Talk:Trip Attack (Ranged)

Latest comment: 12 September 2024 by NtCarlson
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Trip attack ranged does not inflict prone until long rest. I was looking to modify Trip Attack Ranged and Trip Attack Melee in the Toolkit to have the same value, and both show: ApplyStatus(PRONE,100,1) Peegoo (talk) 15:30, 12 September 2024 (CEST)Reply

You are looking in the wrong place (probably at the TooltipStatusApply field instead of the SpellSuccess field). This is the effect of Trip Attack (Ranged) as of Patch 7:
IF(not SavingThrow(Ability.Strength, ManeuverSaveDC())):ApplyStatus(PRONE,100,-1);DealDamage(MainRangedWeapon + LevelMapValue(SuperiorityDie), MainRangedWeaponDamageType); ExecuteWeaponFunctors(MainHand)
Note the ApplyStatus(PRONE,100,-1) part. The duration of -1 is indefinite. NtCarlson (talk) 21:39, 12 September 2024 (CEST)Reply