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Find the Blood of Lathander

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Find the Blood of Lathander is a Quest in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be started at the Rosymorn Monastery.

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions and outcomes.

Explore Rosymorn Monastery.
  • We learned that a powerful holy relic, the Blood of Lathander, could be somewhere nearby. We should keep an eye out for it as we explore the monastery.
  • We learned from a dead pilgrim that a powerful holy relic, the Blood of Lathander, could be somewhere nearby. We should keep an eye out for it as we explore the Monastery.
  • We found a note from a Lathander worshipper about a precious relic called 'The Blood' hidden somewhere in Rosymorn Monastery. Perhaps we can find it in our exploration.
Find the true Blood of Lathander.
  • A fake artefact in Rosymorn Monastery was disguised as the Blood of Lathander - we should keep looking for the true relic.
Explore the Secret Chamber.
  • We moved some ancient Lathanderian statues and a secret passageway opened - we should see what lies within.
Find a purpose for the Dawnmaster's Crest.
  • We found an oddly shaped crest that belonged to a high priest of Lathander. Perhaps it can help us find the Blood of Lathander?
Get past the Secret Chamber's Lathanderian traps.
  • Very elaborate traps block our path down this passageway - whatever sits at the end must be worth protecting.
Retrieve the relic.
  • We bested the Secret Chamber's traps - we should see what they were guarding.
Escape the exploding Rosymorn Monastery.
  • We took the Blood of Lathander and sprung a trap that will destroy the Monastery, Crèche Y'llek underneath it, and us if we don't stop it or escape.
Quest Compete
  • We disarmed the Monastery's powerful trap, saving Crèche Y'llek and ourselves - and escaped with the Blood of Lathander.
  • We escaped the Monastery's powerful trap with the Blood of Lathander in tow - but Crèche Y'llek was destroyed in the process.
  • We used the Dawnmaster's Crest to safely retrieve the Blood of Lathander - Morninglord be praised.
  • We left the Blood of Lathander somewhere deep within Rosymorn Monastery.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Accessing the monastery[edit | edit source]

The broken door to the Monastery leads the way in.

The Rosymorn Monastery is accessed from the Mountain Pass. Find the Cable Car Wheel X: -47 Y: -74 and succeed in a Strength Strength check (DC 15) to summon the cable car. The party can climb on the cable car and use the wheel to move towards the Monastery. Following the path east triggers a cutscene triggers where a group of githyanki warriors shoot down some cultists. Unfortunately, the Rosymorn Monastery Doors are locked and magically enchanted, but there are broken windows that can be climbed through at X: 64 Y: 31 just west of the doors. Once inside, a number of drunk Kobolds must be dealt with to continue - one holds the Ceremonial Mace. Picking it up starts this quest.

The Dawnmaster's Crest[edit | edit source]

One way to acquire the Blood of Lathander is to acquire the Dawnmaster's Crest. To do this, the party must acquire three weapons: a mace, a warhammer, and a battleaxe. The party can find ceremonial versions of all three items, but also can use generic versions of the weapons (i.e. a Battleaxe). Completing the puzzle bestows the beneficial effect Morninglord's Radiance Morninglord's Radiance on all members the party. Alternatively, passing a passive DC 10 Perception check reveals the hidden chamber containing the crest, and a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check can unlock it, bypassing the puzzle and the beneficial effect Morninglord's Radiance Morninglord's Radiance entirely.

Ceremonial Mace[edit | edit source]

The Ceremonial Mace can be looted from Kobold Looter on the ground floor X: 40 Y: 28. An alternative Mace can be found to the southeast on the upper floor, by accessing the gravesite of Dawnmaster Stockhold at X: 127 Y: -5.

Ceremonial Battleaxe[edit | edit source]

The crack in the wall to the Battleaxe.

From the Kobold room, the party must move north to the giant crack in the wall. From here, the party must jump up the rocks to get higher up on the Monastery. Once atop of the rocks, it is necessary to jump across to the Monastery's roof. If moving south-east the party finds an enchanted door X: 95 Y: 46. The door can be lockpicked (DC 15) and the barricades can be jumped over. Otherwise, the wall to the south can be destroyed with force or bludgeoning damage X: 106 Y: 38. Once inside, there is a Guardian of Faith. On the ground below it is the Ceremonial Battleaxe. Picking it up causes the Guardian to attack.

Ceremonial Warhammer[edit | edit source]

The eagle's nest has the warhammer

The Ceremonial Warhammer is on the topmost floor of the Monastery, in the centre of a Giant Eagle's nest. There are two sets of Knotted Roots that can be climbed - one to the north X: 54 Y: 55 and one to the west X: 89 Y: 41.

Once arriving on the roof, an eagle warns them off, requiring either a DC 18 Animal Handling check or a Persuasion Persuasion check (with Speak with Animals Speak with Animals active). If succeeding one of the checks, the Ancient Giant Eagle Ancient Giant Eagle and Giant Eagle Giant Eagle remain neutral, although they attack, if the party members move too close to the nest. If using Fog Cloud Fog Cloud or Darkness Darkness and Invisibility Invisibility, the party can sneak and grab the warhammer while the eagles are unaware. Alternatively, the party can kill the giant eagles and pick up the warhammer after they are dead.

Placing the weapons[edit | edit source]

On the same floor as the Guardian of Faith, there is a room with a giant stained-glass window X: 74 Y: 68. Examining the window indicates which Dawnmaster uses what weapon, although one of the panels is too shattered to read.

