So glad that this resource exists! Updating as I go no my first playsthrough.
My top tips:
- a one level dip in Monk lets you dump Strength and focus on Dexterity
- choosing to play an Origin character lets you experience their story. Particularly good for the companions that you never take with you.
- multiple playsthrough mean you can relax about dialogue roll results, or the choices you make
- also: Larian is bigger on choices than on consequences
Useful one level dips
- Barbarian gets you rage and unarmoured option
- Bard gets inspiration and musical proficiency
- War Cleric gives 3 bonus attacks per long rest, and heavy armour and spells too
- Fighter gives a fighting style, and equipment proficiencies
- Monk makes most weapons scale by Dexterity, and gives a bonus 1d4 unarmed attack (roughly analogous to offhand for dual wielders)
- Ranger gets Natural Explorer and Favoured Enemy, with the potential for Heavy Armour
- Rogue gets 1d6 Sneak Attack and an expertise
- Warlock gets you Eldritch Blast which scales by character level
- The Great Old One potentially frightens on a Critical Hit
- The Fiend gives a source of temporary HP
Remember that your Spellcasting Ability for scrolls (and items?) comes from your most recent Level 1 class