Latest comment: 8 August 2024 by in topic Weapon Proficiency
Lightfoot Halfling are not proficient in Stealth. They have advantage. — unsigned comment by (talk) 2023.11.28
- Hi! Fixed now, thanks! T-Furan (talk) 21:49, 28 November 2023 (CET)
Saving Throw Proficiency[edit source]
The Gloom Stalker ranger gets the ability Iron Mind at level 7, which provides Proficiency to Wisdom and Intelligence Saving Throws. Please add this to the Saving Throw Proficiency blurb, alongside the Resilient feat. Thank you! The wiki article on Iron Mind is here:
- Hi, thank you for this comment! I added a link there to a list of all ways to get saving throw proficiencies and added Iron Mind to that list since it was missing. Nattern (talk) 11:13, 19 February 2024 (CET)
Weapon Proficiency[edit source]
Bards who choose College of Swords gain Scimitar proficiency upon choosing the subclass. Clerics who take Tempest or War domain gain proficiency in martial weapons. Hopefully I am not leaving out anything else that is missing. 14:27, 8 August 2024 (CEST)