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This page focuses on Ansur's behaviour during combat encounters.

This page is a list of information, rather than a guide. Please refer to separate pages for full combat guides.

Attacks and abilities

This section briefly describes Ansur's abilities, and how he uses them. See their individual pages for more information.

Lightning Breath Lightning Breath ()
12d6 (12~72) Damage TypesLightning

Breathe bolts of lightning that strike and possibly Shock Shock your foes.

DEX Save
 Range: 60 m / 200 ft
AoE: 6 m / 20 ft (Radius)
Recharge: Per turn
Multiattack Multiattack ()
+ +
4d6 (4~24) Damage TypesLightning

Ravage your foes with claws and rotted draconic fangs.

 Range: 4 m / 13 ft
Slam Slam ()

Slam the ground, possibly knocking nearby targets Prone Prone.

 Range: 4 m / 13 ft
AoE: 3 m / 10 ft (Radius)

[[* Beat your draconic wings and take flight  Range: 30 m / 100 ft.  Movement ]]

Gather Power Gather Power ()
Take flight, land, and begin to gather power.
 Range: 30 m / 100 ft
Recharge: Per turn
Stormheart Nova Stormheart Nova ()
18d10 (18~180) Damage TypesLightning

Blast the entire arena with an explosion of lightning, possibly Shocking Shocking your foes.

DEX Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
AoE: 40 m / 130 ft (Radius)
Recharge: Per turn
Bout of Storms Bout of Storms
6d10 (6~60) Damage TypesLightning

Ansur calls down tines of lightning that strike all around him in wild erratic patterns.

 Range: 99 m / 325 ft

[[* Ansur gains condition Legendary Action: Draconic Wrath Legendary Action: Draconic Wrath at the start of each round. While this status is active, he will use Lightning Breath Lightning Breath on the first creature who attacks him. ]]


This information is not specified on Ansur's Examine page, but has resulted from contributor testing.


Immunities include Conditions that, according to in-game UI messages, cannot be afflicted onto this character. Conditions that are not explicit "Immune to" messages can still go in this section, but please provide more detail about what combat actions are prevented.

Ansur is immune to all of the following Conditions:


Vulnerabilities include specific named Conditions that can be afflicted onto this character, even if the chance of successfully afflicting this condition on the character is very low.

Ansur can be affected by all of the following Conditions:



Phase one

When combat begins, all party members in the area automatically enter combat if present in the area, even if hiding and were in the previous room when the conversation ends.

Ansur will generally use Lightning Breath Lightning Breath, Multiattack (Ansur) Multiattack (Ansur), or Slam Slam on nearby party members before flying to a nearby location. He will repeat this process until his hit points have been reduce to between 2/3 to 1/2 of his maximum hp.

Once Ansur's hit points has been sufficiently reduced, he will use Gather Power Gather Power to begin hoarding energy. While in this state, he will not take any other actions, and will be resistant to all damage types. After hoarding energy, he will release Stormheart Nova Stormheart Nova, dealing enough Lightning damage to potentially kill the entire party in one hit. This attack will only hit creatures that have the condition Ansur's Ire Ansur's Ire, which can be removed by taking cover.

Phase two

After using his Stormheart Nova, Ansur will summon five lightning strikes each turn with his attack Bout of Storms. Any creatures standing inside the strikes will take damage at the end of the round. On Tactician or Honour difficulty, rain will begin to fall on the battlefield and make every party member permanently Wet Wet.


Ansur is a challenging opponent with high AoE damage, a large amount of hit points, and dangerous reactions. All of his attacks can hit multiple targets, punishing party members that stay close to one another or large armies of summoned creatures. Furthermore, his massive hitbox can make it extremely difficult to avoid taking his AoE Opportunity Attacks.

Ansur is also very difficult to incapictate. As an Undead he cannot be targeted by many spells, and most of his saving throws are extremely high. However, his INT saving throws are by far the weakest which makes Mind Blast Mind Blast and other Illithid powers an effective option to deal with him.

The two Water Myrmidons he summons can be quite problematic since their Healing Vapours Healing Vapours ability covers a large area in a water surface that Ansur can turn into an Electrified Surface. It is generally best to kill them first before they become too much of a nuisance.

Since the majority of Ansur's damage is Damage TypesLightning, it can be reduced via sources of lightning resistance: