you know of it?" (Druid only)
When judging with He Who Was, choose any response to Madeline, that judges her actions; either that she is not to be forgiven or that it wasn't her fault (formulation of answer is based on class).
When judging with He Who Was, choose to stop Madeline from stabing herself. -1
Lambast Astarion for deceiving Leon and Aurelia about what can happen to them at the Rite of Profane Ascension when they come to take him away at night from the Elfsong Tavern. -3