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Maddala Deadeye

Revision as of 03:35, 26 January 2025 by Hawkeye (talk | contribs)
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Maddala Deadeye is a Human Rogue. As a hireling, she can be recruited at camp and respecced at any time.


Madalla's blindness was cured by another True Soul passing through their village - so both of them[1] could watch it being burnt to the ground around them. Such was the price of refusing the Absolute.


Recruit a hireling. You can befriend them or use them as cannon-fodder - we won't judge.


  1. Although refered to as "They", the backstory given in-game says "her village" not "their village". "They", used in-game, is likely plural, referring to both Madalla and the other True Soul.