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Regarding greetings dialogue[edit source]

For whom it may concern: I have tested greetings based on approval and it seemed to be consistently reflect that of the approval rating, however when I tested Lae'zels she gave the same greeting regardless of approval (unless negative) and it seemed to change only when in different location or progression/circumstance. -Pandora (talk) 19:55, 20 September 2023 (CEST)Reply

Regarding Shadowheart Approval on PS5[edit source]

I am playing on PS5, and although I have not tested all Shadowheart approval options, so far most have worked except one:

When speaking to the Gnarled Door in Auntie Esther's house, passing the intimidation Check to "Open Up", after choosing the dialogue option "Alright, is there another way in?" does not give me approval from Shadowheart.

So far, this is the only inconsistency I have found. If I find more, I will update.

-Chibitori (talk)

Zhentarim Basement additional Shadowheart Apporval[edit source]

If you successfully intimidate Brem to let the artist go (20) then you get approval.

I believe there is an error regarding Shadowheart approval during her quest[edit source]

In the section regarding her positive approval in her quest in act 2, it states that preying into her mind and saying that you should move on, right before entering the last portion of the gauntlet, would net you +5 approval. From my experience, any attempt to pry into her mind will give you immediate disapproval... 21:39, 2 September 2024 (CEST)Reply

Checked the parsed dialogue files right now. Exactly this dialogue (when SH prays to Shar near the Verge and tells the player about the goddess' instructions, if I understood you correct) gives +5 points if the player agrees, even after prying in her mind. There are some undocumented points of Approval/Disapproval, too, which I will add to the list a bit later.
Generally, only a failed roll of prying into companion's mind with a Detect Thoughts/Wisdom gives a Disapproval. I can recall only one case (Gale, not SH), when he detests the very attempt to do it, nevertheless of result. Arikel (talk) 05:54, 3 September 2024 (CEST)Reply
The text definitely needs to be refined. I am not a wiki editor so I am unsure how to add/edit myself (otherwise I would) but I would certainly add a disclaimer in there of initial disapproval, the required dialogues to pick, an annotation of the player needing to agree to the requirements that are brought up by SH, than a total net +/- of the interaction... That would certainly prove most useful! Magnety YT (talk) 10:54, 3 November 2024 (CET)Reply
after further review it seems if you do everything correctly the net positive is +4. that was my result. Hope it helps. Thank you for your hard work on this wiki! Magnety YT (talk) 10:58, 3 November 2024 (CET)Reply
I checked the file again and corrected the line, adding a Note to clarify this option. As for citing lines, I'll leave it for those people who maintain general Approval pages act by act (they fit contents in tables with quotes if necessary). I tried to balance character Approval pages so that formulations were laconic and clear, but at the same time as close to the text as possible. Arikel (talk) 13:31, 3 November 2024 (CET)Reply