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Tightening Orbit Helm

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Tightening Orbit Helm image

Tightening Orbit Helm is a rare Helmet.

Keep your enemies close, and those you want to slit up closer.' - Popular nursery saying


  • Helmets Helmets
  • Proficiency Icon.png Required Proficiency: Medium Armour Medium Armour
  • Rarity: Rare
  •  Weight: 1 kg / 2 lb
  • UID MAG_ZOC_Force_Helmet
    UUID 5ac19da8-48bf-4a75-b312-430c1ab7cb41


The wearer of this item gains:

Tightening Orbit Tightening Orbit ()
Spend 1 turn of Force Conduit Force Conduit to pull every enemy in the radius toward you with damaging force. ( Recharge: Short rest.)


  • Not accessible through normal gameplay, but can still be accessed via third party tools.