An optional hint is available down the hall; northeast, there are a set of two doors X: 54 Y: 41 where crying can be heard. Upon opening the door, nine Gremishka Gremishkas attack. Once they are defeated, the party must move to the southwest corner of the room. If lockpicking the gated area, the party can find a book The Parables of Dawnmaster Vaseid, which shows Dawnmaster Vaseid, wielding a battleaxe.

There are four stone tables with plaques, that list the names of Dawnmasters. One of them is already complete, with a Ceremonial Longsword. The party must drag and drop the weapons to the correct tables:

Dawnmaster Seed Warhammer
Dawnmaster Stockhold Mace
Dawnmaster Vaseid Battleaxe

Once the weapons are placed on the correct tables, a secret section of the wall opens up with a pouch that contains the Dawnmaster's Crest and Note to the Next Dawnmaster. Completing the puzzle bestows the beneficial effect Morninglord's Radiance Morninglord's Radiance upon all members the party.

Placing the weapons on the correct tables grants 35 experience. Reading the note progresses the quest and grants 30 experience.

The Githyanki Crèche[edit | edit source]

The correct orientation for the statues.
Overview of puzzle.
Climbing the rocks to get to the next area.
The second Energy Source.

From the stained glass room, the party must move south up the hall, and then jump across the gap to the east, where the enchanted door was. The party must move further south, then east to find a set of crumbling stairs. It is necessary to jump past the gaps to follow the stairs down. Once down the stairs, the party must move north to a barricade on the western wall. It is necessary to destroy it and to walk through. Then the party must head north through the oak door, then keep moving west past the statue of Lathander. There is a lever on the wall at X: 78 Y: 49, that opens the monastery doors, which can make re-entering the monastery easier. Reading the plaque Holy Blood of Lathander under the statue progresses the quest and grants 30 xp.

After moving west, if following the stairs to north, the party will reach the Monastery Basement X: 74 Y: 80 where Crèche Y'llek resides. The githyanki are suspicious to outsiders, but Lae'zel Lae'zel can smooth the way without any checks if she is in the party, or the party can gain access by persuading, intimidating, or deceiving the guards.

The party must enter the Captain's Chambers, where the Kith'rak of the creche is arguing with an Inquisitor. The way forward is blocked by a shield generated by the Githyanki Barrier Disruptor at X: 1390 Y: -757. A Gith Shard is needed to open the way, which is carried by Therezzyn Kith'rak Therezzyn. It is possible to steal it, or fight the Kith'rak to gain the shard. Inquisitor Ch'r'ai recognises the party and tells them to enter, opening the way.

If moving into the Inquisitor's Chambers, the Inquisitor, W'wargaz Ch'r'ai W'wargaz is waiting there to speak to the party. For this quest, it is possible to ignore him to avoid making the crèche hostile and move straight to the western hallway X: 1330 Y: -660. Two statues here must be rotated - the southern one requires a passive DC 25 Athletics check check to move and must be turned westward, while the northern one must be turned eastward. If the Athletics Athletics check was failed, the statue can be covered in Grease Grease or attacked instead. A path opens in the wall with some barrels that can be jumped over, moved aside, or destroyed. Entering the hallway grants the party 30 exp. It is necessary to proceed west to the Secret Stairway. The Energy Source crystal on the south side of the barrier can be destroyed with ranged attacks.

In the next room there is a Dawnbreaker that shoots out pulses pulses to knock the party away. The Turn-based mode will automatically activate, allowing the party to run up to and disarm it with a DC 14 Sleight of Hand check. Unfortunately, the path forward is still blocked. The party must head to some rocks and climb them, then follow the path around to find another energy source X: 1118 Y: -790; alternatively, the energy source can be destroyed with tracking spells such as Magic Missile Magic Missile without requiring to climb on the rocks. The final energy is on the rocks to the north.

Moving forward, the party gains 30 exp and can finally find the The Blood of Lathander. From here, there are several options for the party.

Using the Dawnmaster's Crest[edit | edit source]

If the Dawnmaster's Crest was obtained, it is necessary to place it in the altar's item slot to safely take the Blood of Lathander and receive 145 exp. Placing the crest after taking the mace, also deactivates the trap.

Taking the Mace by Force[edit | edit source]

If the Blood of Lathander is taken without the Dawnmaster's Crest, it activates a deadly trap that risks the destruction of the entire Monastery. This turns the Githyanki at the crèche hostile. The party has only four turns to either escape the Monastery or destroy the four Lathander Solar Machines that activate the trap. Whichever party member grabbed the mace is trapped behind a forcefield and cannot act until they've escaped (Misty Step Misty Step or Dimension Door Dimension Door work here). Alternatively, the party can destroy the energy source X: 1063 Y: -788 below the platform powering the forcefield. If the Solar Machines are destroyed the creche is still intact, otherwise the creche is destroyed by the blast. Some companions, who get stuck in the blast have unique dialogue afterwards.

Quest rewards[edit | edit source]

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Taking Blood
Steal the Blood of Lathander from underneath Rosymorn Monastery.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • If carrying the Sentient Amulet when reaching the altar where The Blood of Lathander is sitting, the Monk's manifestation will comment on it: "The Blood of Lathander, as I barely live and hardly breathe. HahaHAhaha."