User talk:Aldwin

Latest comment: 7 July 2023 by
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Necromancy of Thay Also, the trivia has changed some in release 9. If my PC unlocks the book then hands it to Astarion, he gets the Speak with Dead and Forbidden Knowledge tags, refuses to give up the book ("nono, that's mine") even when you leave him in camp and the magic pockets tries to take it away. The quest successfully completes with the sentence "We gave the evil book to someone in the party" (paraphrasing). However, Gale doesn't get Speak with Dead and says he'll "peruse it later", just like Astarion says he's "give it a better read later". However, both of them can be taken through the dialog to make 3 saving throws after the quest is marked complete as given to another party member and gain the Speak with Dead the same way as a PC. This will probably change by the final release but give an idea where they are heading. If you drop the book as to destroy it, but fail and then give it to Astarion, you get boosts to Lae'Zel and Wyll, losses by Gale and Astarion then Astarion rebounds to, seems like same, level he was before. My character is trying to get along best with Lae' Zel so took that path. Gale already liked my PC best. 05:33, 7 July 2023 (CEST)Reply