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Wild Shape

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Main Page > Character Creation > Playable Classes > Druid > Level Progression > Wild Shape

File:Wild Shape Tooltip.jpg
Ingame tooltip

Wild Shape is a level 2 Druid's Class Feature that allow them to magically transform into various creatures in order to fight in combat, or explore surroundings. Currently, there are 7 creatures Druids can Wild Shape into (some are only available to specific Druid's Subclass).


Magically assume the shape of a beast. While in animal shape, you can't talk or cast Spells.


  • Your Ability Scores become the Ability Scores of the creature while Wild Shaped (Excluding Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom).
  • When you hit 0 Hit Points, you revert back to your original form (with the same Hit Points before Wild Shaping). If the damage reduce the Wild Shape's form Hit Points below 0, the remaining damage is applied to the original form.
  • You do not lose Concentration while in beast form.
  • Your equipment are merged into your beast form and do not have any effect until you revert back.

Wild Shape Action


As an Action, you can assume the form of a beast. You can transform twice per Short Rest.

Ingame tooltip

Combat Wild Shape Action (Circle Of The Moon)


As an Bonus Action, you can assume the form of a beast. You can transform twice per Short Rest.

Ingame tooltip

List Of Creatures

Wild Shape: Cat

Wild Shape: Badger

Wild Shape: Bear (Only Circle of the Moon)

Wild Shape: Wolf

Wild Shape: Spider

Wild Shape: Dire Raven (Only Lv 4 Circle of the Moon)

Wild Shape: Deep Rothé (Only Lv 4 Circle of the Moon)