
Latest comment: 10 November 2023 by T-Furan in topic The Final Scribe's *Boom*
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Shadowheart's Acolyte Inspirations[edit source]

I have been unable to activate The Final Scribe's Boon or Justice Sees All for Shadowheart in the official release.

The Final Scribe's *Boom*[edit source]

I haven't received this inspiration in the release version with Shadow heart in my party.

Also—I'm almost certain it must be the final scribe's *boon*, as in a helpful item, as opposed to *boom*, but I cannot confirm either way

Guys, this is supposed to be THE wiki. Which means the correct one. So why do you copy paste outdated wrong info from EA?! Better leave it empty for someone who can reliable update it than misleading others due to ignorance.

"The Final Scribe's Boom" - worked only in EA "Justice Sees All" - worked only in EA

And that is just after checking single topic from the beginning of Act 1. I fear to imagine how much other wrong stuff sits here, pretending to be useful.