Talk:Steel Watcher Titan

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Getting Gontr Mael from the Hellfire Steel Watcher Titan[edit source]

I just killed the Hellfire Steel Watcher Titan in Honor Mode and did not get the Bow (and any kind of loot) from it.

I have two Idead what might have happend and maybe it is worth to document here.

  1. I am playing on honor Mode and it may be a bug? Because its an different Enemy to the normal Steel Watcher Titan.
  2. I killed it, without it getting a turn in combat (the stun grenades) and via Intelligence Drain, it died becuase it reached 0 Int, with the Illithid Power.

I also did ot have the Iron Hand Gnomes Quest (i needed to kill them) but i dont think thats it, because i never found them in my first playthrou and got the Bow there.

XBlut (talk) 02:48, 12 March 2024 (CET)Reply