Talk:Deflect Missiles

Latest comment: 23 December 2023 by
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Apologies if this page isn't created to the proper standards, I have basically no idea how to edit or set up pages like this.

In any case, can someone look into the description of this ability? Under the description, it says that "...If the damage is reduced to 0, you use a Ki Point to Deflect the Missile."

However, both anecdotally and according to the ability's description below, this is not necessary. I have seen projectiles thrown back even if the damage was not reduced to 0. Perhaps I am wrong about this or maybe this ability was changed during development and this description hasn't been updated. Regardless, I'm not confident enough about my knowledge of this to change the page on my own, but perhaps someone else can if they feel so inclined. Just wanted someone to be aware of this. 01:08, 23 December 2023 (CET)Reply