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Template documentation

Insert a link to one of the playable races accompanied by the associated icon.


This is intended mainly for lists, not in-line in body content as per the Style Manual. The race name is case sensitive and needs to exactly match (e.g. Half-Elf, not Half Elf).


Example Markup Renders as
Basic usage
Duergar Duergar
Adjusted icon size
Half-Orc Half-Orc
Link alias
Half-Elves Half-Elves

See also

Template data

Insert a link to a race accompanied by the associated icon. For use in lists and similar contexts only. This should not be used inline in the body of a paragraph as per the style manual. In those cases, use a normal link instead.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Race name1

The name of the race. This is case sensitive.

Suggested values
Human Githyanki Half-Orc Dwarf Elf Drow Tiefling Halfling Half-Elf Gnome Dragonborn Hill Dwarf Gold Dwarf Mountain Dwarf Shield Dwarf Duergar High Elf Wood Elf Seldarine Drow Lolth-Sworn Drow Asmodeus Tiefling Mephistopheles Tiefling Zariel Tiefling Lightfoot Halfling Strongheart Halfling Wood Half-Elf High Half-Elf Drow Half-Elf Rock Gnome Deep Gnome Forest Gnome Black Dragonborn Blue Dragonborn Brass Dragonborn Bronze Dragonborn Copper Dragonborn Gold Dragonborn Green Dragonborn Red Dragonborn Silver Dragonborn White Dragonborn

A user-defined alias to be shown instead of the race name.

Icon sizew

The pixel size of the accompanying icon.
